Where To Travel This Summer, According To Your Star Sign

where to travel based on your star sign
Where To Travel, According To The ZodiacInstagram/Kendall Jenner

It's that time of year again, when summer and all of its buoyant optimism seems at once both just around the corner and lightyears away.

If the very idea of saving, searching and scouring the internet for places to visit in the hope of sunshine then fear not, for we've looked to the stars for advice regarding holiday destinations.


According to recently released data from Skyscanner, 83% of Brits are keen to travel to new destinations this summer, so consider this your summer cheat sheet of where you ought to venture to based on your zodiac.

A Sagittarius in Santorini? An Aries in Anguilla? A Capricorn in Capri? Just thank us when your muscles have collapsed with relaxation and you're as spiritually aligned and sun-kissed as you could ever hope to be (be sure to employ the use of that all-important SPF though). This is where to travel to in summer 2024 based on your star sign.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

An active, dreamy and outgoing Aries is best suited to the sort of holiday with adventure at its heart. Peru's Machu Picchu would be a no-brainer for an Aries to be able to scratch their itch for exploration in the most beautiful once-in-a-lifetime setting.

If Peru is too far-flung then look instead to the coastal city of Paphos, which is sequestered on the rugged southwestern coastline of Cyprus. Laced with the clearest waters which in turn glistens under the glare of the sun, there's no place for the adventurous heart of an Aries quite like Paphos (just trust us on this one).

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Tauruses tend to be regimented with their travel itineraries, which means that the key when planning trips ought to be unadulterated relaxation. Think: sun, sleep and, erm, massages for those tense Tauruses.

For those Tauruses looking to travel this summer, look to the lapping waters of Turks and Caicos for a slice of serenity or the tranquility of the Six Senses Ibiza, which is nestled at the peaceful and private northern tip of the island.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Represented by the twins of the zodiac, Geminis are known for having constant reserves of energy making them the perfect star sign to hunt out breaks in cities that never (or rarely) sleep.

This year's holiday hotspot is set to be the Japanese capital of Tokyo, which is the perfect blend of west and east for an on-the-move Gemini. But in case the most populous city on earth is a step too far, then just a short flight away from Tokyo is the South Korean capital of Seoul, which promises to tick all of Geminis' boxes.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers tend to be the emotional backbones of their groups, which means that a holiday that offers some kind of sense of belonging will make a fantastic getaway for the crab.

'Cancerians need a home from home so often return to the same places time after time, preferring a small villa with the family over a busy resort,' astrologist Kirsty Gallagher and author of The Goddess Path tells ELLE UK. 'Wherever they go it needs to feel intimate, safe and secure and somewhere that easily provides all that they need without them having to venture too far to find it.'

Look to the rolling hills of Tuscany or the quiet, sleepy towns dotted along the southern coast of France for optimal Cancer-ready breaks.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Known for their embrace of all things luxury while on holiday, it's unsurprising that Leos tend to favour shorter breaks that allow them to fully indulge themselves. Look to Bodrum's five-star hotel Macakizi, which is surrounded by crystal-clear waters, or the Six Senses' latest opening in Kyoto for a touch of luxury while traversing Japan.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

As the healer of the zodiac, it's important for Virgos to slow down and rest when they travel. 'Virgos love organisation and will best enjoy a holiday where the itinerary can be mapped out in advance. There also needs to be an element of wellness and a chance to slow down, rest and take care of themselves so a retreat setting where everything is taken care of would be ideal,' Gallagher tells ELLE UK.

With a slight emotional similarity to Cancerians, Virgos will benefit from pressing the breaks on their day-to-day life while travelling. Look to retreats nestled high in the hills of Koh Samui or on the lapping shores of Bali for ultimate relaxation points.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

'Always looking for balance Libras will generally go with the flow and make the most of any holiday situation they find themselves in,' Gallagher says. 'They'd be happiest balancing time resting and recuperating alongside exploring the local culture.'

The ultimate spot a Libra should head to this summer? Madrid or Rome, where the Soho House promises not only wellness but culture too.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

'With a desire to dive deep into themselves and anywhere they travel Scorpios don’t want surface-level anything, they need a destination with depth and something to explore,' Gallagher explains.

The place that's calling the name of all Scorpios this year? Mexico, where there's not only a bounty of cultural activities on offer in its capital, Mexico City, but also the option of escaping into the embrace of nature in Tulum and Isla Holbox. Plenty of time for alone time and fun time.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Travelling is one of Sagittarius' favourite things to do, which makes them a perfect partner to adventure with. This year, if they're craving a true getaway, look to the sequestered country of Madagascar or the nature-filled Galapagos Islands, which will provide adventure, nature and everything in-between.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The well-heeled and ever-ambitious sign of Capricorn struggles to switch off, even when on holiday, which means that a break appealing to their adventurous nature is what's needed. Gallagher says: 'They like to be productive even when on holiday and so enjoy planning each day and achieving as much as possible on every day.'

The destination to head to this year is either Copenhagen, which will appeal to all of a Capricorns' senses in the heat of summer, or Paris, where they can enjoy the buzz of the Olympics, while also losing themselves in the culture of the French capital.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

A sign to really go with the flow, Aquariuses ought to be required to do very little while they're away. 'Aquariuses need something unusual, off-the-beaten-track and adventurous,' says Gallagher. 'The more they can experience, learn and be free, the better.'

An adventure to India and everything it has to offer would be the perfect in-the-moment trip for an Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The only thing required by a Pisces when travelling is the ability to switch off and get lost in the moment. For that reason, and that reason only, the sleepy Sicilian town of Taormina (yes, the home of the second season of The White Lotus) is a no-brainer for a Pisces. It's fun and gentle without ever requiring too much of a person; in short, it's the perfect holiday destination.

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