Francis Ford Coppola’s 40-year battle to film Megalopolis | Megalopolis : r/movies Skip to main content

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Francis Ford Coppola’s 40-year battle to film Megalopolis | Megalopolis

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u/MadlibVillainy avatar

Feels like this has all the ingredient to be one of those "biggest flops of all time " movies like Heavens gate.

u/MichaelRichardsAMA avatar

Aka every francis ford production of all time

u/struansTaipan avatar

The Godfather is regarded as a flop?

u/MichaelRichardsAMA avatar

Sorry I could have used more words. Every single production he has ever done has been described as nightmarish and horrific to work in

u/Patrick2701 avatar

Godfather and apocalypse now were insane productions

To be honest if this film wasn’t a nightmare to film I would be more worried.

An article just came out saying he was trying to kiss all the topless extras

u/struansTaipan avatar

Yeah the problem there was you responding to a comment that mentions it being a flop, so you can see the confusion.

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u/-------7654321 avatar

I get the same vibes…

u/MadlibVillainy avatar

And I'm not saying it will be bad either. As a matter of fact , Heavens Gate is not a terrible movie. But the budget , the whole passion project thing, how long it has been worked on , and the few anecdotes from the filming you can find here and there... sounds like a beautiful mess ?

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The last time he went all in he made Apocalypse Now, so let’s hope history repeats itself.

u/UnifiedQuantumField avatar

Even if it's a flop, it's Coppola.

u/NotSureNotRobot avatar

It’s just a Coppola movies

u/Ihaaatehamsters avatar


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I cringed throughout the whole trailer. It never let up.

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u/DJ-2K avatar

Several sources also felt that Coppola could be "old-school" in his behavior around women. He allegedly pulled women to sit on his lap, for example. And during one bacchanalian nightclub scene being shot for the film, witnesses say, Coppola came on to the set and tried to kiss some of the topless and scantily clad female extras. He apparently claimed he was "trying to get them in the mood."


u/Significant_You_2735 avatar

I’ll lay money on that doing precisely the opposite.

u/VituperousJames avatar

Oh come on, what woman isn't turned on by being sexually assaulted by her octogenarian boss?

u/jessevargas avatar

This guy is not an octopus doctor. He’s a filmmaker.

u/oxhasbeengreat avatar

Goddammit.... I can't believe I just laughed that hard at such a stupid joke. Have the upvote. You've earned it.

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After seeing Hearts of Darkness, all I can think of when his name comes up in any context is his beet red dinner plate nipples

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u/Saltire_Blue avatar

The mood for what exactly?

Walking in front of a bus?

He was also a huge supporter of convicted pedophile Victor Salva helping him lower his sentence from 3 years to 15 months and continued to support his film projects when he was released. Coppola has made some great films but he’s a vile piece of shit

I just want to add that he also killed the victim’s career because he spoke out.

The guy literally blamed the 12 year old for being molested. And he was only like 8 when it occured, absolutely disgusting.

u/MeiNeedsMoreBuffs avatar

I'm starting to realise why he's been having trouble finding a distributor

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He’s less apologetic about Salva’s crimes than Salva himself. They’re both scum, but it takes effort to match the scumminess of a child molester. 

Most people in Hollywood are

Someone that works in the industry said in another thread a while back that if you’re famous in Hollywood, you’re almost definitely compromised.

You’re either an abuser or turned a blind eye towards abuse that you were aware of so as not to sabotage your career trajectory.

I don’t know if that’s true, but it definitely stuck with me.

u/AccomplishedShift302 avatar

I can unfortunately see that applying to any system or institution that has the opportunity for growth and power. It attracts the worst, and facilitates its continuing exploitation.

Sad how extremely prevalent it is.

u/samuraicream avatar

sure listen to strangers on reddit

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You may be right

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Comment removed by moderator

u/Troyal1 avatar

Salva absolutely did something illegal tho.

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u/scofieldslays avatar

In response to comments about Coppola’s on-set behaviour, the executive co-producer Darren Demetre stated: “I have known and worked with Francis and his family for over 35 years. As one of the first assistant directors and an executive producer on his new epic, Megalopolis, I helped oversee and advise the production and ran the second unit. Francis successfully produced and directed an enormous independent film, making all the difficult decisions to ensure it was delivered on time and on budget, while remaining true to his creative vision. There were two days when we shot a celebratory Studio 54-esque club scene where Francis walked around the set to establish the spirit of the scene by giving kind hugs and kisses on the cheek to the cast and background players. It was his way to help inspire and establish the club atmosphere, which was so important to the film. I was never aware of any complaints of harassment or ill behaviour during the course of the project.”

Not really a denial from the producer. I would bet the truth is in the middle.

Meh truth being in the middle is not a good way to look at stuff like sexual harassment/assault. It's like saying Harvey Weinstein's sexual assaults could be "truth in the middle", when no one wants that balllsack looking fucker touching them.

u/samuraicream avatar

you cant compare this to weinstein bruh

An 84 year old man walking around the set of a film he's directing kissing women without their consent, how is it NOT like Weinstein 😂.

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u/coacoanutbenjamn avatar

Sounds like typical PR defense. I would guess the truth is even worse than what was reported


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Look at you, so adorable. Thinking the concept of “truth” still exists.

Trump and social media have pissed on truths grave long ago

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“Thank you that was terrific. Now can we try one more cut but this time without the erection.”

A man whose movies feature women being powerless, aloof, a romantic interest or abused (or all of the above). Who also supported a pedophile. I'm not surprised how he is "old school" aka an old creep lol

u/Aen-Seidhe avatar

God damn it. Why does it feel like everyone in Hollywood is a scumbag.

u/Renegadeforever2024 avatar

Society as a whole was doa

u/bravetailor avatar

Yeah. I'm betting there are a lot of people in here who wouldn't look too good if their life was an open book as well.

u/Sunbiggin avatar

Apart from the murders, I have nothing to hide.

u/Eric_Whitebeard avatar

I think you pretty much win internet discourse with this comment

u/RKU69 avatar

Yeah but pretty much nobody here is in a position of power and wealth, from which they can commit abuses for long periods of time over lots of people

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Because they are

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u/NorthernDevil avatar

“Old-school,” always my favorite euphemism for sexual harassment

The article does have another witness explaining he was going around hugging and kissing most of the cast and crew but don't quote that


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Because cancel culture isn’t really a thing

I mean, Jon Voight hangs dong in it

u/Mysterious-Job-1210 avatar

this is what movies are made for. I will be seated

u/DJ-2K avatar

Be ashamed of who you are.

u/Mysterious-Job-1210 avatar

why would I

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u/realsomalipirate avatar

You support sexual harassment? I feel bad for the women in your life.

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u/Real-Zookeepergame-5 avatar

The climax of this films script in the 90s was Adam Driver having sex with a teen

u/Krillin113 avatar

Come again

He already did

u/AccomplishedShift302 avatar

And allegedly, despite being under the impression she was 15, it turns out she's 27 but her managers market her as younger to sell to a younger audience.

Insane shit.

u/Krillin113 avatar


u/AccomplishedShift302 avatar

I'm sorry?

I'm just filling in what happens with the rest of the story to add context as to how insane his writing decisions for the movie are. An early draft from the early 2000s exists, it's where I'm getting this from.

So what makes me a bot?

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So Driver's character is supposed to be a pedo or like what's the context?

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u/_byetony_ avatar

“A battle” against like himself tho

I’m not caught up with Coppola’s work but I’ve been excited for this movie since I heard the summary. It’s a big, fuck-off film with an artist at the helm and no one to tell him what not to do. Truly, we rarely get these anymore.

It looks insane and over the top and I can’t wait to buy my ticket. Also, Driver is always a draw for me.

u/TheWallE avatar

I feel like in the last 5 years we have gotten more and more of those, The Irishman, Napoleon, Beau is Afraid... heck you could even say stuff like Benedetta and Rebel Moon.

All movies by filmmakers consider auteurs made more or less with out anyone from the studios saying no to just about anything.

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u/MegaMan3k avatar

I wonder if the secret is that the Megalopolis documentary will be way more successful than Megalopolis....?

u/TeeFitts avatar

Such a cheap character assassination full of unnamed sources.

Adam Driver’s first day on set was particularly memorable, a source suggests. One aspect of the story involves Driver’s character’s body fusing with some futuristic organic material. Rather than using digital techniques, Coppola wanted to achieve the effect through old-school methods, using projectors and mirrors, much as he had done on Dracula, 30 years earlier. “That’s great, except nobody can move,” says the crew member. “So they basically strapped Adam Driver into a chair for six hours, and they literally took a $100 projector and projected an image on the side of his head. I’m all for experimentation, but this is really what you want to do the first day with your $10m actor?” The effect would have been quick and easy to create digitally, they say. “So he [Coppola] spends literally half of a day on what could have been done in 10 minutes.”

I mean, these people are fools, right? It's like there's no other way to make movies for them other than on the level of mainstream blockbuster filmmaking. They'd balk at William Friedkin building a hydraulic bridge for Sorcerer and then having two full-sized trucks drive accross it in a violent storm, even though this is now one of the most celebrated and talked about sequences in film history associated with a film that flopped with critics and audiences on its initial release. Forget Werner Herzog pulling a full size ship over a mountain ("why didn't you just use miniatures or animation.")

A lot of time was, apparently, wasted. A second crew member recalls: “He would often show up in the mornings before these big sequences and because no plan had been put in place, and because he wouldn’t allow his collaborators to put a plan in place, he would often just sit in his trailer for hours on end, wouldn’t talk to anybody, was often smoking marijuana … And hours and hours would go by without anything being filmed. And the crew and the cast would all stand around and wait. And then he’d come out and whip up something that didn’t make sense, and that didn’t follow anything anybody had spoken about or anything that was on the page, and we’d all just go along with it, trying to make the best out of it. But pretty much every day, we’d just walk away shaking our heads wondering what we’d just spent the last 12 hours doing.” As a third crew member puts it: “This sounds crazy to say, but there were times when we were all standing around going: ‘Has this guy ever made a movie before?’”

Oddly enough, there's anecdotes of nearly every great auteur filmmaker directing like this. Fellini, Lang, Godard, Varda, Herzog, Wenders, Kurosawa, the whole idea of the filmmaker as jazz musician, as a sculptor, finding the film as they go, experimenting, correcting, changing the shape of the film intuitively, both on-set and then in the edit.

It just seems like the conflict here is the idea that film is an art vs film as a business and the sense that a filmmaker can use as much of their own time and money as they want with the sole intention of finding something new and different for the sake of it being new and different. I hate these people.


It sounds like a typical film crew tbh. I was crew for 7 years and very often the crew doesn’t comprehend the end vision in the directors head and the end result.

So we’ll criticize certain on set actions by the director/DP pretty ignorantly (although sometimes they are just being stupid), and just in general the way the hierarchy is set up there’s some resentment to the top that are kind of dictating everyone’s 15 hour day on a whim. And there’s so many variables and moving parts on a film set and sometimes doing something in a clunky way for reason X, Y or Z is easier than doing it properly. But you don’t have the time to explain this rational to every crew member on a daily basis. Better you get some weird looks and power through it for the result you want.

I criticized things too, everyone does, but pushing these criticisms to a journalist is pretty shitty.

u/thro-uh-way109 avatar

Lol I could hear the smug, monotonous “I’m a union crew guy and I seem to despise everything and everyone” voice in my head the entire time I read the quotes from the source. This is a trope in theater too.

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Unnamed because they seem to be crew members who actively work in the industry and don’t want their names to be associated. Being a good director doesn’t mean doing fuck all and getting high in ur trailer like the article says.

u/kimodokeith avatar

I'm pretty sure he's constantly seen doing it during the Apocalypse Now making of 'Hearts of Darkness', and I think that's a pretty stellar movie.

u/samuraicream avatar

hes allowed to work how he wants he self funded the movie and is 84 years old


Yeah, but people who do fuck all and get high in their trailers all day will read that and identify with Capella's "misunderstood genius"

It’s disrespectful to the crew who may have turned down other opportunities, or are going through great personal cost to work on the “Coppola Movie” at the end of the day, its a job just like everything else and nobody should have to feel like they’re being treated like an afterthought

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u/MrBoliNica avatar

just bc hes a great auteur, doesnt really give him carte blanche to both do whatever he wants on set, and not get shit for it.

u/kabobkebabkabob avatar

correct in terms of the unprofessional behavior. he sounds like a dickhead. but as far as creative choices, logistics, hiring/firing and workflow, he can do whatever he wants. he funded the whole ass movie.

u/MrBoliNica avatar

That doesn’t give free him from getting shit for it.

u/kabobkebabkabob avatar

Oh for sure lol this article is hilarious

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“My money” so I can waste professionals time and experience for hours a day to noodle on old filmmaking techniques that will hurt the overall ability of this independent company to finish this film. So brave

u/kabobkebabkabob avatar

If it's within the scope of the workday and they're getting paid he's not wasting their time. I'm not saying the creative choices were wise lol just saying he can do whatever dumb shit he wants with his money

u/RandomJPG6 avatar

He's the one paying for it so as long as the professionals are getting paid let him have at it. He probably shouldn't hire people if he doesn't trust their professional opinion, but it's his money so he can spend it how he pleases.

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u/ForAGoodTimeCall911 avatar

I would agree if he weren't literally footing the bill.

u/MrBoliNica avatar

so if you worked for a company, youd let the owner of the company treat you like shit, and youd be ok if you were told "you can never complain about how im treating you, you can either take it or leave, but never say anything". NA. id quit and tell the world if its that bad

u/Own_Independence3785 avatar

There’s so much literature about what a Coppola set is like. Forget Glassdoor, there are feature length documentaries about how stressful they are

u/ForAGoodTimeCall911 avatar

My thing is like, ok, this guy in his 80s is creepy and can be difficult to work with. But the system isn't supporting him. He had to pay for this movie out of his own pocket. So what am I supposed to do, exactly?

Because if you compare the stuff Coppola's accused of here to the accusations against say, Cary Fukunaga, the latter is clearly way, way worse. But Fukunaga just got a shiny new gig directing a Tom Hardy/Mahershala Ali movie. It's not actually about who's a good person, it's about who does what the studios tell them to. Coppola isn't getting hit pieces written against him because of the substance of his actions, it's because he's working outside the ecosystem, so he's a "fair" target. It's a little ridiculous. All that we can ultimately do is draw our own lines and choose what movies we see...and to me, it looks like he's made a hell of a movie.

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u/Sensitive_ManChild avatar