By now, all parents and boys will have been supplied with revision lists for the summer term examinations. I sincerely hope that the boys have already embarked upon their revision programme and will also have approached staff for any necessary assistance. Mr Vincent will confirm the examination timetable next week. You will see that we do not commence with the examinations on the Monday. It will start on Tuesday, the 4 June. Subject teachers have been assisting boys by giving them advice as to how they should approach learning for an examination. In a recent assembly this advice offered in the classroom was repeated and it was interesting to hear the various study methods utilised by the boys in the Senior School.

We are really proud to be able to announce that earlier this week we received the good news from Tonbridge School that all five candidates who sat the recent Scholarship Examinations were each awarded a Scholarship. We congratulate the following boys, viz. Edward B, Eli C, Tom S, Frederick P and Shabd L.

On Tuesday night The New Beacon Chapel Choir sang in the IAPS Singing Event at Benenden School. By all accounts they sang superbly and they received plaudits from the accompanying staff members, as well as from members of the public. Well done to the boys who did us and themselves proud. The staff who are also members of The New Beacon choir deserve our congratulations as well.

The Chapel Choir will again be performing at the Evensong Service at Tonbridge School on Sunday at 7.15pm. You are more than welcome to attend this service in the Chapel of St Augustine.

The NBPA are hard at work in preparation for the annual Summer Fete which takes place on Saturday, the 8 June. On Wednesday next week the boys will be afforded the opportunity to view the raffle prizes that can be won on the day. There are indeed some special prizes and well worth spending a bit of money in the hope of snaffling one or even more of these prizes.

On Tuesday morning the year 7 and 8 boys were in the audience for the year 4 dress rehearsal and were well entertained by some super young thespians who gave it their all on the stage. This delightful ‘underwater extravaganza’ reminded many of the senior boys of their own Junior School performances.

Mr Knipe
Head of Senior School


Could you have a rummage around in the garage and see if you have a beach bucket and spade that you would like to donate to the school. We will be taking them with us on the trip in June. As was evident by  last years’ group of year 8 boys in Cornwall, boys definitely still enjoy digging trenches and building castles. We won’t only be resorting to building sand castles as other beach games will be enjoyed as well.


On Sunday, 19 May, the Chapel Choir will be joining with the Tonbridge Chapel Choir to sing at their Evensong Service. All are very welcome to attend. The service starts at 7.15pm  and should last approximately 75 minutes.


It has been noted and reported that a few parents are not adhering to the speed limit on the drive around the school at drop-off and pick-up times. All drivers are reminded that they must observe the speed limit, be vigilant as you drive on the campus and certainly not be using mobiles until you are stationary.

Even though we regularly remind boys about their own safety on the campus, there is bound to be an occasion that one or more boys may not observe the necessary safety checks before crossing at the pedestrian crossings.


Your son will be reminded that he should have taken all relevant books, files and notes by Friday, 24 May. Please could you assist us by reinforcing this message at home. We cannot guarantee that the school will be open during the half-term break should he have neglected to take them home.


We have recently been inundated with requests for boys to be off school for a myriad of reasons. Most are emergencies and we fully understand and are sympathetic when these do arise. Might I, however, remind you to email the Head, Mrs Brownsdon with your request and also copy the form teacher into this correspondence.


As the weather improves and our boys are more active at break times and also after PE and games sessions, we encourage our boys to use a stick or roll-on deodorant.

I would recommend that they use a good roll-on or tube rather than a spray.

We will not encourage your son to have a spray deodorant at school due to historic ‘mishaps’. We would rather not have to deal with the fallout of someone accidently or mischievously being on the receiving end of getting spray in the eyes. An interesting fact relating to spray deodorants is that a mere 14% of the spray ever reaches the armpits.


Boys playing home fixtures are requested to bring their water bottles to home fixtures. There will be water filling stations for the boys to replenish their water bottles. We are trying to do away with supplying plastic bottles of water.


Caterham School are inviting parents to join them for a Summer Drinks evening at St Julians Club.  Please follow the link below for more details.

Caterham School Summer Drinks Invitation




In class music, some boys have been listening to Camille Saint-Saens’ ‘Carnival of the Animals’ and seeing if they can guess which animal is being portrayed. They have also listened to Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf which uses an array of different instruments to portray the various characters in the story.

Your task, boys, is to compose your own original piece which conjures up a particular animal. Here are the guidelines:

  • Your piece must be original and have an animal/creature title.
  • You may combine with another boy/boys and work collaboratively.
  • You may use software like GarageBand to help you.
  • Once you have finished your piece, send your recording to me. I will produce a short list and Dr. Maslin will judge the winning entries with prizes for different age groups.
  • All entries should be submitted by half term.
  • Good luck!


Friday, 14 June 2024
For more information see below – please click on the link at the bottom of the poster for tickets.

Senior School Disco 2024


On Saturday, 8 June 2023, 12pm – 3pm. 

We have a fabulous afternoon planned for all The New Beacon families. Please come along and join in the fun!  Please follow the link below for more details.

The New Beacon Summer Fete 2024


Teddy Tombola – Do you have a teddy bear that needs a home?  Please click here for more details.

Bottle Tombola – Own clothes day in return for bottles! – Please click here for more details.


Fun Cards are now available to pre-buy for the Summer Fete from Friday, 17 May to Monday, 2 June and will be sent home by boy-mail on Thursday, 6 June.

At the fete, Fun Cards will be available for sale at the NBPA stall, though we do encourage you to pre-buy to eliminate as much queuing time as possible! You can use ALL Fun Cards at the NBPA events, they do not expire, so they will never be wasted!
Please click here for more details.


The NBPA would like to invite all Year 8 boys to take part in this year’s Summer Fete Company Tournament, DUNK IT!
Please click here for more details.

Join us for a Charity Golf Day at Knole Park Golf Club Sevenoaks on Friday, 14 June 2024!
Tee off times start from lunchtime onwards so gather your team for a Fourball and join us for a fantastic day of golf,
raising money for a Charity that is close to our hearts and was chosen by our boys – The Stroke Association.
If you are not a golfer, then please come along and join us afterwards for a family BBQ and children’s putting competition!
For more information and to book your fourball please follow the link below:

Summer half term, book now!
Book your child’s spot for half term at the NBPA Seals program!
Click the link on the poster below and spread the word to keep this amazing opportunity going for our entire school community.

Seals Family Fun Swim