Elderly Man Run Over by His Own Car After Forgetting to Apply the Handbrake

Elderly Man Run Over by His Own Car After Forgetting to Apply the Handbrake

Morra De Sanctis, non inserisce il freno a mano, 92enne investito dalla sua auto
Morra De Sanctis, non inserisce il freno a mano, 92enne investito dalla sua auto
Saturday 18 May 2024, 12:56
2 Minutes of Reading
Run over by his own car parked on a downhill slope. In Morra De Sanctis, the Carabinieri of the Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi Company intervened in the Santa Lucia district where, a 92-year-old local man, was run over by his car because, upon getting out of the car, he had presumably forgotten to engage the handbrake. The soldiers, with the help of some neighbors, freed the elderly man who was trapped under the vehicle. The elderly man was then transferred to the hospital by the 118 health workers. His conditions do not appear to be serious.
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