Emily Blunt Came Up With Pivotal 'The Office' Moment
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Emily Blunt Came Up With Pivotal 'The Office' Moment

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 17, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 17, 2024 |


The Office had to shake things up after Steve Carell’s exit. Characters were expanded (some were made more over-the-top). Relationships were tested. More details were revealed about the documentary crew filming the paper company. Jim and Pam faced relationship troubles that involved the documentary crew. While Jim was off trying to work his dream job, Pam found comfort with a boom mic operator from the documentary crew. It was the closest we had seen the couple come to splitting up.

By the end of the season, the couple had managed to work things out. They were reminded why they fell in love in the first place. Jim went to the documentary crew for help, asking them to make a montage of the couple’s relationship. A note Jim had written to Pam years earlier but had never given to her was revealed. But how did they get there?

On a recent episode of the Office Ladies podcast, co-host (and Pam actress) Jenna Fischer recalled wanting to get the note into the show. “I remember saying, ‘Greg [Daniels], we have to reveal what is in the teapot note before we end this show. People need to know this, but how do you do that?’ We couldn’t figure it out,” Fischer said on the podcast.

Fischer said it was an excited John Krasinski (who played Jim) who brought forth an idea for the note. “You were like, ‘You guys, you guys, you guys! I was talking to Emily [Blunt] this weekend. Listen. Listen. Okay. What is the one thing that this couple has that you wish you could have as a couple? They have their whole love story on tape!’” Fisher told Krasinski, who was a guest on the episode. “This documentary crew has been documenting this love story. I remember you saying, ‘Jenna, could you imagine if you could go back to that first date with Lee [Kirk] and someone had taped it and you could watch yourselves on that first date. Wouldn’t you just, like, lose it?’ And I was like, ‘Oh my god, I would lose it.’”

Krasinski was quick to make it clear that the idea belonged to wife Emily Blunt. “That sounds like a Blunt idea. That sounds like Blunt genius right there. And I just stole it,” the actor told Fischer and co-host Angela Kinsey. Angela pointed out that the idea was “so smart.” Krasinski agreed, heaping more praise onto his wife. “It was so smart. By the way - I remember when they were putting that together, I was so excited to see it too, ‘cause we didn’t know what they were gonna put together,” Krasinski added about the tape. “Oh God. It was so much. It was so much.”

Were it not for Emily Blunt, one of the most heartwarming moments in The Office’s last season may not have happened. Instead, like Jim and Pam, we’ll have that moment forever.