Kolkata: Rain Subsides, Temperature Rises - Is a Heatwave on the Horizon? | Times Now

Kolkata: Rain Subsides, Temperature Rises - Is a Heatwave on the Horizon?

The Kolkata weather is witnessing a change with the rain subsiding gradually. The temperature in the city is rising. On Wednesday, the maximum temperature settled at 35 degrees Celsius. It is expected that the maximum temperature in the city will touch 38 degrees Celsius by the weekend.
Kolkata Heatwave

Kolkata: Rain Subsides, Temperature Rises - Is a Heatwave on the Horizon? (Representative Image)

Photo : Times Now
Kolkata: The rain spell over Kolkata has started to decrease gradually. With that, the temperature in the city is on rise. On Wednesday, the maximum temperature settled at 35 degrees Celsius. It is expected that the maximum temperature in the city would touch 38 degrees Celsius by the weekend. With the temperature rising, the residents of Kolkata are likely to witness another spell of heatwave in the coming days.
The month of May started on a pleasant note for the residents of Kolkata. With low-hanging grey clouds, gusty winds and light rain, residents heaved a sigh of relief as they got a break from the extreme weather. It should be noted that before receiving the rainfall, the city had to witness a steamy April. Owing to which, many had stopped going out in the afternoon, restricting their visits outside home only in the evening.

Will Heatwave Return To Kolkata?

For this week at least, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that there will be partly cloudy sky throughout the week, which rules out the possibility of a heatwave.
H R Biswas, head of weather forecast section at RMC Kolkata said, “We are not expecting any intense rain in Kolkata for now. Though there will be some thundershower spells in the city. The temperature will rise gradually and slightly. However, it will be a bit hot since we have been getting below-normal temperature for about a week,” quoted by Times of India.
On Tuesday, the maximum temperature stood at 35 degrees Celsius, which was still about a notch below normal. Meanwhile, the minimum temperature hiked slightly above normal.
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