5 Beatles Songs That Has Unusual Instruments Used

5 Beatles Songs That Has Unusual Instruments Used

5 Beatles Songs That Has Unusual Instruments Used | I Love Classic Rock Videos

via The Beatles / Youtube

The Beatles have always experimented with their sound, venturing into uncharted musical territory. They even dared to play non-traditional instruments on their own or with the assistance of outside musicians. Here are five songs by The Beatles that have unusual instrumentation, resulting in some enjoyable and unexpected sounds.

5. John Lennon on Organ for “I’m Down”

Though John Lennon was proficient with the piano, hearing him play organ on “I’m Down” adds a unique flavor to the track. The song was designed as a live spectacle, offering Lennon a chance to shine with an organ solo. His memorable performance at Shea Stadium, where he mimicked Jerry Lee Lewis by playing with his elbows and feet, only added to the song’s legacy.

4. Ringo Starr Plays Harmonica on “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!”

Ringo Starr, known for his versatility with percussion, surprised fans by playing harmonica on “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” Rather than a solo, Starr was part of an ensemble that created a harmonica chorus to enhance the song’s circus atmosphere. This contribution from Starr, along with George Harrison and Beatles associates Mal Evans and Neil Aspinall, showcased the band’s willingness to collaborate and explore.

3. John Lennon’s Tenor Saxophone on “Helter Skelter”

The intense jam of “Helter Skelter” from the White Album is known for its experimental sound. Amidst this chaos, a tenor saxophone pierces through briefly, played by none other than John Lennon. Though a session musician could have been hired, Lennon’s minimal saxophone addition lends a raw, unrefined edge to the track.

2. Paul McCartney and the Recorder on “The Fool on the Hill”

Paul McCartney’s relationship with Jane Asher and her musically inclined family led him to the recorder, an instrument most remember from school. McCartney applied this skill on “The Fool on the Hill,” bringing a whimsical quality to the track with its chiming notes. This instrumental choice not only highlighted McCartney’s versatility but also added a distinctly childlike innocence to the song.

1. George Harrison Introduces the Swarmandal on “Strawberry Fields Forever”

George Harrison was instrumental in bringing the sound of India to The Beatles, particularly through the sitar on “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).” However, his use of the swarmandal, an Indian zither, on “Strawberry Fields Forever” adds an enchanting layer to the track. The swarmandal’s introduction in the song underscores The Beatles’ love for sonic exploration and Harrison’s passion for Indian music.