Since all versions of Classic are currently bleeding players like crazy, its probably coming soon…

…But it is about time for Blizzard to completely crack down on the antisocial parsing culture that has turned this games community into a total swamp within a few years.

Parsing on Classic World of Warcraft, a 20 year old game with no mechanics stems from a deep seated insecurity.

Allowing the socially inept to now create a parsing GESTAPO with the Archon addon must be a step too far, even for tone-deaf Blizzard.

These people even unlearned to communicate like normal human beings. Its all WoW terms and Twitch emotes now. Creating the most repulsive MMORPG gaming community can not be the goal.

Look at these supposed adults throwing temper tantrums over losing their world buffs on this very forum. Even after being given a chronoboon which destroyed the game for normal folks. These people need mental help and should not be catered to. They are obviously never satisfied.

The GDKP removal happened suddenly. Hopefully this will too, and swiftly.

couldnt agree more. i’m against people who wont invite green/blue parses into glorified dungeons. Gaming has evolved so much if you dont min max the fun out of it you wont get invited anywhere. Wait until p4 launchs - if you think its bad now, wait until then.

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its a video game, play how you want and find people who play how you want to play, it ain’t hard.


I always wonder how many people don’t know what parse means. Like it means to analyze something. What you want to get rid of is the combat log as that’s what being analyzed to calculate your dps which just isn’t going to happen. That’s what shows all the dmg but than ppl will just never know how much damage they take from things or be able to see what killed them. Knowing the names of things helps as you can see what kind of dmg it is or if it was just were just unlucky and got 3 crits in a row or it’s some kind of mechanic that can be avoided. You can opt of WCL just like you can start your own group or join a guild. But you don’t wanna start a raid group or join a guild that’s a you problem not people who don’t want to carry people thru content

Why do you want to play with players that have a parsing mindset anyways?

you can though, you can make it so your logs are hidden, if someone has the log from the raid though they will see you on it, but if they search your name it won’t come up.

yeah it was a typo

WCL isn’t the issue. One could say it feeds into parse culture by the rankings/all stars and what not, but really it’s on the players.

WCL could exist without players freaking out over not getting PI, being in the pumper group, pulling a boss 19 times until you get the jesus RNG etc. Sure removing logs entirely would be a huge step in combating it but that’s not very realistic.

Fact: classic 2019 thrived on parsing and gdkp and is the only version of classic to match retail in numbers.

Fact: SoD lost 38% of it’s raiding playerbase in the two weeks following the gdkp ban.

Fact: Both of these communities play more, have large bodies of players and are the most likely to login daily meaning they are the players keeping the world alive.

I wonder why SoD is struggling?

so you’re just against easily interpreted/access to data analytics and people making choices based on that information

I don’t see how you came to that conclusion, I mean the very first sentence in my post is “WCL isn’t the issue.”

Make all the data driven decisions you want. Hell hire some quants and build some models for all I care. Again the issue isn’t WCL, it’s the grown adults throwing tantrums because they didn’t get PI, being toxic to random people in a video game, pouting because they have to do a mechanic or lost world buffs etc.

Simple solution.

Remove Chronoboons

Dispell Meta > Parse Meta

It will bring back world PVP.

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Yep. The chronoboon turned Classic into a TBC-like city/instance simulator. Dead world, dead game.

Agreed. Parsing and meta chasing is the antithesis of what SoD was meant to be. It was always meant to be a celebration of exploration, discovery, wacky builds, new playstyles, meme specs, and off metas.
As per usual, classic andy’s optimized the fun out of a video game… but they dont want to hear that yet, so youll get downvoted to oblivion.

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