Comedienne Sharul Channa’s show in Malaysia cancelled over 2018 video, Latest Others News - The New Paper

Comedienne Sharul Channa’s show in Malaysia cancelled over 2018 video

Singaporean stand-up comedienne Sharul Channa was unable to perform in Malaysia on May 18 following several police reports on one of her videos from 2018.

The clip was said to have touched on the 3R – race, religion and royalty – issues.

The 37-year-old was originally scheduled to perform her Just Joking! stand-up show at PJ Live Arts theatre in Petaling Jaya. But her work visa was cancelled by Malaysia’s Ministry of Communications two days before the event.

“This is despite us getting the licence for my show approved one month before the show, and despite giving assurance that my set does not touch on religion, race or royalty,” Channa said in a video on Instagram on May 17.

“It is a very disappointing matter for me as it must be for you who bought tickets.”

Mr Phoon Chi Ho, chief executive of organiser Laugh Labs Entertainment, said in a statement – shared by Channa on May 17 – that they had applied for and received all the necessary permits and approvals a week before starting ticket sales. 

“It was only in the last 24 hours that these reports from some members of the public came in, referencing old content that has been on Comedy Central Asia and online for a few years now,” he said.

“We did our best to put in an appeal, but unfortunately, we’ve been informed that Sharul will not be able to perform this weekend.”

Channa shared on May 18 that the joke for which the Malaysian authorities cancelled her show was titled Halal-Certified Comedian.

“This joke was approved by the Malaysian censors in 2018 for Malaysian television channel Unify,” she wrote. “The show was recorded in Malaysia as part of Comedy Central Asia’s Stand-up, Asia! #2.”

She added: “Since it was approved by Malaysian censors, it was also uploaded online by the channel and myself.”

Mr Phoon said in the statement that those who bought tickets to Channa’s show on May 18 could request a full refund or watch a different show, at the same time and venue, by Malaysian comedians such as Mad Sabah, Rizal van Geyzel, Shamaine Othman and Hindra Bose.

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