◆ 左起:中國香港選手張家朗、蔡俊彥、李逸朗和梁千雨在頒獎儀式上。 資料圖片

【原文】摘錄自5月5日香港《文匯報》:日前在個人賽十六強止步的張家朗,昨日偕隊友轉戰團體賽。港隊在早上已獲近百觀眾入場助威。團體世界排名第六位的港隊,今站以全新組合出戰,名列5號種子的他們在首輪輪空後,於十六強面對世界排名低5位的匈牙利隊未受威脅,以45:18輕鬆晉級。港隊在八強迎來真正硬仗,對戰東京奧運團體金牌功臣Enzo Lefort坐鎮的法國隊。

港隊由張家朗打頭陣領先5:2後,19歲小將梁千雨面對世界排名第三的Enzo Lefort果敢進攻,把比數拉開至10:6,獲觀眾報以熱烈掌聲。港隊在中段雖被對手反擊一度落後6分,但梁千雨在蔡俊彥力追至27:30時上陣,這名小將打出個人代表作,大膽搶攻並單局獨取8分,助港隊反超35:34,令全場歡呼聲如雷。

最終,港隊在蔡俊彥及「守尾門」的張家朗末段頂住壓力,以45:39淘汰對手殺入四強,獲勝後眾劍手與法籍教練Greg Koneig擊掌、擁抱慶祝。


這是港隊繼2019年世界盃聖彼得堡站後,時隔5年再次躋身世界盃團體賽決賽。他們在全場爆滿的觀眾歡呼聲下登場。世界排名第二的意大利隊實力強橫,坐擁三名世界前十劍手,包括今站個人賽季軍Tommaso Marini。港隊曾在去年世界錦標賽團體賽八強以45:40反勝意軍,最後在該賽事勇奪香港劍擊史上首面世錦賽銅牌。





Fencing won the first gold medal in the World Cup, Hong Kong made history

【譯文】Cheung Ka-long, who stopped at the round of 16 in the individual competition, and his teammates switched to the team competition yesterday. The Hong Kong team received nearly 100 spectators in the morning. Team Hong Kong, ranked No. 6 in the world, played with a new combination in this tournament. The No. 5 seed was not threatened by Hungary, ranked five places lower in the world, in the Round of 16, and easily advanced to the Round of 16 with a score of 45:18 after a blank in the first round. The Hong Kong team had a really tough match in the Round of 8 against the French team of Enzo Lefort, who won the team gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics.

After Cheung Ka-long took a 5:2 lead, 19-year-old Leung Chien-yu faced a bold attack from world No. 3 Enzo Lefort and brought the score to 10:6, which was applauded by the crowd. In the middle of the match, the Hong Kong team fell behind by 6 points due to the opponent's counter-attack. However, Leung came into the match when Choi Chun-yin was chasing him down to 27:30, and the youngster played a personal masterpiece, boldly attacking and scoring 8 points in a single set to help the Hong Kong team overtake the lead to 35:34, which made the whole crowd cheering like thunder. In the end, Choi Chun-yin and Cheung Ka-long, the "tail gate keeper" of the Hong Kong team, withstood the pressure at the end of the game and eliminated their opponents from the quarter-finals with a score of 45:39. After the victory, all the fencers celebrated the victory with French coach Greg Koneig by giving them high fives and hugs.

The Hong Kong team faced Korea, ranked two places lower, in the quarterfinals. Although Choi Chun-yin was 1:5 behind in the first game, Cheung Ka-long immediately hit 9:2 in the second game to give Hong Kong a comeback, and then Leung Chien-yu continued to play superbly, coupled with Choi Chun-yin's aggressive attacking, the Hong Kong team took the lead in the whole game to beat their opponents 45:31 and bravely went through to the finals to fight with Italy for the first-ever gold medal.

This is the first time in five years that the Hong Kong team has reached the World Cup Team Final after the 2019 World Cup in St. Petersburg. They took to the stage to the cheers of a sold-out crowd. Italy, ranked No.2 in the world, has three top ten fencers in the world, including Tommaso Marini, the third runner-up in this year's individual event, while Hong Kong won the first ever bronze medal in Hong Kong's fencing history in last year's World Championships Team Championships with a 45:40 comeback victory over the Italians in the Round of 8 of the World Championships.

In yesterday's championship match, after Choi Chun-yin, Cheung Ka-long and Leung Chien-yu took turns in the match, Hong Kong's team won the first leg 11:15, and then the gap was widened to 8 points. Cheung Ka-long came on the court at 17:25 and scored 11 points in a single game to close the gap to only two points. Leung Chien-yu and Choi Chun-yin scored a total of 12 points in the final period, coupled with Cheung Ka-long's steady performance in the final game, the team finally won the match with 45:41, which is a new record for Hong Kong's fencing history.

Cheung Ka-long, as a gold medalist of Tokyo Olympics, led his teammates to win the first gold medal in the history of Hong Kong fencing and wrote a new chapter in the history of Hong Kong fencing. He confessed that winning at home is very meaningful, "It's the first time that we can win a gold medal in the World Cup held in Hong Kong, and it's also the first time that we can win a gold medal in the World Cup held in Hong Kong. First of all, I would like to thank my teammates, we worked hard together and with the support of the public, we won the gold medal".

He said, "This new combination proves that the new spark is useful, and I hope we can continue to work hard in the future. I hope we can continue to work hard in the future. We have the Asian Championships coming up, so I hope we can make history again."

The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, congratulated the Hong Kong team on their historic gold medal win. He said, "We are delighted and honored that Cheung Ka-long, Choi Chun-yin, Leung Chun-yu and Lee Yat-long performed so well in the competition. Their medals are well deserved, and they have demonstrated the perseverance and solidarity of Hong Kong athletes. We are delighted and honored that Hong Kong fencers have achieved so many successes in international competitions."

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