VCAA Wants to Know What You Think

That title may be a trifle strong. But at least VCAA is giving you the option of saying what you think.

VCAA has just launched a questionnaire on the mathematics Study Design, specifically on whether there is a need for review (hat tip, John.) The link is here, and the questionnaire can also be found down the stairs at the bottom of each subject webpage, in the fine print. Behind the door with the sign, “Beware of the leopard”.

We have no idea how VCAA will treat the questionnaire results but, post-Bennett, there is at least some mood for, or at least acquiescence to, change. Indeed, the existence of this questionnaire seems to be an indication of this, seemingly flagging the possibility of an SD review before that scheduled in 2027. So, if you have thoughts then you should word your thoughts. If you don’t have thoughts, or anyway, our posts on the Study Design and its stupor support materials are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

You have until June 21. Get to work.

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