Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week on Coronation Street, Abi faces an upsetting time as she's targeted in a deep fake incident.

Elsewhere, Bernie tries to plead her case with her long-lost son, and Simon considers saying his goodbyes.

Here's a full collection of 14 big moments coming up.

1. Abi receives a shock

abi webster, coronation street

Abi is shocked to stumble across a TV documentary which praises killer Corey Brent for his football skills. Kevin explains that Corey is now part of the prison football team and making a name for himself with his talents on the pitch.

Abi watches the rest of the documentary and is appalled to see that it paints her son's killer as a sporting hero. She and Nina visit the TV company responsible, barging into the producer's office to demand an explanation.

Abi and Nina are pleased to receive public support when the documentary is covered by the Weatherfield Gazette. A petition is even started which condemns the bizarre broadcast.

2. Dean returns

dean, abi webster, coronation street

Drug dealer Dean reappears at the garage, telling Abi that he needs her help as he's going through a bad patch. Abi shows no sympathy after Dean's previous bad behaviour, telling him to go away.

Later, Tyrone receives an email at the garage that contains a link to a sex video which seemingly features Abi.

3. Abi makes a deep fake discovery

abi webster, dean, coronation street

The explicit video starts to spread around different websites and Abi fears that Dean is responsible. She confronts him with a wrench, accusing him of making the sex tape without her knowledge and posting it online.

Dean protests his innocence and Kevin steps in to prevent the row from escalating any further.

The police bring Dean in for questioning, but Abi is baffled when four more videos appear. She looks at the footage more closely and realises that they're all deep fakes.

4. Bernie discovers Kit's identity

kit, craig tinker, bernie winter, coronation street

Bernie tells Dev that it's 31 years since she gave birth to Zodiac, the son she gave away.

Shortly afterwards, Bernie is baffled to find her car being towed away. She spots newcomer Kit lurking nearby and believes that he must be responsible for her being targeted like this.

Bernie storms down to the police station to file a harassment complaint against Kit. Craig and his colleagues interrupt to present Kit with a cake for his 31st birthday, leaving Bernie stunned to realise that he's her long-lost son after all.

5. Bernie makes a plea to Kit

kit, bernie winter, coronation street

At the hospital, Billy and Paul try to use a parking bay for disabled people but another driver swoops in to claim it. The other driver doesn't have a valid reason for using the space, so Kit intervenes by showing his police ID and scaring them off.

Billy and Paul mention Kit's intervention to Bernie, who realises that her long-lost son does have some kind qualities after all.

Bernie visits the police station to thank Kit and she also begs for a chance to tell her side of why she gave him up.

6. Rowan swoops in on Simon

simon barlow, rowan, coronation street

Simon wakes up with a hangover after falling back into old habits with his drinking. He admits to Nick and Toyah that he can barely remember the previous day.

Nick and Toyah tell Rowan that they'd like to speak to Leanne, who's still away on the Institute retreat. They want to tell her about Simon, but Rowan insists that she can't be disturbed.

Lining up his next target, Rowan asks Simon to talk – saying that he knows what it's like to drift through life without direction.

7. Simon receives a tempting offer

simon barlow, coronation street

Simon decides to join Leanne on the Institute retreat, despite pleas from Nick and Toyah that it's not a good idea. When Simon doesn't seem to be listening, Nick calls Peter for help.

Later, Simon relents and unpacks his bag as he reveals that Peter has offered him a job on the yacht.

8. Carla gets a surprise over Peter

carla connor, simon barlow, coronation street

Carla confides in Sarah about how she's missing Peter following his departure at Christmas.

Simon shows Carla some pictures of Peter, who seems to have moved on as one of the photos shows him with his arm around a woman.

9. Roy lives in fear at the prison

roy cropper, roscoe, coronation street

Nina tells Stu that she's growing increasingly worried about Roy, as he still won't speak to anyone at the prison and refuses to leave his cell.

Fellow inmate Roscoe takes an interest in Roy and visits his cell, but Roy gets scared and accidentally knocks his own chess board over. Roscoe is baffled by Roy's behaviour and heads out.

10. Griff returns

griff, coronation street

Evelyn tries to make Roy's prison life a little bit more bearable by suggesting they should have a book club so they have something to talk about during her visits.

Roy feels like he has something to look forward to again, but more trouble could lie ahead for him when it's revealed that Griff has been transferred back to the Weatherfield Prison.

11. Gary lies to Maria again

maria connor, gary windass, coronation street

Gary is questioned by Maria over why £10,000 has gone missing from their bank account.

He claims that he had to buy a new boiler for the factory.

12. Steve tries to make things work with Demi

demi, steve mcdonald, coronation street

Steve meets up with Demi and asks for another chance, aware that he put her off with too much talk about Tracy recently.

Later, Steve makes plans for his upcoming 50th birthday, telling Tim that he wants to spend it at the local football exhibition.

13. Bethany receives some advice

bethany platt, coronation street

Mary suggests to Bethany that it's time to make amends with her family and not let her past with Nathan affect her present.

Meanwhile, Daniel is informed by the STC that his ban has been lifted and he can return to work. Daisy overhears and knows Daniel is having a tough time with Bethany, so she calls round with a bottle.

14. Linda interferes again

gemma winter brown, bernie winter, joseph brown, linda, coronation street

Gemma and Bernie try to get the Winter-Brown house in a better state, as Joseph has invited round some posh friends from his private school.

Linda announces that she has booked the kids a table at the Bistro to save Gemma and Bernie the stress, but Gemma is hurt by her latest meddling.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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