Why Do We Read And Write Poetry Dead Poets Society - Poetry & Poets

Why Do We Read And Write Poetry Dead Poets Society

What is Poetry?

Poetry is an art form in which language is used to express ideas, evoke emotion, create a higher understanding of the world and help us to reflect on our individual lives. It has the power to move us and speak to our inner emotions. Poetry can help us find meaning in our experiences, make sense of our lives, and truly connect with ourselves and others. It is often described as the music of language, giving rise to elements that can create an atmosphere and help to amplify our feelings.

Poetry is a very old form of writing that has been used by people around the world since ancient times to capture words and feelings in creative ways. One of the main reasons people read and write poetry is to explore deeper levels of self-expression. Poetic language is often used to convey deeper levels of emotion and understanding, which is something that cannot always be communicated through more direct forms of communication.

Another reason people read and write poetry is to explore different ideas and perspectives. Poetry is a way for people to express their thoughts, experiences and feelings in ways that often cannot be expressed in prose or everyday conversations. By reading and writing poetry, we are able to explore new ways of thinking, and gain new insights into our lives.

The Dead Poets Society

The Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film directed by Peter Weir. The film follows the story of an elite boarding school in New England and the students who are encouraged to choose a poet to read, explore, and write their own poetry. The film focuses on the power of poetry and how it can help change the lives of those who are exposed to it. The students in the movie all come to appreciate the power of the written word and the important impact poetry can have on the world.

The movie is set in 1959 and portrays the idea that true self-expression can only be achieved by reading and writing poetry. The students are also shown how to use their poetry as a way to find courage and inner strength. In the movie, English professor John Keating encourages the students to not be afraid to think for themselves and express their thoughts, which manifests in their poetry. He challenges them to defy societal norms and look within themselves for answers, a mindset which is foreign to many of the students.

The teachers in the movie show the students that the written word can be used to explore different ideas and perspectives, to challenge the status quo, and to discover themselves. The idea that literature and poetry can be used to fuel personal and emotional growth is at the heart of the film. It encourages the viewers to explore their innermost feelings and feelings and to be honest with themselves.

The Impact of Poetry on Society

Poetry has the power to move people and spark action. It can be used to challenge the status quo, to start conversations, to bring communities together and to make change. Poetry has the power to make people think, to inspire action and motivate others to stand up for what is right. It is a powerful tool, and has been used as a means of activism ever since ancient times.

Poetry has the power to take us to places beyond our imagination and to broaden our understanding of the world. It can be seen as a form of resistance, as people use poetry to express their feelings and to speak out against injustices. Poetry can also bring comfort to people in times of hardship, enabling them to find solace in the written words and emotions of others.

The power of poetry has been particularly evident in the work of many of the great poets who have gone before us. Poets such as William Shakespeare, Alfred Lord Tennyson and Walt Whitman have used their poetry to explore the darkness and express their inner feelings. In the past, many great poets have used their work to challenge the social issues of their time. They have used their words to stand up for justice and freedom, and to bring attention to issues that have been overlooked or ignored.

The Importance of Reading and Writing Poetry

Reading and writing poetry is an important part of human expression and understanding. Poetry has the power to bring people together and to be a form of activism. It is an art form that can be used to evoke emotion and to explore different perspectives. By reading and writing poetry, we can connect with others, broaden our understanding of the world, and express our innermost feelings. For those who are willing to explore it, poetry has the power to provide us with an important insight into ourselves and the people around us.

The importance of reading and writing poetry is highlighted in the movie Dead Poets Society. Through the exploration of poetry and other forms of literature, the students are given a new way of looking at the world. They are shown that there is more to life than simply following the rules, and that through self-expression and exploration, they can find new ways of thinking and new paths to follow.

The movie also illustrates how powerful poetry can be in helping us to form connections with others, and to explore our own inner worlds. By reading and writing poetry, we can find courage and strength to stand up for what we believe in, and to find solace and understanding in difficult times.


The movie Dead Poets Society demonstrates the importance of reading and writing poetry. By exploring different forms of literature, we can gain new insights into our lives, broaden our understanding of the world, and connect with our innermost feelings. Poetry has the power to bring people together, to challenge the status quo, and to inspire action. Reading and writing poetry can be a powerful tool in helping us to find courage and strength in challenging times, and to make sense of our lives in meaningful ways.

The Role of the Teacher

The role of the teacher in the film Dead Poets Society is an important one. Through his encouragement and guidance, the students are shown how to read and write poetry, how to challenge the status quo, and how to think for themselves. He shows them that there is more to life than simply following the rules and encourages them to explore their innermost feelings. The teacher in the movie is also a source of inspiration for the students, showing them that their words and ideas can have a powerful impact on the world.

The film also illustrates the power of literature and the importance of teachers in helping to educate and inform students. By introducing them to different types of literatures, the teachers are able to inspire them to think in new ways, challenge the status quo, and explore their innermost feelings. Through reading and writing poetry, the students are able to find courage and strength to stand up for what they believe in, and to explore different ideas and perspectives.

Exploring Poetry

Exploring poetry is an important part of understanding the philosophy of the Dead Poets Society. By reading and writing poetry, we are able to explore different ideas and perspectives, to find courage and strength in challenging times, and to make sense of our lives in meaningful ways. Poetry has the power to help us connect with ourselves and others, to evoke emotion, and to create a higher understanding of the world. It is an important tool for self-expression and exploration, and can be used as a means of activism.

The importance of exploring different types of poetry is something that is highlighted in the movie. The students are exposed to the different styles and forms of poetry, and encouraged to be creative. Through their exploration of the written word, they are able to find new ways of thinking, to stand up for what they believe in, and to truly connect with themselves and others.

Reading and writing poetry can be a powerful tool in helping us to understand ourselves and the world around us. It has the power to move us and to spark action, and has been used as a form of activism since ancient times. By exploring poetry, we can broaden our understanding of the world, find solace in times of hardship, and find our inner strength and courage.


The movie Dead Poets Society is a powerful study of the importance of poetry in our lives. It explores the power of the written word and how it can inspire us to think differently and challenge the status quo. Through the exploration of poetry, the film highlights the importance of reading and writing it, as it can help us find courage and strength to stand up for what we believe in, to explore different ideas and perspectives, and to connect with ourselves and others.

Exploring poetry is an important tool in helping us to find meaning in our lives and to find solace in times of hardship. By reading and writing poetry, we are able to gain new insights into our lives and to broaden our understanding of the world. Poetry has the power to move us and to spark action, and has been used as a powerful tool for self-expression and exploration, as well as a means of activism since ancient times.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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