Must be because they’re upside down all the time - USLUCK

# Acclimatization:

Acclimatisation societies, active mainly in the 19th and early 20th centuries, aimed to enrich local ecosystems by introducing non-native species to new regions. While initially celebrated for providing colonists with familiar flora and fauna, these introductions often led to significant, unintended environmental impacts, including the displacement or extinction of native species, disruption of local ecosystems, and economic damage. As a result, the practice was increasingly restricted or outright banned. For more details, you can view the full Wikipedia article [here](

# Genocide:

The genocide of Indigenous Australians, spanning from the 18th to the 20th centuries, involved mass killings, forced child removals, and cultural erasure by European colonizers and the Australian government. These actions were driven by motives like maintaining a “white Australia” and assimilating Indigenous populations. This systematic eradication of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and peoples has left enduring scars, with ongoing debates about the classification of these actions as genocide under international law. For more detailed information, you can view the full Wikipedia article [here](

by mrbooner4u


  1. WorldlyAd4877 on

    Australia wasn’t a country until 1901 – make sure you apportion the appropriate amount of blame to the UK.

    (Though Australia did do a lot of bad things in the 20th century ie. Stolen generations, not recognising Aboriginals as people until the 1960s etc).


    Yes and no. Britain absolutely deserves a lot of criticism (for example they were behind the extermination of the Tasmanian Aboriginals), however the vast majority of atrocities were done by settlers and the colonial government, which by the 20th century mainly consisted of people born in the colonies. We will forever be a heinous country until we reconcile with this. We don’t want to be Israel.

  3. Maximum_Impressive on

    Going from The suppression Iraq situation and it’s Failings because the mods like to ban posts about it. to The discussion of Subjugation of The aboriginals . Anyone got a funny one .

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