Alessandro Michele, Tendría que Ser CANCELADO? ☠️ VALENTINO en PELIGRO SALMA HAYEK La Salvadora 🌈 - INBELLA

Alessandro Michele, Tendría que Ser CANCELADO? ☠️ VALENTINO en PELIGRO SALMA HAYEK La Salvadora 🌈

A dark shadow hangs over the Valentino house but to put all this in context it is necessary to do a little history Valentino was acquired in 2012 by mayola investment from there different creative directors have passed through these years later. The mayoola group decided to sell a 30% stake in the Valentino group to Kerin, a large fashion emporium and owners of the Gucci group, in 2028. Kerin will take full and absolute control of the Valentino group very recently, about two months ago. mayoola group through Valentino has made public that Mr. Alessandro Miquelle is going to take charge of the creative artistic direction of Valentino for his part Jean Francois Henry pino did the same that is to say dismiss Mr. Alessandro Miquelle from the creative artistic direction of Gucci What all this happened within Gucci is already known that Gucci’s sales plummeted although when Alessandro Miquelle came in all expectations were set and it was working very well for a certain time, the truth is that all the clients began to get tired of the eccentricities of this creative director and they fled from the firm, making losses that are still valid today. Sábato de Sarno is the creative director who came to succeed him in that position. Sabato de Sarno, for his part, has been in charge of replacing Alessandro Miquelle within The creative artistic direction of Gucci has only presented one collection at Paris Fashion Week, a second collection is coming up that will be presented this coming month of June. The big problem with all this is that Alessandro Miquelle was playing for too long with eccentricities without even valuing the potential clients of all the clients for years that the Gucci group had and who had directly stopped buying from them because the collections they were making were absolutely taxable on the part of Mr. Rashid Mohammed. president ceo of mayola has announced that Mr. Alessandro Miquelle is going to be part of the Valentino group, leading the creative artistic direction of the group, for his part, Mr. Franois Guin released a statement congratulating both parties, that is, Alandro Mikele and the Alessandro Miquelleayoola group in a statement that was frankly cold, this is where we began to analyze the situation and what is really happening within these two groups. On the one hand, the investment fund and the kering group, it is very likely that the relationship between both groups is not so fluid as it might really seem because there really is not much reason for Mr. Rachid Mohammed to have hired Alessandro Miquelle Knowing more than well that the kerin group has 30% of the shares of Valentino AND that Alessandro Miquelle has also been expelled from the group relatively recently, things are beginning to become somewhat suspicious in terms of the relationship between both two. If the relationship were really fluid, it would not make any kind of sense that one of the partners has decided to hire someone who is so extremely controversial for the group, carrying The entire creative corporate of the Valentino firm makes absolutely no sense beyond the fact that they have had some type of trifurcation between the two and in the end they effectively assert the shares and the power of the capital that mayoola owns to say that they wanted Alessandro Miquelle within the group but of course I am convinced that this action within the kering group has not been funny and it has not been funny Because we must also take into account that the Valentín group is going to be part of it as would be signed by contract in the year 2028 completely of the Kering Group. So we do not know if in this transfer and if there has been some type of shield in the contract with Alessandro Miquelle, it will still cost Kering or it will have to pay for the broken dishes of this situation that is foresees tense and full of emotions, very big things are brewing between mayoola and kering and possibly the disagreements are coming in leaps and bounds because I have to say that if you take advantage of the statement presented by Mr. Franois Enin, Salma Hayek’s husband was really cold and Briefly, he didn’t find it funny, it was perfectly noticeable. everything is very well structured, very well written, very correct in manner and form, but there really lies something that is worrying because the creative artistic side of Alessandro Miquelle also has it very complicated because, yes, it may be that at first it draws a lot of attention from critics. support him, but another thing quite different is that Valentino’s large clientele supports the proposals. If I remember correctly, when Mayoola took possession of Valentino, he put in creative artistic directors who had to completely remake the collections. This was talk in the upper echelons of fashion because they didn’t give a single one, they destroyed the collection to the point that Valentino Garavani himself had to take charge of a part of the collection because that was an absolute failure in terms of V, we don’t know where it’s going to go or the path neither the direction nor anything of what he is going to do with respect to future collections, which in addition will present a future collection of his in no time and God knows what will come there, we must be prepared absolutely for everything, what is clear is that even At the moment, the Valentino line has been very clear both in terms of the line, following the way of doing things, very classic, elegant, stylish, full of glamor, even in the preta porté with this man, the greatest things can come, applause and Everyone is going to say Oh he was the great disruptor he broke everything he broke the corduroy he completely changed all the concepts of the brand But when the time comes that Valentino customers have to buy I don’t know if they will be able to buy not even a pair of socks, the situation is going to become much more complex in the year 2028, the year in which, as I have already mentioned, they are going to keep 100% of the business group. What is going to happen to Alessandro? Miquelle will continue with Alessandro. Miquelle by the year 2028 or Mr. Mohammed Rashid Mohammed will have already fired him because this is not about being a media designer like Alessandro Miquelle is that you have to do things well, you cannot be constantly skating with concepts that no one is interested in because precisely and we must remember that many of these people who applaud Alessandro Miquelle are not clients of Valentino nor have they been clients of Gucci, being a media designer does not give absolutely guarantees. Nothing because really all these people who applaud these designers on networks or even the criticism Well, there comes a time when you say where they are when it comes to buying and they are not the group’s potential customers. You can have hundreds of billions of Followers, but if you release a product and you don’t sell, where are those people who praise you so much, they are not in nowhere with which in the end the creative artistic director leaves buzzing because they put him on the street. As for the perfumery sector, there is nothing to worry about because it is loreal that has the license and there is not going to be any type of modification and absolutely nothing. What is clear is that once Alessandro Miquelle presents the collections they will release some perfume with the styles of this creator but it will have nothing to do with L’Oreal perfumes, much less on the part of the perfumery sector we do not have to worry at all the guidelines are very well made very well taken loreal has its contract signed and no one enters there because for that it will be super armored where it does have the bet made and knows that it can burst is in the by-products of Valentino , not so much in terms of obviously the part of the perfumery that it is going to use as a direct link to present its collections, accessories, etc., but also in the entire subdivision that Valentino has of bags, shoes, ties, shirts that are not as extremely expensive as the high division of pret a porté as God intended or haute couture from Valentino is. That’s where you can start to make an absolutely beastly billing pendants jewelry costume jewelry more focusing on costume jewelry is where you’re going to break it But it’s going to be precisely That’s why I think Alessandro Miquelle can become the king of accessories and bisuta if he knows how to play the trick very well together with the mayola group because people are going to want his products because Nobody has the possibility or has had to date the possibility of having something designed by Alessandro Miquelle or his creation group and now it will be possible to have something that has passed through the hands of Alessandro Miquelle previously at Gucci, practically no one could aspire to have something from Gucci But now with Valentino and the enormous diversity it has in products and prices, things may not turn out so bad. What is clear is that people who really buy the praetor tea at the highest level and the highest You are going to have a very big problem with Mr. Alessandro Miquelle if he wants to do eccentric things because he is not going to sell. And that means a lot of sales. Not everyone wants to wear the things that Alessandro Miquelle does and go out dressed in costume. Everything that comes to us is presented as completely exciting from Alessandro Miquelle from Gucci from the mayoola group and from the orgaz who is always here trying to bring you the best information Thank you very much for being here remember to subscribe to the Give the channel a like and distribute the videos on all social networks, I will be delighted to be able to thank you and say goodbye

Salma Hayek va a tener que mediar entre todos estos hombre primero calmando a su marido François-Henri Pinault después con Alessandro Michele con quien tiene buena amistad y después con Rachid Mohamed Rachid y si no al tiempo por la situación creada en Valentino y su nueva adquisición.
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  1. Estará interesante ver que saca y como se desenvuelve Alessandro Michele ya que estará bajo la atenta mirada de los posibles clientes y por supuesto del señor François-Henri Pinault, Que en su comunicado de bienvenida, a mi parecer, se puede interpretar como un toque de atención de que esperan que haga lo correcto por representar la firma y no se deje llevar por el ímpetu del viento. ¡Gran video Javier!😁👍

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