Belltown trio become heroes | News, Sports, Jobs - The Sentinel

Belltown trio become heroes

Through the years of covering Babe Ruth baseball, I have seen a lot of heroes. Players who have come through with a base hit to win a state title; players who have pitched great games in clutch situations and players who have made great defensive plays to stop the other teams from scoring key runs.

Last week, three 16-year-olds became heroes without getting a hit, pitching a strike or catching a ball. Reese Christine, Payton Kearns and Tristin Pent decided to join the Belltown team.

Belltown started the season with only 10 players, but last week, one of those players got injured. That left the team with only nine players — one more injury and the team would have to forfeit the rest of the season. It hardly seemed fair to the other eight players left on the team.

Now, thanks to Reese, Payton and Tristin, the other players can rest easy and finish the season.

Babe Ruth baseball moved its age limit this year to let 16-year-olds play. There is a thin line between being a 15-year old and a 16-year old in today’s society. As a 15-year old, you’re considered a kid, while at 16, you have more adult responsibilities.

At Christmas time, you always hear the story of “Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Clause.” Here is another way of looking at the baseball version of that story, “Yes, you still can be 16 and be a kid.”

For the three 16-year olds with Belltown, welcome back and thanks for being heroes to your teammates and the Belltown community.


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