Omega Psi Phi Scholarships 2025-2025 - National Scholarships 2024-2025: Find Your Perfect Fit

Omega Psi Phi Scholarships 2025-2025

Cognizance has been taken of undergraduate students nationally and globally whose dream is to succeed academically, not minding the cost.

However, the Omega Fraternity has developed the Psi Phi scholarship program that might interest you.

Founded on 17th November 1911, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. recognized the intellectual importance of the development of humanity. They placed scholarship at the forefront of their fundamental principles: Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift.

This psi phi scholarship is a fundamental unit of the Organization. Being dedicated to scholarship has been their watchword for everyone and everything in the brotherhood. However there are various awards under this Psi Phi Scholarship, but their benefit is the same.

They will be explained in the latter part of this article, so you know which you’re eligible for and then apply for which suits your stance.

About Psi Phi Scholarship

It is the first international fraternal organization with over 750 undergraduate and graduate chapters. The Omega Life Membership Foundation, Inc. was recognized in 1984.

The scholarship was nurtured into existence by the Omega fraternity through the following goals.

  • Motivating regions to acknowledge high academic performance by assisting students through scholarship aid to students on all levels and working towards refreshing educational goals among secondary school youths.
  • Encourage purposeful research and creative output among everyone without preference for race or gender.
  • Increasing the consciousness and the relevance of the scholarship among the undergraduate members especially.
  • To encourage academic excellence at the international, regional, or local levels.

There are different categories of this scholarship. Their eligibility criteria will be discussed in the latter part of this article.

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  • District Scholar of The Year Award
  • International Scholar Of The Year Award
  • Founder’s memorial Scholarship
  • Grand Basileus Award
  • H. Carl Moultrie I Legal Scholar Award
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarship Grants
  • William H. Hastie Creative & Research Fellowship
  • Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Divinity Scholarship
  • Dr. W. Montague Cobb Medical Scholar Award
  • Ronald E. Mcnair Scientific Achievement Award
  • Herman .S. Dreer Scholarship/Leadership Award
  • George E. Meares Award
  • Dr. Moses C. Norman, Sr. Education Scholarship

What Is The Benefit of the Scholarship?

In as much as the scholarship program has different categories, the beneficiaries of the Psi Phi scholarship earn $5,000, including travel, lodging, and registration fees. However, the various rewards of the types of scholarships are as follows:

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  • International Scholar of the Year: $5,000 and up to an additional $10,000
  • District Scholar of the Year: $5,000
  • Founder’s Memorial Scholarship: 3 awards of $5,000 each
  • Grand Basileus Award: $5000
  • Dr. Ronald McNair Scientific Achievement Award: $5,000
  • Dr. Herman Dreer Scholarship/Leadership Award: $5,000
  • George E. Meares Award: $5,000
  • Carl Moultrie I Legal Scholar Award: $5,000
  • W. Montague Cobb Medical Scholar Award: $5,000
  • Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarship Grant: 2 awards of $3,000 each
  • William H. Hastie Creative Research Fellowship: $5,000
  • Dr. Moses C. Norman Education Award: 2 prize of $5,000 each
  • Dr. Benjamin Mays Divinity Award: $5,000
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EligibilityWho Can Reap Benefits of The Psi Phi Scholarship?

To be a beneficiary of this program, brotherhood members should be in good monetary standing at the international, regional, and chapter levels to be deemed fit to receive an award. However, applicants may only take part in one award at the global level.

Additionally, the following criteria must be met by the applicant:

  • The scholarship program is open to any subject at the undergraduate level.
  • The scholarship is hosted by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., located in the US.
  • Countries that are eligible to apply for this scholarship program are Georgia as well as other countries.

Scholarship Descriptions/ Eligibility Criteria

You all remember we talked about the different categories at which the scholarship comes? Here are their descriptions and eligibility stance for each of them. Have a smooth sail along the lines.

District Scholar of The Year Award

The District Scholar of the Year Award is given at the District level as a way of encouraging scholarship amongst fraternity members who are undergraduates.

This scholarship was made to applaud an undergraduate student who displayed excellence. Additionally, it is given annually to one person. It is the top academic honor at the District level.

At the time of application submission, the applicant MUST be:

  • A fellow at the undergraduate level whose standing must be crudely enrolled into a four-year accredited institution of higher learning.
  • In good financial ranking at the international, regional, and local levels.
  • Possess at least a CGPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale.

Here, all application is assessed, and ONE scholar emerges the winner for the year. Competition for the international scholar of the year award is welcome.

International Scholar Of The Year Award

This is the brotherhood’s highest academic award. It takes cognizance of an undergraduate’s educational performance and his all-around engagement in contributing to the organization’s development.

The only requirement for this is that out of the applicants who were chosen as District Scholars of the year, the International Scholar of the Year will be selected. In line with receiving $5,000 for being the District Scholar of the year, an additional $10,000 will be given.

Albeit, this award is done annually.

Founder’s Memorial Scholarship

To acknowledge the academic achievements of both undergraduate and graduate brothers, this scholarship was founded in honor of the founding brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.

Selected candidates must have indicated the display of the academic traits of the founding brothers.

This memorial scholarship commission awards 4 scholarships yearly. These are the criteria to be met by an applicant.

  • He must be in good financial standing at all levels.
  • The applicant must be of junior ranking or graduate or professional school standing.
  • Have a good rapport with the college, graduate, or professional school.
  • Enrolled full-time into a four-year accredited college
  • Have a minimum of 3.0 as CGPA on a 4.0 scale.

Grand Basileus Award

This was established to provide financial assistance to graduating seniors who have displayed academic excellence throughout their undergraduate years. This is in recognition of the Grand Basilei of the fraternity.

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Upon application submission to the region, the applicant MUST:

  • Be an undergraduate fellow who is of a senior ranking.
  • Enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited institution.
  • Have a good financial standing at all levels.
  • Be graduating during the summer or spring semesters of the year.
  • Have a CGPA of 3.3 on a scale of 4.0

The H. Carl Moultrie, I Legal Scholar Award was set up to support the study of Law for Brothers who have displayed excellence in their academics throughout their professional legal years while keeping the concepts of the organization.

The award is established in memory of the Honorable Brother H. Carl Moultrie, I., the first National Executive Secretary of the Fraternity and former Chief Justice of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

At the time of submission, the applicant MUST:

  • Be a graduate brother enrolled in an accredited school of law for a Juris Doctor or its equivalent full-time.
  • Have an excellent academic relationship with the institution.
  • Be financially stable at all levels (International, District, Chapter).
  • Have signified service to the brotherhood during the application year.

Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarship Grants

These grants were founded to support any brother applying for an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree. It offers two gifts yearly. First is to an undergraduate fellow and another to a graduate brother.

Upon application submission, the applicant MUST:

  • Be preferentially young.
  • Be enrolled as an undergraduate/graduate in an accredited institution full-time.
  • Have a good reputation from the college.
  • Possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

However, this grant is an additional sum of $3,000 each. It is given annually.

William H. Hastie Creative & Research Fellowship

The Creative and Research Fellowship was established in honor of the Hon. William Hastie and his legacy as a student, an educator, and a legal expert. It acknowledges scholars and innovative artists needing assistance to complete their work, publication or study in progress.

The applicant MUST be able to:

  • Provide proof of work in progress and an abstract to explain the research being undertaken.
  • Be passionately active in life-changing research in their various career paths.
  • Be admitted full-time into an accredited college, graduate, or professional school.
  • Have a good financial standing at all levels of the brotherhood.
  • Solicit for assistance with the ongoing project in any field of study.

Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Divinity Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to support graduate study in religious or divinity studies. It was founded in September 2025 and given consent to by the Supreme Council in honor of the late Professor, Dean of Howard University School of Divinity.

At the time of submission of an application, the applicant MUST:

  • Be enrolled full-time in an accredited graduate school of divinity.
  • Have a good financial standing at all levels.
  • Be seeking a degree in religion or god studies.

Dr. W. Montague Cobb Medical Scholar Award

This award was created to support studies in the medical field. Brothers who demonstrate academic excellence throughout their medical education years while upholding the aims of the Omega fraternity.

It is in honor and memory of Dr. W. Montague Cobb, Howard University’s renowned Professor and National Scholarship Chairman.

During the application, the fellow MUST

  • Be a graduate brother enrolled in accredited dentistry or school of medicine full-time and also seeking a Doctoral degree.
  • Have an excellent academic standing with the institution.
  • Show traits of dedicated service to the fraternity during the year of application.
  • Be financially stable at all levels (International, District, Chapter).
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Ronald E. Mcnair Scientific Achievement Award

In recognition of the scholarly attainment of undergraduate brothers pursuing degrees in Engineering, Technology, Science, and Math. This award was founded.

It seeks to honor Bro. Dr. Ronald E. McNair is an American physicist and a NASA Astronaut.

Upon submission of the application, the applicant MUST pass the following criteria:

  • He must possess a CGPA of 3.5 on a scale of 4.0.
  • The applicant must be an undergraduate fellow who is young.
  • Have a good recommendation from the institution.
  • Be an undergraduate brother who is of sophomore standing.
  • Pursuing an undergraduate degree in Engineering, Technology, Science, and Math, but not limited to Physics, Maths, Biology, and Engineering.

Herman .S. Dreer Scholarship/Leadership Award

This award provides financial assistance to an undergraduate Brother who best demonstrates the cardinal principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift.

The award was established in memory of a famous educator, minister, generous, and author of the first Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. His daughters, Clarice, Davis, Vivian Dreer, and friends of the St. Louis Community founded the award.

At the time of submission of an application, the following must be required of the applicant:

  • Possession of good financial standing at the international, district, and chapter levels.
  • A good reputation from the institution.
  • Full-time enrollment in a four-year accredited college.
  • A CGPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

George E. Meares Award

This award came into being to support graduate study in social work, criminal justice, and social work.

Mrs. Minnie J. Draughan, in memory of her late husband, Bro. George E. Meares, whose service to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was as a Grand Basileus. However, at the time of application submission, these are required of the applicant:

  • Seeking a graduate degree in the following areas: Social Sciences, Social Work or Criminal Justice.
  • A good stance with the graduate or professional school.
  • Full-time enrollment in an accredited graduate or professional school.

Dr. Moses C. Norman, Sr. Education Scholarship

Dr. Moses C. Norman’s Sr. Education Scholarship supports men of color pursuing degrees in the field(s) of education. This includes undergraduate & graduate studies. Established in September 2025, this award requires these of applicants:

  • A balanced financial state at all levels.
  • A CGPA of 3.3 on a scale of 4.0, while a graduate brother possesses a CGPA of 3.4.
  • Active demonstration of service during the year of application.

Supporting Documents

  • An application letter (typed), resume, official transcript, and three professional letters are required.
  • A color photo in digital format: International Scholarship beneficiaries will provide a picture after the award announcement in May.
  • The mailing of the reference letter is direct to the District Scholarship Chairperson and on separate covers. The applicant may also submit them in a sealed envelope along with the application packet.
  • For the Herman Dreer Award, applicants must also submit a 500-word TYPED essay comprehensively on leadership and humanitarian accomplishments. The article will have the label ‘HERMAN DREER LEADERSHIP ESSAY’.
  • The applicant will provide the name, title, mailing address, and e-mail address of three individuals who will provide the professional reference letter.
  • Students should have a good command of the English language and a certificate to show their English proficiency.

How Do I Apply For The Psi Phi Scholarship Program?

To apply for the Program, applicants should follow the application link below to fill out the online form and submit it.


When Is The Application Deadline?

The application for the Psi Phi scholarship varies, and to view the dates for each scholarship, kindly click on the link below.


FAQs On The Psi Phi Scholarship Program

Who can apply for the Psi Phi scholarship?

Georgians and people from other nationalities can apply.

What is the purpose of he Psi Phi Scholarship Program?

It is the reward for intellectual excellence amongst members of the Omega Fraternity, Incorporated.


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