Alison Brie Re release | Anna Faris Friends - INBELLA

Alison Brie Re release | Anna Faris Friends

hey everyone you know the guest of today’s flashback episode from Madmen community and glow here’s Alison [Music] Brie ladies and gentlemen you are listening to unqualified with your host Anna [Music] Ferris so I watched the Traer for somebody I used to know I immediately thought of a time in my life I was probably around 24 25 when I decided to make a proactive Choice towards my inclination to jealousy like we’re in an industry where we’re competing with our dear friends and it’s not as though you can calculate it like there’s a time trial like with an athlete you’re left with this inexplicable fog of why you didn’t get the role yes you know and yet your Ed and I was also really intimidated by beautiful people when I first moved to Los Angeles I was like this town is beautiful yeah and these people look like they’re on TV so as I watched your trailer that idea came sort of immediately sort of a gut reaction but the idea of your Nemesis becoming somebody you love I think that there’s a lot of themes that were juggling in this movie and you know one of them starts more with the one that got away right who’s played by Jay Ellis and I think kind of trying to dismantle this idea when I was younger in my 20s I was a real on again off again gal with the guys I was dating oh what do you mean like we would break up and get back together and break up and get back together and it’s like I didn’t know how to trust my own instincts for the people that I shouldn’t be with and it was a pattern you know I watched my mom do it my mom would often kind of break up with a guy and then tell tell my sister and I all the reasons why he was the worst person in the world and then she’d get back together with him a month later which was very confusing for everybody involved and for my high school college 20s I had that same pattern of not trusting I would be like G I do not want to be with this person I would break up with them and then the second I felt lonely it was like I was the problem I was the reason that it didn’t work out he’s the answer to everything that’s why I’m unhappy you know it wasn’t until I was older that I started to think well you start with you and get your straight with you this other person isn’t going to unlock this stuff and a lot of the time certainly people do have stories where they get back together with someone that they dated a while ago and it’s like the answer to everything but I just thought this idea of the one that got away is really interesting to me because I also think there’s a reason why you break up with people and like do we think that those reasons ever just actually disappear and whatnot so then the other thing talking about right is that my character learns that this guy is getting married this weekend she’s felt like they have this amazing connection and maybe he’s the answer to everything and then she learns he’s getting married that weekend and she meets the girl and of course she wants to hate her and she doesn’t I mean she does she’s trying hard to but certainly there’s that element I mean like the way that you talk about yourself I think wanting to combat those feelings of jealousy by like having genuinely positive feelings for another person is so wonderful and generous and a great ethos and like I’m going to try that and I think I do something similar too you totally do well I also think there’s something with these characters and in life that two things can be true right I’m fascinated by relationships between women because they can just take so many forms and like especially recently in my work I feel like it’s just something that I’m like so into is this idea that like yeah women in your life I feel like I will feel every single emotion and sometimes also I’m feeling two different conflicting emotions at the same time or I’m even confused about I’m so proud of my friend or am I jealous or do I love her or do I want to her or do I hate her is she my enemy or do I just want to be her like you know I’m so in awe of her am I inspired by her so like in this movie there’s elements of that of kind of seeing a person who considering all the circumstances you feel like you want to jump to that conclusion of like this is my enemy and then seeing all of this connective tissue of oh we’re sort of the same and wow you really remind me of who I was when I was younger and are any of those things still a part of me you know which is kind of the other thing we’re exploring in this movie is like going back to your hometown what does that even make you think about yourself right when you see people that you used to hang out with in high school and like Dave and I are so different in this respect because Dave is still really close with like this big group of guys and gals that he went to middle school and high school with and he stayed friends with them now for 20 years or whatever and I have never been that way I mean I have I’ll keep one maybe one from each era yes and I don’t think it’s like I’m like I got to reinvent myself you guys are old news but I do think there is where I’m just like well that chapter of my life is over and now I’m doing this like what’s this place going to be who am I now it’s not a pointed I don’t want to be associated with you guys anymore because I’m a different person but it is oh am I becoming a different person who am I now what’s this who are these people that are in my life now well I wanted to touch a little bit on the romanticization of how we glorify and magnify our past yeah into either like the positive or the negative like the idea of The One That Got Away is sort of the would have should have could have and with our callers we hear a lot of that like I had this opportunity and I think it’s too simplistic yeah you know like oh he was so great he was so great yeah and I don’t know what I did or like my first boyfriend that I felt like I was madly in love with he was so handsome you know of course yes and I felt so unattractive so I couldn’t believe it and after he broke up with me our first week of college it was devastating I remember reading my diary like a while later and I wrote like I hate his laughter his long artistic fingers sort of annoy me and that was so helpful yeah because at that point it was like oh my God you would get married I have my promise ring totally I mean there’s a lot of women in my life who not so much now as I get older it’s nice that I think that people are learning to break these habits but I have had friends or family members who yeah they develop this sort of Amnesia after the fact yeah your mom not clarifying like well he does have these other qualities that I just love definitely definitely well and my mom because of her own past and childhood traumas and other things going on it’s a thing where the hindsight becomes well it must have been my fault whereas the truth is that in the moment it was her decision I don’t want to be with this person they’re not right for me they don’t make me feel good you know I don’t like myself when I’m around them whatever reason it is a month later I’m lonely now I’m reflecting on it and going no I was wrong it was me I was bad I must have turned him off I did this why would I have let him go there will never be anyone else as good as him no one will love me you know it’s like the swing range can go to the furthest extreme right I’m unlovable no one will ever want to be with me and by the way I’ve had boyfriends who said that kind of stuff to me when I would try to break up with them no one will ever love you oh I’m the only person no one will want to see you without makeup on your face no one knows who you really are except for me I feel this cuz I’ve experienced it too and I’ve got back with that guy again and again I married that guy that was the first one you have to live and learn you have to finally go wait a minute I’ve even seen this with friends who say they go out with a person once and they get back from the date and they’re like GH I did not like him because of this this this and this and then a few days go by and they’re like well he never called so I guess he doesn’t want to be with me and I’m a piece of and I’m like wait wait but you don’t want to date him again remember you said you don’t want to date him and I do get that like well yeah but I don’t want to be the person that’s rejected I want to be the rejector not the reject e of course you know even if you’re like I don’t want to be with that person I still want them to want me oh completely completely I’ve been on truly like maybe two or three dates in my life and it was during college and I have no idea what those people were about because I was so self-absorbed in getting them to like me or think that I was weird or like doing performance art I was just going to say really performing the date I think I used to just be a great date yeah I bet I bet you were I mean of course I’m just going to be fun ask about you tell me everything let’s do what you want do let’s eat what you want to eat let’s drink what you want to drink let’s do everything it’s going to be so great it just took me way too long to even ask myself whether I liked a person or not I didn’t even know how to do that eight dates in you’re like oh yeah yeah this guy’s kind of a how did I didn’t notice that he’s funny but he’s just mean he is funny but he’s mean to everybody including me yeah that’s so weird so tell me about your character in Somebody I Used to Know Ally is a producer but what we come to learn essentially is that she’s really artistic right she went to school for film and used to be really into documentary film making and now she is a producer on like a dessert reality show and she’s sort of too self-serious about it you know it’s kind of like she wanted to be this like Oscar winning doc filmmaker she’s making this kind of competition reality show but trying to make everybody be so serious about it in a way that’s like weird killing the fun too intense it’s killing the fun and she doesn’t have a lot of people in her life because she’s that classic you know romc come workaholic gal who’s like very focused on doing the thing and kind of I think what we want to do is I mean first of all let me say that we are not trying to disparage desert competition shows I devour them I love them oh I think you’re honoring them we love them but I think it’s kind of this type of person and especially I mean in any industry I would imagine but like speaking to my own because I work in an industry that is sort of like under the guise of doing things for art but also it’s Commerce and we learn as women to lean in to stuff so sometimes you can find yourself in a place that’s very different than where you expected within your own industry because you’ve been like I should just lean into the direction that they want me to go and sometimes it’s a good thing you know sometimes I think like just do this job take this risk who knows maybe it doesn’t seem like your thing but you love it like you love performing do it in any capacity or do you end up really far from where you wanted to be and you go like wow it was like a million little compromises that led me somewhere else you’re forced into a position where you have to trust sure even with people that you might not like I always have this feeling of like I hope they use that take yeah but never being able to have the gum to be like hey hey what about that one yes totally on this note will you tell us about a workplace hardship oh well I’m trying to think if I’ve ever found myself on a job that I really hated and it’s honestly very seldom because I kind of think even if I was just starting out and I would take any role you know and my first film role was in a movie called Born about a woman who’s impregnated with a demon fetus that’s like ripping guys penises off oh my God and you played this character yes I was impregnated with the demon fetus what a great first rooll I’ll have you know that there is a scene where the demon fetus Is possessing me and speaking to me through me and I have a full argument with myself as like myself and the demon fetus oh my God it’s literally like please no don’t do this I’m going to do it it was like that’s it they were like we’ll put special effects on it but they never did it’s just me being like you have to stop I will never stop like it’s so crazy but the point of the story is I loved working on that movie I mean that was my first movie I was like are you kidding I’m on a movie set I’m the lead of this movie I get to do the craziest stuff like I was aware that it wasn’t High art per se but it was so fun and great like I think what we’re tapping into with this character is that she’s not really enjoying what she’s doing because she’s sort of hanging on to it too tightly and I also understand that too where it’s like I’m this type of person anyway where no matter what I’m working on I want it to be the best version of that I want to be the best version of me when I’m doing it I can relate to her in that way where sometimes I think too it’s like you’re making a fun comedy and I’m like but I have to still I got to look over my lines every night I got to go to bed and I have to be drinking plenty of water and be getting my eight hours of sleep and do all this stuff you know and you’re sort of like lighten up a little you could have fun and loose up like it’s okay it’s not rocket science we’re not saving lives not to be little I think what we do is very important and it’s nice for people to have escapism but I’m just saying that’s a character through line I didn’t answer your question about a bad job no you did well I would have specific answers for that because I think I have been cast as what I deem as like the reactor sure like the indicator to the audience of how you’re supposed to feel like what what are you doing now guy why yeah I know well I can think of an experience I remember doing this Indie movie Once which turned out totally fine it was a first time very young filmmaker and that was a really hard job because I felt like I just had no trust for the director so it felt super scary to me the whole thing and talk about tightly wound I feel like I was trying to almost direct and first ad and do the all the other jobs because I just didn’t trust that this person was going to pull it off did you get backlash for that I mean I feel emotional personal backlash against myself because I wish I had been a little kinder to the director I know I was really hard on them you know I think in my mind I could justify it at the time by being like also I should teach this person and make them better at their job and you got to know that you should do this but I could have done it in a better way I think I don’t know I think this is incredibly strong and impressive I’ve never had that kind of gumption I’m just like go with the flow I guess now well this is why probably lately I’ve been writing and producing my own things because then I do get to be the person to be like that’s the take that’s the take we should do yes totally or in this case is directed by my husband I’m like I trust you I trust you that’s the best part honestly about working with Dave is that we have the same sensibilities the same taste level honestly he has probably better a very high taste level and he’s so good at what he does that I’m just sort of like oh good I don’t have to think about that stuff at all will you tell us if you’re comfortable about you and Dave oh yeah Dave and I met at Marty GR in New Orleans where were you in terms of being receptive for a relationship this is a great question I was very single I had been single for almost a year and I always refer to this year as my drunkest year because I had come out of not a good relationship with a person who at the time I found very controlling did you break it off yes but that guy and I broke up got back together like it was not a good relationship for either of us you know that person was obviously not meant to be my person and things were always really hard but I think there was part of it that had me feeling very controlled so then after we broke up I spent the next year really out of control like on purpose you know I think I just wanted to drink all the drinks and screw all the guys and it’s like who am I I am wild and fun which is probably right when I met you we were definitely doing that shoot at the time so I was having a lot of fun I had no desire to be in a relationship I remember saying to a friend I don’t want a boyfriend I don’t want a girlfriend I don’t want pets and I don’t want plants I don’t want any in my life that I have to take care of in any way cut to so I’m flying to Marty gr with friends for like a debaucherous Marty gr weekend we run into Dave at the airport I’m with a mutual friend of ours so she’s like oh I know that guy I’m GNA go say hi she talks to him she invites him to dinner with us and we’re just like sure whatever nothing at this point is romantically crossing my mind at all then we get to New Orleans we all go to dinner he actually said he couldn’t come to dinner cuz he had other plans he land plans his plans are cancelled meets us at dinner late we’re all sitting around a big table I’m already kind of Tipsy and my friend Jules is sitting next to Dave and I get a text from her I check my text under the table and it says like you should hook up with Dave tonight that is awesome and I’m like it’s a good run yeah I’m like yeah great idea and then she shows Dave the text it’s like what do you think of my friend Allison check out our little text exchange and he’s like oh I’m into that and she’s like do not tell her that I showed you this text so then we get up to go to the bathroom me and Jules and she’s like maybe you and Dave and I was like I’m into it but I don’t know if he’s going to be into it and she’s like I showed him your text under the table he’s into it and then she’s like do not tell him that I told you that I showed him so we leave we both have a sexy secret like that’s the best feeling too when someone’s pulling off a great setup right so now we both are like I know you’re into me this is awesome Jules is amazing Jules is amazing yes Jules is amazing the next phase is you know me sauntering up to Davey with a beer full of Molly and being like there’s Molly in this beer and I think that we should share it and have a great night and let me tell you we did oh my God that’s incredible we had a great night we had a great weekend and then I left him my Marty gr mask I’d been wearing all weekend with my phone number written on it when I left town for the weekend he texted me a funny joke still even over that weekend I was just like oh my God God this little hottie this is what a fun weekend I’m going to have how great and I left being like whatever that was great and I landed in La opened up this text from him and like my stomach dropped and I was like oh no I’m gonna fall in love with this guy yeah and I did I think most of us we approach relationships with just our own defenses yeah to protect ourselves mhm I love it that he has like an open enough heart to be like I’m going to make her laugh let me tell you the best thing about Dave is that he just is who he is he doesn’t play any games he never has he’s like a genuine kind person he really listens and talks to people like from the very beginning with he and I there was none of that at all like I would have been into him regardless I’m sure but like it was so nice that he texted me this thing then I texted him right back then he was like we should get on the phone then we started calling each other everything was easy he was not bringing baggage to the table and it made me feel safe enough to not really bring my baggage either and just be open to the relationship it was so nice what a gift if I was in your shoes that flight back to Los Angeles I would have tortured myself I would have been like I love him I love him I love him I can’t don’t expect anything from anybody ever well again it also speaks to like the place I was in right I think this a lot about acting also that like you know the jobs that you really want when you go in just wreaking of desperation of please give me this job it’s like terrible you never get that job and then you’ll read something else and be like I’m not right for this role at all I don’t know I’ll just go in and have fun and you always get that part and it’s like not to diminish Dave to being like a role that I got but like he met me at this moment in my life where I was like I’m not trying to be in a relationship I actually remember telling him on our second night together in New Orleans it drinks with everybody and somebody said something like this guy wants to get married by the time he’s 30 or something and I was like oh my god well I don’t want to get married ever so I can just be the gal you have sex with until you meet the gal that you’re going to marry like but meant it genuinely but was not trying to play the game of like I’m a cool girl I don’t even care I was like at a moment in my life where I was like I don’t want to be that person so let’s just have fun I don’t care at all and then as soon as I started to care he was just right there with me I never felt with Dave like oh I should wait a day before I text him back do you know what I mean yes what a great origin that you were in that place it was [Music] nice hey hi Hi how are you good how are you great Matthew you’re here with Allison she’s amazing she’s a dear friend of mine and I can’t thank you enough for your letter will you tell us what’s going on yeah and it’s really nice to meet both of you this is really cool thank you nice to meet you too so the last year in my dating life has been kind of like a whirlwind in a good way I think like lots of new experiences and I kind of want to figure fure out where I’m at now and what I want to do in the future so last year I like had my first serious girlfriend and fell in love did you guys meet during the pandemic more near the end of the pandemic like last March I mean we met a year before that was it in a friend Circle yeah yeah we worked together for a little bit Matthew how old are you I’m 25 it’s a perfect time for a first serious Girlfriend yes yeah the first time I met her we were going to like a work dinner with a bunch of the new cohort and she was one of them and we started talking and I had a crush pretty immediately on this girl but also in that first conversation she let me know she had a boyfriend like it came up in conversation a normal way not like you were like hey nice to meet you and she was like I have a boyfriend yeah yeah cool and so we just became friends you know work friends that was in the fall and then in the winter she ended up dropping the program and ended up going to like another city for a couple months and then ended up breaking up with her boyfriend so she came back to our city just to get her stuff back from her boyfriend’s apartment and then I was like well this is my like last chance to get to see her like everything started on that trip did she reach out to you like text you hey I’m coming back to town so we were texting each other back and forth a little bit while she was away and before she came back and I was just like oh we should hang out and you should see all like the old people from work and we hung out a lot those days and then like I ended up having like a party over at my place so everybody could be together and then that’s kind of when things got more serious and we hung out the rest of our trip here I think it’s really amazing that you weren’t like heavy-handed with the flirtation you know what I mean that you guys were texting or whatever but that you presented yourself like you weren’t pushing it too hard okay like that’s fairly commendable thanks don’t you think Allison definitely yeah it sounds like you really gave her space to do the things that she was doing in her life for her and that’s so nice not just like a what’s up yeah yeah yeah but then what happened yeah so then at the end of this trip for her to get all her stuff because she decided to go move to this new city and at the end of this trip I was like really sad cuz I was like I wish wish you were just here and I talked it over with like my roommate too and I was like I probably just have to like make sure this doesn’t keep going or something but I really wanted it to and I basically let her know this on like the last night she was in town I let her know both things that I wanted this to work out but it also just makes sense so wait had you guys been intimate or like kissed yes we had how long was this period of time that she was like back in the same city as you it was a week long oh okay but it was a week and you guys were hanging out like every night yeah yeah Ah that’s like a magical week isn’t it yeah it was nice and then she’s moving to a different city yes and does she have a job already in this city like how set up is she she does have a job but it was remote and she already has like an apartment in the new place and like signed a lease and everything oh okay so there was like oh your remote I don’t know we could make this work so I let her know both sides I was like we should probably like not and then she was like oh maybe it could work out I don’t know and so we tried to make it work and do little trips and stuff is what we kind of landed on we weren’t like official or exclusive yet but our cities are close enough let’s just see where this goes who sort of dictated those terms I mean it sounds reasonable enough but it also sounds painful yeah we’re actors we know a longdistance relationship like nobody’s business right right I think we landed on the terms together I mean I was excited so it’s kind of working you guys are doing these trips you haven’t put too much pressure on your relationship by dictating terms making it exclusive yeah and then where does it all blow up so then on a trip that I took to her City and I think this is partly just because this is my first serious relationship like this is where I then asked her to be my girlfriend on this trip to her so I guess we were really like boyfriend girlfriend for a pretty short time like a month basically you asked her to be exclusive on that trip then she comes to see you and you’re exclusive still okay yeah and then a few weeks later that’s when we end up breaking it off just because the long distances just getting to you yeah she said the whole point of moving to this new city was she did not like this city that I’m in right now and she didn’t find her people here and she like loves the new city and like found like great roommates great friends and stuff and so she said she just like wanted to have that and be 100% in that new place and not have like this long distance mhm what’s the age difference she’s 23 okay okay and so where are you guys at now it was her decision to kind of end things because it was too hard to keep going back to this city where she doesn’t have people other than you who she really cares about but she’s like trying to do her new thing and how long ago was that this was I think in May May or June so where are we at now it’s like you’re still having feelings for her I was for a while like the breakup was quite tough mhm yeah it’s your first one yeah it’s a big one yeah yeah and are you guys still in touch like since May do you guys still talk and stuff yeah we’ve texted here and there and this is partly where like a transition is coming I think at least right now cuz I did see her in December actually because I’ve got cousins in this city that she lives in too so I was just visiting them for holiday trip or something and got in touch with her and saw her so you texted her like hey I’m in town do you want to meet up yeah and how was that it was good I think it was necessary because I think before that I was like oh maybe something in the future like somehow later down the road this will still work out but she is like seeing somebody else right now so I think that was like the nail in the coffin where it’s just like okay time to move on for real I mean Matthew it sounds honestly like not a terrible first heartbreak situation you know because it sounds like she cared about you a lot and if she did stay living in the same city with you then maybe you guys would have continued to date and things like that but you both still are quite young and long distance is very hard I will say that two nights ago I rewatched the Justin Long Drew baramore movie Going the Distance which is all about this Matthew about two people who meet have a great six weeks together in New York and then they live Worlds Apart okay and it’s like ultimately especially when when you’re 25 you want to be in a relationship with somebody that lives in the same city as you and now this woman showed you that you have the capacity to love someone that it’s really fun to be in a more committed relationship and that like love is this amazing powerful thing and I feel like it’s one of those breakups that sucks but at least it’s not like then she turned into a totally different person and said all these horrible things to me I think that like at at least you can walk away being like wow we had something that was really great and I’m a really lovable great person and I would be excited to do that again with someone who it will be easier with because of our proximity yeah yeah I like that I like what Allison said about this experience showing you that you have the capacity to love okay that you enjoy that experience of companionship I get that so I think that’s wonderful do you have a lot of friends that are like dude you’re too young or like man we’re in our 20s like I wonder what pressure you’re putting on yourself and I wonder if your question is about how to achieve a long-term relationship again do you think that’s what it is um on the pressure I think it might be in a different direction most of my friends are in committed relationships oh wow yeah that’s nice that totally speaks to who you are that’s amazing yeah that makes a lot of sense you have such a warm sweet energy you seem emotionally evolved which is so nice thanks I appreciate it yeah so where are you at yeah so the flip side of the coin is I have been trying dating apps and did that for a little bit and have just been like also flirtatious with strangers well tell us about your dating app experience what’s that like it’s okay it’s kind of not as sparking chemistry as like this first relationship or some other people that I meet randomly I feel like I have more spark and more chemistry just meeting people in person for the first time how many dates did you go on like off of an app I’ve never like this is a foreign world yeah I know I was like Matthew I feel a little old to talk the dating app world I think in the past year only one for more than a couple dates and that was before Autumn and then other people probably like five six dates something like that so like a handful but not all the time just kind of one off so when you meet them in person you’re like oh we don’t really have a connection sort of yeah or maybe we did but it’s not something to cultivate write home about yeah and so those are fun but I mean hearing the way you talk about it gives me hope for younger generations to still attempt to meet people in person because like I agree with you there’s something really nice about just chemistry with a person right that you can’t kind of predict when that happens and it could be a person you meet at the supermarket or whatever and I feel like the thing with the apps that I find so interesting is like people can kind of be whoever they want to be right yeah everything online it’s like you could have a whole different Persona and a whole different life but then on the apps it’s like but then I’m going to meet you in person like I hear about friends who will go out with people whose photos look so different than the people look in person like of course you want to put up like the best photo of yourself but I also think it’s like such a short game totally it feels like an audition right like will they find me attractive it’s already set up as like a self-absorbed process okay right but it’s like you’re like wouldn’t you rather send someone a picture of how you kind of actually look so that when they meet you in person they’re like right that’s you this is the person I thought I was meeting versus like you’re Maybe going to meet this model yeah this face tuned like alien human that doesn’t exist and then in person you’re like sorry it’s me I would imagine that that’s a weird way to start off a date yeah is that happening to you a lot Matthew or am I projecting that’s happened maybe once oh good it’s just feels cruel the whole thing at some point it’s like people are clearly swiping you or whatever happens in that world and then when you do meet all you’re thinking about is like am I going to just disappoint this person not to make it sound like I’m not also the most vain person in the world but like I will say that the apps because you’re just seeing pictures of people and your first conversation is like hi versus meeting in person I think about like when I used to just be dating I could find someone attractive based on so many other factors than the way that they looked yeah yeah when I just had a run in with them in person I used to really get crushes on some Strang looking people who I found so attractive you know based on a number of other factors so to me it does seem yeah it’s like it’s such a stacked weird way to go into it where you’re just like on a screen there Matthew are you in a large urban area like I want to know like what’s your social exposure how motivated are you I’m in a big city great yeah the social aspect I go out pretty much every weekend that sort of thing with friends and and just hanging out with people so I don’t think I’m too cooped up which is nice I think that this relationship is right around the corner it sounds like you’re over the rough parts of a heartbreak you’re not in the place where you’re romanticizing her I think you seem to have a really clear head about it and like I do feel like it’s like you’re so ripe for a relationship after you get out of that first serious one right you have it under your belt and like you said you’re like I liked it and my friends are kind of in that mode too and I also think that Matthew people your age now are more apt to be in serious relationships in your letter though you do mention a hookup on New Year’s Eve is that part of this equation will you tell us about that a little bit Yeah so I guess this is kind of just like an example in the past year how I’ve been on one side of the spectrum and the other side like where it was just a very casual hookup with no follow through on either person’s part we had each other’s numbers and she told me to textt her afterwards and and I did and I was actually pretty excited to see her again oh and then we said oh maybe we’ll get together again maybe not and we tried to like plan things she was home for the holidays and so she was like going back relatively quickly and we ended up just not seeing each other again so there was like some texting afterwards okay how was your final text exchange with this gal were you sort of like presenting her with an actual like hey want to maybe go out this week and she was like oh I’m out of town for the holidays and then you were like how about next weekend there was actually like a very quick shoe exchange she took my roommates shoes on accident and so we had to like see each other okay that’s very interesting to learn because I feel like that’s a really classic I want to see you again is your roommate a girl no no they just have the same boots let me say Anna that like the first night I met and hooked up with my husband I did steal his shirt when I left the next day as a way to guarantee that I would see him again to return the shirt but that’s such a move like I would not think that this is a person that didn’t want to hang out again maybe I will say if she didn’t necessarily want to hang out again it’s pretty classy to like actually return the shoes yes so that’s nice that she returned them yeah the shoe exchange was like not charged in any way I kind of Wonder too if most of your really close friends are in serious relation ships how frequently you feel like the other if you guys all go to Cabo together are you like the dude in the single room and yeah maybe maybe I do feel like the other sometimes are you confused about what you’re looking for I think so cuz this casual like hookup was fun and I I don’t think I’ve really had like a phase where I’ve just been like having fun and not looking for anything serious I don’t think I have either if that’s any consolation but that’s when I met the love of my life I’m telling you it’s a good phase I actually think it’s a good phase to be in a mindset of like you know what I’m just going to have fun and lighten up about it because when you’re trying to look for it too hard it feels impossible it feels like a needle in a hay stack but like for all intents and purposes you just got out of a big relationship so now you’re in that mode where you want to just be free and have some fun also I would say tap into your friends who are in relationships like friends of friends it’s a great way to meet people because you know inherently you might already have some stuff in common right like your friend’s girlfriend’s friend Matthew here is an idea I wonder if you just simply tell yourself not that you’re going to be single but that you’re just going to sit back with yourself and your experiences and not put any pressure on it till next January oh that’s nice I like that long Runway you a year sounds sometimes like so long these days I feel like they fly by here’s the thing that I think goes with this right for that year this friend of mine recently she was like my current Mantra is if it’s not easy it’s not for me and I was like I love that like this girl that you had this hookup with the hookup was great now after you’re texting back and forth too many times to make a plan it’s like okay well let’s not go out because why is this so difficult just to have our next hangout like it shouldn’t be that hard nothing should be hard you’re 25 years old things should be easy and fun but that doesn’t mean that you’re not going on a second or third date with someone that you like if that presents itself it’s like this is the year I’m gonna have fun and be open to whatever that means I really like this time commitment idea and I haven’t thought of it before and when you said it initially it sounded like a long time to me and I think that’s a clue that I should probably take the advice good because I think that means I was secretly like hoping for like a quick phase or something but letting it breathe and giving it some time I think would make it a better time yes I’m glad you find relief in that so this is your study abroad year yeah you’re 25 I love it you’ve got nothing to lose you know what I mean open yourself to having some really odd experiences and maybe expand your Social Circle you like that yeah I believe in your future Matthew thanks so much thank you so much yeah thank you Matthew good luck with it all yeah I appreciate it so nice to meet both of you this was awesome it’s really nice to meet you too nice to meet you too have a wonderful rest of your day Matthew thank you so much for talking with us [Music] you’re wonderful thank you so are you you have always been stunning oh thank you Anna as actresses we get sort of slaughtered with the age thing I was going to say you know I just turned 40 in December and I’m like I like it oh you look smoking hot thank you but it’s interesting to me cuz now everybody’s like let’s talk about how you’re 40 and I’m like I mean why we weren’t talking about how I was 39 I know the trains left the station do we have a choice like why is it suddenly I know I think about how we’ve gauged time but when you write do you start from a character and are there characters sort of kicking around in your head you know weirdly when I look at the three projects I’ve written three films right that have been made and the craziest part is that it didn’t start from a character place even though I often think in my mind oh the whole reason that I’m writing is so that I can write characters that I want to play but actually every time it was the story the first film I wrote had been in my mind for years and wanting to tell a story about familial mental illness and my grandmother’s history with paranoid schizophrenia and like my paranoia about that existing in my bloodline like that was like sort of this abstract idea that I even wanted to put into something and then this movie it was Dave and I actually think we started with the genre because his first film that he wrote and directed was a horror movie called The Rental that I was in and it was so good and he loves horror movies and I just think he really wanted to swing over to the other side of the spectrum and we really wanted to write something together and I was kind of like well I love from comes come to the light side of the spectrum so I feel like we actually almost started there and then like I said our weighin was about kind of The One That Got Away and we knew we wanted to have some sort of love triangle and how could we make make that idea fresh and apply it to like how people are today but tap into the Nostalgia from like all our favorite romcoms and kind of use all those same tropes but update them I guess so yeah I think it’s always been more story driven and it’s hard for me to pinpoint like the whale of like a role that I would want to do right I feel like I don’t know them often until I see them or if I read you know like I will never forget when I read the pilot for glow and then launched my like full scale assault on that audition process to get that role because I was floored by that script and that character and that whole world was really interesting to me it was such a great show but you know what I mean it’s not like prior to that I was like I’m dying to play a female wrestler I hadn’t even thought about that you know I think I’m the opposite I don’t necessarily know the story but I know an idea of like I’ve always wanted to play the Los Angeles self- describer go on I don’t exactly know what happens to her and the idea of what separates the exceptional to use a sexist term gold digger from the long-term girlfriend yeah professional girlfriend when I first moved to Los Angeles I was really struck by by the self-explanation of like here’s who I am and what I I’m really spiritual I’m really creative and I’m a Gemini it is funny because it’s also like H I feel like anytime I’ve been asked to like pinpoint exactly who I am and what I’m about you must feel this way too like it’s not like I seek this stuff out someone will tag me in something on Instagram and it’s a quote of something I said 10 12 years ago and I’m like oh I don’t know if that reflects who I am now like I’m sort of like how can anyone ever just go like here’s what I am period you’re like I don’t know life’s a journey here’s kind of how I’m feeling today and I mean certainly there are things that define us it’s important to like know who you are I guess but that should be kept to the yearbooks yeah you know that’s just when you want to flip through them like every 10 years maybe totally Allison I can’t thank you enough you’re so unbelievably talented that’s a very kind thing to say it’s very much the truth thank you your movie is out now yes somebody I used to know somebody I used to know it’s on Amazon Prime video you can watch it everywhere globally I love you I love you bye darling [Music] [Music]

Alison Brie Re release | Anna Faris Friends
In this flashback episode, Anna gets a return visit from Alison Brie [Community, Glow, Mad Men]! Alison talks with Anna about women in Hollywood, good and bad relationships, hooking up with her husband (Dave Franco), her first movie, her latest movie Somebody I Used to Know and a lot more.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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