A) Teresa- accused Xander of rape in the past, is trying to screw Xander out of Dimera money, baby kidnapper, and she must of known that Constantin would have to kill Maggie to get to her money. Saint Maggie is Tate’s step-great-grandmother (is that a thing) 'and Teresa’s sponsor at AA
B) Stefan- covering for drug dealers, attempted cop murderer. He should have used his money to kill Clyde, or at least tell Rafe his sister is going to be killed in prison. Rich, entitled, dumb and immoral w’hat a combination.
C) Maggie- isn’t a sham marriage for a green card a felony? She tells everyone in town she doesn’t love Constantin and it is just to keep Constantin from being deported. Dumb,Dumb


Don’t forget Sloan

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Sloan and Nicole kinda cancel each other out as they have done the same crimes


Konstatin = Despicable. Hopefully he won’t be around much longer…fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:t5:

EJ = Despicable also. As much as I like him, he’s keeping Nicole from her baby. What a despicable way to show much you love your wife. I don’t care if that he’s no the father, she still deserves her baby. Especially considering how her other child is treating her at the moment. Speaking of …

Holly = She’s all three. She almost died and is still acting like a witch, not to mention the way she treats her mother. Now that’s despicable. I don’t care how many mistakes Nicole has made, she doesn’t deserve to be treated that way by her own daughter. This Holly chick needs to be sent to a hard core boot camp! :angry:

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Stefan. He’s become a complete idiot.


Since you’re bringing up past storylines and the full scope of the character, I can not fathom Kristen not being number one on this list for horrible, despicable. Her resumé speaks for itself…and put EJ in there too. As for stupid…Maggie and Stefan surely belong on that list for their stupid decisions.

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Yes, Kristen and EJ just about tie, except for the “stupid.” That goes to Maggie. Those adjectives for Stefan and Theresa are OTT.


I can’t dredge up any sympathy for Nicole.

Many long moons ago, Nicole was in Sloane’s place and lied to Sami and E.J.

More importantly, I don’t believe Nicole has grown to the point that she wouldn’t do something like that again.

I would add Sloan to that list as well!

Add Leo to the list.

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Theresa - can stand the character, too whiny. She has betrayed Maggie who has always been good to her, plus her screwing over Xander. I like EJ & Kristen because I like to watch their sneakiness & they make me laugh. But the person I consider the most despicable isn’t even on Days right now & hopefully never comes back: Sami Brady. The only time Nicole is tolerable to me is when she’s fighting with Sami. Nothing against Alison Sweeney because I’ve actually liked some of the Lifetime or Hallmark movies with her.

I would add Alex to the list.
There are way too many horrible awful characters with zero root for appeal are on this show right now. They far outweigh the likeable characters