Can I Use Creme Fraiche In The Honey Semifreddo? | Ask | Nigella Lawson
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Can I Use Creme Fraiche In The Honey Semifreddo?

Asked by richardatpalmer. Answered on 20th May 2024

Full question

Would I be able to use full fat creme fraiche in place of the double cream in the Honey Semifreddo?

Honey Semifreddo
Photo by Petrina Tinslay
Honey Semifreddo
By Nigella
  • 14
  • 2

Our answer

Nigella's Honey Semifreddo (from NIGELLA SUMMER) is a frozen dessert that does not require a custard or churning. Semifreddos are usually a combination of whisked eggs, sugar and cream and when frozen the mixture is just firm, so it can be sliced or spooned.

Creme fraiche is a type of sour cream that has a higher fat content than regular sour cream. The fat content of creme fraiche can vary a lot, from 30% (UK-produced) to 40% (some French brands), compared with the fat content of heavy/whipping cream or double cream of 35-50%. The lower fat content of some of the creme fraiches can mean that the semifreddo becomes more icy and hard in texture. The production process of creme fraiche gives the cream its thick texture, but can also make it harder to whip. Finally, the sour taste of the creme fraiche will come though in the semifreddo and affect the overall taste. So we would prefer not to use all creme fraiche. However, if you wanted to add a slight tang to the semifreddo, you could replace 3-4 tablespoons of the double cream with creme fraiche and then whip this mixture to use in the semifreddo.

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