Girth - In Vein Transkriptionsanfrage | Lyrics Translate

Girth - In Vein Transkriptionsanfrage

  • Künstler/in: Girth
  • Lied: In Vein
  • Sprache: Englisch

Hoping for AI help... then I'll try to transcribe what I can... intro as I heard it:

Young man searching for a name
It's just too bad his father was a goddamn shame
Never coming around, no time to even call
This little boy's mind remembers it all
When I was coming up you would drop on the floor
While I was home waiting for a knock on the door
All alone in this world, what happened to me?
All alone in this world, what happened to me?

Hoping for AI help... then I'll try to transcribe what I can... intro as I heard it:

Young man searching for a name
It's just too bad his father was a goddamn shame
Never coming around, no time to even call
This little boy's mind remembers it all
When I was coming up you would drop on the floor
While I was home waiting for a knock on the door
All alone in this world, what happened to me?
All alone in this world, what happened to me?

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   Mi, 22/05/2024 - 00:28

My attempt - bits I am the least sure of are in parentheses. It's very possible the AI's attempt threw me off, but it at least helped some

Young man searching for a name
It's just too bad his father was a goddamn shame
Never coming around, no time to even call
This little boy's mind remembers it all
When I was coming up you were drunk on the floor
While I was home waiting for a knock at the door
All alone in this world, what happened to me?
All alone in this world, what happened to me?

Carry the blame, it's all the same, there is no way... to stop it now
Maybe you'll bring a memory's [grain] this is where... [?]
Pulling away, with nothing to say nowhere to go... You're [?]
[Can you/Think you could] spend a minute like this just [?]... [?] in vain

Try to escape reality
Just can't deal with open eyes anymore
[Tempting to fear/Can't interfere] with two guys/guns [as you stare/I just stabbed]
Where's his judgment? Where else [will we lay?]

Going insane, yet/you're placing the blame on life itself
You're not/all fooling me
Cry [for help/from hell] has gone [to tuck the ends inside]
Fall to your knees
Dying inside, I've opened wide to seeing your mind
[[?] killing you?] Tattered and torn, your body's worn
Now's the time you'll fade away

Try to escape reality
Just can't deal with open eyes anymore
Your [[core?] will boil], all alone, you tremble
Where's his judgment? Where else [will we lay?]

Losing all emotion can't stop the pain
[We're] gently smiling and your mind/eye melts away

Give the fuck up!

You don't feel, don't think it's real, it's no surprise
Your life's a mess
This is real, the pain you feel deep down inside
[We're all being left]
[Down in] the void, you're begging for more, but [don't be worried]
You cry out loud
Swirling in black, your mind turns back, thinking aloud
We understand

Try to escape reality
Just can't deal with open eyes anymore
[?] with two guys/guns [as you stare/I just stabbed]
Where's his judgment? Where else [will we lay?]

Losing all emotion can't stop the pain
[We're] gently smiling and your mind melts away