Young Cuban woman succeeds with parody of 'The Little Mermaid' about blackouts in Cuba

Young Cuban woman succeeds with parody of 'The Little Mermaid' about the power outages in Cuba.

Cuban singer performs a version of "The Little Mermaid" song talking about the situation in Cuba and receives applause.

The young Cuban Karoline Hernández (@your_loli_blue), 19 years old, is facing the power outage situation in Cuba with a lot of humor and has parodied the song from 'The Little Mermaid' talking about what is happening throughout the island, eliciting more than a few laughs from her followers.

In her Instagram profile, this talented Cuban has sung a cappella the song she composed with the melody of the fictional character Ariel's song, and the result is delighting on Instagram, where she has earned applause.

What do you see around you? The whole country is in a blackout, it makes me think that I need to emigrate. The air conditioner is broken down, and I can't deal with this heat. Do you want trouble? I've got plenty. But honestly, I want to emigrate and be able to go discover everything I never knew. I want to emigrate and get away from here," sings Karoline.

"This track should be on Spotify", "Me watching this with no light", "New anthem of Cuba", "Too good", "Now I have to download this video... and convert it to MP3 and play it on loop in the middle of the blackout", "The Cuban anthem from now on" or "For the Grammys" are some of the comments that can be read alongside this song.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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