“Chief of Station,” starring Aaron Eckhart in his Liam Neeson avatar, is a predictably drab affair. Directed by Jesse V. Johnson and written by George Mahaffey, this spy-thriller dips too much into its inspirations to pass off as anything remotely interesting. “Chief of Station” only comes alive during its hand-to-hand combat scenes. There could have been more of those. The rest of the ‘espionage’ essence of the film is one long series of genre cliches. Eckhart tries well. For a film this generic, his earnestness should be specifically noted and praised.

Chief of Station (2024) Plot Summary & Movie Synopsis:

The day starts normally for CIA Chief of Station Ben Malloy (Aaron Eckhart), as his team intercepts an important package from being delivered to the Russians in Budapest. Ben’s deputy, John Branca (Alex Pettyfer), plays a major role in stopping the Russian Agents led by Evgeny (Nick Moran). After the successful completion of the mission, Ben meets his wife, Farrah (Laëtitia Eïdo), who is also in Budapest. Farrah is another CIA operative. Ben and Farrah’s anniversary dinner turns catastrophic as a bomb blast in the restaurant kills many, including Farrah.

Time passes and a devastated Ben struggles to cope with the loss. His relationship with his son, Nick (Chris Petrovski), also deteriorates. As he tries to connect with his backpacking-across-Europe son, he also realizes that the CIA is probing into Farrah’s death. And they do not think that Farrah died an honorable death. The thought of Farrah being a double agent is unbearable to Ben. To allay his own fears and to clear Farrah’s name, Ben decides to visit Budapest. But before that, he enlists one of Farrah’s trusted associates, Desmond (Jonathan Ajayi).

Desmond’s computer skills reveal the identity of one of Farrah’s potentially dangerous targets, Kharon Taramov (Daniel Bernhardt). Why Farrah arranged to meet Kharon on that fateful day is a mystery to Ben. Upon arriving in Budapest, Ben meets his former protege, the current Chief of Station, Branca. Ben uses his old network to reach out to other country’s intelligence operatives. Using one such agent’s help, Ben realizes he must find Evgeny to know more about the attack on Farrah. Even though he knows Evgeny would not resort to such a heinous act.

Subsequently, Ben’s search for Evgeny takes him to an unsanctioned casino. Through some casual gambling and unnecessary brawling, Ben and Evgeny finally get to talk. Evgeny strongly denies the implication that he had anything to do with Kharon. But before he can say anything more, he is attacked by unidentified gunmen. Ben flees the scene and calls Branca to rescue him. To his surprise, Branca comes quite quickly to his rescue. Branca takes him to a boat that resembles a headquarters. Before Ben can understand, he is shocked to see Branca and Kharon together. `

Chief of Station (2024) Ending Explained:

Did John Branca Betray Ben?

After seeing Kharon with Branca, it becomes quite clear that Branca has been betraying Ben from the beginning. Any doubt regarding Branca’s intention is removed when he starts torturing Ben. Branca continues to electrocute Ben, trying to find out what Farrah left to him. Ben, who has no idea what Branca is looking for, continues to take the punishment while putting a brave face up. Just when it seems that Ben cannot take anymore, he gets a helping hand. A masked assassin appears and goes through Branca and Kharon’s men.

Chief of Station (2024) Movie Ending Explained
A still from “Chief of Station” (2024)

With this help, Ben is able to overcome Branca’s entourage. The masked help is Krystyna (Olga Kurylenko). Ben knows her as one of Farrah’s oldest friends and associates. With Krystyna’s help, Ben escapes Branca’s clutch. However, while Ben and Krystyna escape, Nick and his girlfriend are visited by a group of gun-wielding mercenaries. Nick realizes that there is no time to fight back, so he obliges and leaves with the gunmen. His girlfriend is spared. He makes another effort to escape, but his attempt is thwarted. He realizes that he has no choice but to hope that his father might have something up his sleeve.

Why Was Farrah Killed?

The mystery behind Farrah’s death and why everyone seems to think she has given something to Ben for safekeeping lies in a dinner Farrah and Ben had some years ago. At that dinner, Farrah gifted Ben a locket. At that time, she proclaimed that to be a family heirloom. Ben kept that pendant. But little did he know that it was the key to Farrah’s secrets. Farrah has not betrayed America, but she also acted on her own. She reached out to other agents, notably from Russia. She kept in touch with Evgeny. While doing so, she helped many and found CIA agents who were corrupt.

This information sealed the fate of Farrah. Branca, one of the corrupt agents, got wind of this and planned with his superior to get rid of Farrah. And here lies the bombshell information that Farrah had on her laptop. The Deputy Director, Austin Williams, himself, is corrupt. So, now it becomes clear to Ben that it was his own boss, the rogue CIA director Williams, who killed Farrah. Using the key Farrah gave and the address known to Krystyna, Ben finds all the proof of this corruption. He realizes that this is the price he has to pay if he is to save his son’s life.

How Is Deputy Director Williams Caught?

Ben calls Branca and asks for a meet-up. It is to exchange Farrah’s evidence for Nick. Krystyna parks herself on the nearest rooftop with a sniper to provide backup to Ben. It is clear to both of them that both Branca and Kharon will try to kill all of them once they get what they want. And so they do. Krystyna’s sniper provides a temporary relief as Ben and Nick try to escape with Farrah’s evidence. But Branca and Kharon tail them. A car chase ensues where Kharon is killed.

This leaves Ben to take care of Branca face-to-face. Ben manages to take his revenge as he overpowers Branca. He captures Branca and sets his sights on the main culprit: Deputy Director Williams. To expose and capture Williams, he enlists an unconventional help. Desmond ensures that all the incriminating clips of Williams are in place. He plays them on the big screen in a convention that Williams is chairing. Just to seal the deal, a still-alive Evgeny comes to corroborate the clips and confirm Williams being in cahoots with opposing forces for money. The audio clip where Williams orders Branca to kill Ben is the final nail.

After that, the only thing left for Ben to do is meet his son’s girlfriend and have dinner in Paris. Krystyna asks Ben to keep in touch as well.

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Chief of Station (2024) Movie Links: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Wikipedia, Letterboxd
The Cast of Chief of Station (2024) Movie: Aaron Eckhart, Olga Kurylenko, Alex Pettyfer, Daniel Bernhardt, Chris Petrovski, Nick Moran, Kris Johnson, James Faulkner
Chief of Station (2024) Movie Genre: Action/Mystery & Thriller | Runtime: 1h 37m
Where to watch Chief of Station

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