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Watched Forever After for the first time.

I absolutely loved it. What did you guys think? I can’t believe I haven’t seen it before, don’t know why, I just figured I wouldn’t like it because of Rumpleforeskin.

r/Shrek - Watched Forever After for the first time.
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u/Mammons-HotBuns avatar

Also I meant to add that I cried at this movie so damn hard. Who knew a relationship between fictional ogres could make me so emotional!!

Shrek can and will put your emotions into ogredrive

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u/Stith1183 avatar

Fiona has never looked prettier than she does in this scene.

she looks good when she’s thrown in the air in the dance sequence with the diamonds 🤣🤣

unzip pants


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I love it. My favorite from Best to Good is.

Shrek 2


Shrek 4

Shrek 3

mine is the exact same order ♥️

Shrek 3 doesn’t exist to me lol

u/ReasonEmergency2566 avatar

Strange that’s a great movie

u/ReasonEmergency2566 avatar

I’m definitely 2, 3, 1, 4

1, 2, 4, 3 for me lol.

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u/ArcerPL avatar

for me its exact same but shrek 1 and shrek 4 are in the exact same spot, like literally are equally as good

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u/HughJaenis avatar

Do the roar

u/Mammons-HotBuns avatar

I love you, daddee.

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u/richboyadler avatar

the ending scene like the entire thing with shrek and fiona as he is fading away is just beautiful. that scene always makes me cry ! 10/10

u/Fatking101 avatar

Me too

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u/Cheesey_Stuff14 avatar

I too have always loved this movie, people hate on it way too much, it’s such a powerful and great film.

u/amazingspineman avatar

That scene when Fiona and Shrek recite the poem they used to sing to their kids while swinging on the chains to lock up Dragon is sublime. I tear up every time.

That movie is so fucking good. I love it. And Rumpelstiltskin is my favorite part.

u/Mammons-HotBuns avatar

He was definitely better than I thought he’d be!

u/sonerec725 avatar

If I had a nickle for every time Rumplestiltskin was a cool antagonist in a big fairytale crossover franchise I'd have 2 nickles

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The second one was definitely my favorite. This one made me violently horny, however.

Tragically underrated

u/MidnightStalk avatar

i love it. it’s way better than the third movie and i don’t get why people don’t like it, and don’t appreciate it more.

I still don’t understand. How did neither Lord Farquad or Prince Charming save Fiona when in Shrek 2 Prince Charming already on his way to save Fiona before Shrek arrived? 🤔

Shrek saved Fiona before Prince charming made it to the castle. Remember Charming found the wolf there, who said that Fiona was already on her honeymoon, putting prince charming getting to the castle post shrek 1 ending.

Lord Farquad didn't save Fiona because he was a lazy POS who'd rather send others to do the dirty work while he reaps the rewards.

Prince Charming spent too much time primping in front of a mirror before his quest. Lord Farquad was just a capitalist.

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u/playerlxiv avatar

I've been a Shrek 4 defender since it came out and I'm so happy seeing the reception in this movie turn around in recent years

Don´t remember much about 3 or 4. Don´t remember anything about 3 at all except I think a dream where the baby says ¨DADA¨ really low... And 4 I remember only the Pied Piper part, and remember that it made me cry laughing. Other than that I've always considered 3 and 4 to be pretty bad... Guess it's time for a rewatch

Easily my favorite of the 4 movies, even if it's not the best one of the bunch, since I think Shrek 2 is more well made. But it's the one I've watched the most still


u/SignificantAd6364 avatar

i watched it the other night with my daughter because she’s been obsessed with it. i actually enjoyed it a lot.

u/Zordon295 avatar

Yeah it's nice that you're asking what we all think but honestly if you have good taste I would say that this movie is awesome and if you liked it then you fall in the same category. Overall the Shrek movies are phenomenal. If I had to rank them, the order I would go with is Shrek 2, then SHREK, then Shrek Forever After, and then Shrek the third.

The only reason that Shrek 2 goes above Shrek one is because of the fact that there's that scene at the end with the song than the "Fairy godmother" is singing and it goes along with the scenes of action with Shrek and puss in Boots and it's so fucking hype that it's just SO fucking cool. Like that song lives rent free in my head even to this day, but aside from that part of it. Shrek one is definitely the best. And this movie is phenomenal, Rumpelstiltskin is surprisingly a really interesting and good villain, albeit he's a "little weirdo" but he's great at being a little weirdo. This movie was awesome. So yeah, don't feel bad about loving it 😁

u/Mammons-HotBuns avatar

I completely agree! It’s insane how wonderful overall the Shrek movies are; Dreamworks really nailed it. I think they did even better than Disney in this case, like wayyy better, it’s crazy!

u/Zordon295 avatar

Oh, right you are my dude. I would say for the most part DreamWorks has actually done a significantly better job with their movies in the past 15 years than Disney has. One of the few CG animated movies that really stands out to me from Disney is 'Tangled'. I love that movie. I cry every time I watch it, but for the most part most of the stuff that Disney has done that uses 3D animation nowadays is not that good, if you ask me. Especially because if you just go back a few years and look at things like Treasure Planet or Atlantis. Treasure Planet is one of the greatest movies ever made (I will die on that Hill). But Both of those movies are INCREDIBLE, and it seems like those movies were some of the last ones that they actually put genuine effort into creating that were not completely 3D animated. It's like they lost sight of good writing and good movie making because of the fact that 3D animation is FLASHY and currently more popular. But that doesn't make up for the shitty writing.

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u/leebon427 avatar

I’ve only seen it once and I honestly don’t remember much about it. I remember loving the first three, and I never understood why so many people hated the 3rd movie, I thought it was good. But I remember thinking the 4th one was just okay. Maybe I need to give it another chance.

u/Mammons-HotBuns avatar

I love the third movie too, it’s charming and silly and we got the babies and the funeral scene.

I’d love it if you did! Definitely worth another watch.

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It’s my second favorite

u/BertholdtHooverLuver avatar

It’s my fav of the franchise followed by two!

Lol Rumpleforeskin 😆

u/Thiege23 avatar

Look at shrek getting to be the hero for real not just a day job

Hot take: I thought it was the weakest out of the films. It was too dreary for a Shrek film. The birthday party scene was gold though.

Shrek the Third was worse.

shrek the what? i havent heard of that before

The third Shrek movie?

the third shrek movie doesnt exist?

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u/MidnightStalk avatar

weirdest take when Shrek 3 exists

worst than 2 og's for sure but it was great especially after the 3rd one, wtf was the 3rd one like actually

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It’s a significant improvement over 3 even if it doesn’t hit 1 and 2’s highs, but it was still a nice little end to the saga…until now, it would appear 😳

u/louis_creed1221 avatar

It’s a cute movie

I really like the first 15 or so minutes, theyre easily welcome in the Shrek mythos (its a good arc for Shrek too, goes from Ogre in the swamp, to married man, to good father and I appreciated seeing an existential/midlife crisis from him over that, it was realistic and was well done imo)

I do feel like the setpieces overstay their welcome once they go back in time or whatever, but I still deffinetly enjoy it more than Shrek 3. It doesnt glue me to the screen start to finish like Shrek and Shrek 2 but it had higher highs than 3 for sure. Also the graphics are really impressive the whole runtime which is nice


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It’s on Netflix now and I have yet to see it, but I’ve heard that it makes up for the travesty that was Shrek the 3rd.

u/Atlantis773 avatar

Thoughts on Fifi?

u/crazyabootmycollies avatar

It’s my least favourite of the four only because the voice for Rumplestinkypants is worse than nails on a chalkboard. The character was fine. The voice though…

Terrible dog shit stain on the series


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You can 100% skip from the first (Shrek) to Forever After and not be lost whatsoever

I can understand skipping Shrek the Third, but why would anyone want to skip the masterpiece of Shrek 2?!

Fair enough, though my point stands lol

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u/Cheesey_Stuff14 avatar

Shrek 2 introduces Far Far Away, Puss, and basically core concepts that stay throughout the franchise so no.

You can only skip Shrek the Third, now THAT adds nothing of note.

Know what? I actually forgot Puss was introduced in Shrek 2. My bad Shrek community, I will go rewatch and commit seppiku at the credits to atone for my dishonor.

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