Man fatally shot while walking in Dunning - Chicago Sun-Times

Man fatally shot while walking in Dunning

The man was walking in the 3900 block of North Pittsburgh Avenue when someone fired shots, striking him in the chest.

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Sun-Times stock photo POLICE, CRIME, SHOOTING, BULLET ORG XMIT: CST1503261538582659

Ashlee Rezin/for Sun-Times Media/Sun-Times Media

A man was shot and killed Friday morning in the Dunning neighborhood on the Northwest Side.

The 24-year-old was walking about 7 a.m. in the 3900 block of North Pittsburgh Avenue when someone fired shots, striking him in the chest, Chicago police said.

The man was taken to Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, where he died, police said.

No arrests were reported.

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