Biden, DNC slam Florida abortion ban as it goes into effect

Biden, DNC slam Florida abortion ban as it goes into effect

President Biden bashed Florida’s new abortion ban, arguing former President Trump is worried about voters holding him accountable for it in November.

The law went into effect Wednesday, after Florida’s state Supreme Court ruled in early April to allow a six-week abortion ban already approved by the state Legislature.

“There is one person responsible for this nightmare: Donald Trump. Trump brags about overturning Roe v. Wade, making extreme bans like Florida’s possible, saying his plan is working ‘brilliantly,’ Biden said in a statement. “He thinks it’s brilliant that more than four million women in Florida, and more than one in three women in America, can’t get access to the care they need.”

“Trump is worried the voters will hold him accountable for the cruelty and chaos he created. He’s right,” the president added.

The Biden campaign also released a video Wednesday criticizing Trump’s comments in a recent Time interview, during which he said it should be up to individual states whether to monitor pregnancies and whether to prosecute women for having an abortion.

“There seems to be no limit to how invasive Trump would let the states be,” Biden said in the video. “This should be a decision between a woman and her doctor, and the government should get out of people’s lives.”

Vice President Harris is set to travel to Florida on Wednesday to further criticize the new abortion law, which Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed last April, and to seize on Trump’s comments.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) labeled it “Trump’s Extreme Florida Abortion Ban” and squarely blamed the former president and “his fellow MAGA extremists” for women in Florida losing abortion access.

“We know that if reelected, Trump would take his dangerous anti-freedom agenda even further by banning abortion nationwide — with or without the help of Congress,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said.

“Our freedoms are on the line in this election and voters know that President Joe Biden is the only choice in this election who will fight to protect their freedoms, not strip them away,” he added.

Tags 2024 presidential election abortion abortion access abortion ban Donald Trump Florida Florida abortion law Florida Supreme Court Jaime Harrison Joe Biden Ron DeSantis Trump-Biden rematch

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