Teaching Students About Prince Philip Young - Pedagogue

Teaching Students About Prince Philip Young

In present times, it can be increasingly beneficial for young students to learn about influential figures who have positively impacted the world. One such individual is Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and teaching young students about him can inspire future generations to follow in his footsteps. In this article, we will explore the importance of teaching students about Prince Philip Young and how educators can incorporate his life story into their curriculum.

Early Life and Achievements:

Prince Philip was born on June 10, 1921, in Corfu, Greece. Despite a turbulent childhood that saw him moving between various countries due to family strife and political unrest, he exhibited strong character by overcoming numerous challenges. As a student of Gordonstoun School in Scotland, he quickly rose through the ranks and demonstrated leadership qualities – an attribute that would serve him well throughout his life.

Marriage to Queen Elizabeth II

After serving in the Royal Navy during World War II, Prince Philip married then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947, eventually becoming the Duke of Edinburgh. He played a vital role as consort to Queen Elizabeth II over their 73-year marriage despite facing several criticisms. His dedication to service was unwavering throughout his life as he participated in countless charitable efforts and established the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

One of Prince Philip’s most significant achievements is the creation of The Duke of Edinburgh Award in 1956. The award’s objective is to help young people develop key life skills through volunteering, physical fitness, learning new talents, and embarking on adventurous expeditions. This program has successfully impacted millions of participants across the globe by providing them with valuable opportunities for personal growth.

Lessons from Prince Philip’s Life

Teaching students about Prince Philip Young can provide them with valuable lessons that they can carry throughout their lives. Some key takeaways include:

1. Overcoming adversity: Despite his tumultuous upbringing and various challenges faced throughout his life, Prince Philip consistently demonstrated resilience, showing students the importance of overcoming obstacles.

2. Dedication to service: Prince Philip’s commitment to service was unwavering throughout his life. He was actively involved in supporting over 800 charities and organizations, demonstrating the importance of giving back to society.

3. Commitment to personal growth: The Duke of Edinburgh Award epitomizes Prince Philip’s belief in empowering young people through personal development and encouraging them to push their limits through learning new skills and experiences.

Incorporating Prince Philip’s Story into Classroom Lessons

Here are some ways educators can integrate Prince Philip Young’s story into their teaching:

1. Organize a class project on researching influential figures: Encourage students to learn about the lives of impactful people like Prince Philip and present their findings in the form of essays, posters, or presentations.

2. Host a Duke of Edinburgh Award-inspired event: Organize activities centered around the award’s key components – volunteering, physical fitness, skill development, and adventurous expeditions – to encourage personal growth among your students.

3. Discuss themes from Prince Philip’s life during English or history lessons: Use biographies or articles about his life as a basis for discussion on topics such as resilience, service to society, and personal growth.


Teaching students about Prince Philip Young can provide them with essential life lessons that will inspire them to strive for greatness and positively impact the world. By incorporating his story into classroom activities and discussions, teachers can motivate future generations to become dedicated and resilient leaders as he was.

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