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The Bronze Bastards

Chapter 9: The best laid plans of Dragons and Men.


Rhaegar gets a small taste of revenge, and Deamon gets a taste of his own Medicaine.

Chapter Text

The best laid plans of Dragons and Men.


After Rodrick, Jace, and Luke and even little Joffrey distended on the twins everyone was laughing. The beach was filled with Smiles, cheers, and hugs. Daemon ordered Vermythor and Silverwing saddles to be brough out re-adjusted for their new riders. The next few hours flew by… quite literally. They all got on dragon back and took to the skies.

The news that they claimed their dragons and what dragons they were spread like wildfire. Everyone from the crown princesses midwifes to the deck hand of the Daybreaker were overjoyed. The Rune knights were being particularly loud in their celebration. The Bronze Beast and the Bronze Rage?! Bonded together?! They couldn’t be any prouder of their commander.

Jace helped Rhaegar get accustomed to his saddle and flying, with Rheagar taking to it like a fish to water. He and Vermythor were swooping and diving as if they had been flying together for years, not just hours. Vermythor wasn’t the fastest; but like his rider, he was a powerhouse. Once Rhaegar learned how to brace properly for a hard landing, regular landings were completely off the table. He and his dragon got the biggest kick every time they landed with the loudest “DOOM” possible. startling and scaring everyone, Dragons excluded.

Luke was a gentle help to Rhaella, as was Silverwing. Both being endlessly patient with her as she asked and re-asked questions.

“What if her scales don’t like it? How do you know if it’s irritated or uncomfortable for her? What if it bruises her?! Will I be able to notice bruises under the scales? Will that rope tangle her foot? Do you trim their claws like human nails, or do they care for their claws themselves? Are you SURE that’s not too tight for her?”

She was checking and double checking everything. Making sure very every rope, chain, and buckle were all in working order. Silverwing sat indulgently with her legs shuffled under her like a cat. Preening under the attention as Rhaella fussed over her, the comfort of the saddle, and her Dragon's future care. When they finally did get into the air, it was the smoothest, most graceful flight any of them had ever seen from a new rider and mount.

Daemon was beaming.

He did feel a little irritation at first. The fact that his oldest boy bonded with the only bronze dragon in the world… Even when there were others here, he could have bonded with... Grated him. But he was still a Royce, the Lord of Runestone. But it faded quickly. 

Vermythor needed a strong rider, and he needed a strong dragon. They suited one another perfectly…

Even the smile on Rhaenyra’s face didn’t faultier.

Dinner was a much happier affair... No one mentioned the twin girls outside of Deamon ordering the kitchen staff to deliver Baela's and Rheana's dinner to their rooms.

The air was light, the smiles were real, it couldn’t have been further from the lunch they had endured hours before.

Rhaegar was still tense, Rodrik was still on alert... But everyone was eating and talking comfortably. That alone was a marked improvement.


They had sent their Children, ALL of their children under one roof and safely in bed. Both sets of twins, Her sweet boys and heirs, and their youngest babes. She even counted her distant cousin from her Arryn blood. All of her and Daemon’s offspring were under one roof for the first time EVER…

And she couldn’t help but beam. Rhaenyra couldn’t help it! While they will have to Brave some hard conversations tomorrow, Tonight had been good. Daemon was also smiling. She could tell he was feeling the same way… While she was finishing readying herself for bed and rest, Daemon walked up to her.

“I wanted to talk to you about the older children before we sleep… I have a proposal that I want you to think over.”

Rhaenyra turned to him, still running her brush through her hair.

“What is it, My love?"

"It's about the betrothals of the older children..."

Rhaenyra's face fell and a pang of pain hit her heart. An icy cold glare then washed over her face.

"Whatever do you mean Daemon?"

"It's nearing the time they should be betrothed. And with all of them here, now, it's the perfect time to pair them. Let them spend time with one another, see how they get along..."

“Betroth whom… To Whom?”




The next morning was strange.

The Black-and-red dress that was placed in Rhealla's room after dinner was still there. Rhealla didn't wear it as she had changed right into her leathers after the Wine incident.

"Please send this back to my half-sister, please. Let her know it's unworn." Was all she said before she sent it off with the maid. She was happy to see the dress go. If she was honest with herself, her skin crawled at the thought of her sister's dress. Especially since it was meant as a punishment...

The thought of parading around wearing that dress, especially Infront of the rest of the family at breakfast felt wrong to her... Even if her twin and cousin would tell her wear it like a victory flag. So, she ordered the maid return to dress straight to her.

The next was the breakfast. Daemon seemed a little pleased with himself and was watching Rhaegar and her a little more. Rhaenyra was quiet and had her sharp eyes on her every second. Every time she went to take a sip, every time she lifted her fork or spoon, everything. Rhealla couldn't get over the feeling that Rhaenyra was assessing her every move. Judging her carefully, but for what purpose she didn't know.

The twins returned for this meal, but everyone was content to talk to the others and avoid them at the moment. The twins ate silently, with pouts on their faces, but didn't yell, scream, act out. Only sent one glare her way, before Rhaegar slammed his fist in the table. The glares stopped after that.

"Are we still going to train together today?" Jace asked, and Luce's eye slit up hopefully.

"Of Course! I promised, Didn't I?" The Bronze Beast said with a small smile. "We'll start with the punching pads today since you haven't used those yet, I think you'll like them. We'll go from there... Be sure to ask the meister for cloths to bind your wrists."

Those words, Rodrick frown and his eyes looked sideways to his cousin. Rhaella couldn't help herself but to giggle at that... There was a reason the Punch pads were Rhaegar's favorite.

"Before you all go running off for Training or Studying... Rhaegar and Rhaella; I'd like to speak with you both in my Solar. After we eat, of course."

Rhaegar's jaw locked and Rhealla looked to Rodrick with a small hint of panic in her eyes.




They followed Daemon into his solar, the guard closing the door behind them.

Rhealla's eyes turned to her brother with trepidation, But Rhaegar seemed... Strangely calm. Almost smug. Apparently, he knew something she didn't.

Their father went behind his desk and motioned for them to sit. Rhaegar stood Infront of the chair, and folded his arms, but didn't sit. Rhealla stood Infront of her chair as well but folded her hands in front of her.

Daemon paused for a moment, but 'decided' to stay standing as well.

"I wanted to bring you both here to tell you that I spoke to Rhaenyra yesterday, about your betrothals. We have yet to decide officially, but it seems the best fit would be to engage Rheana to Rhaegar. I believe she will make a fine Lady of Runestone... and as for Rhealla, we are considering having her marry Jacerys himself..."

Daemon smiled a little, expecting a little happiness or maybe even shock. But not a Panicked and suddenly frightened look from Rhealla, as her neck snapped over to her Twin. Nor the Cat-that-ate-the-canary smile that was glowing from Rheagar's face....

"While I am not spoken for, I'm afraid Rhealla's engagement to Jace will be... Quite impossible, I'm afraid."

"WHAT?!' Daemon immediately burst. "And for what reason would it be Impossible?"

"TWO reasons, actually... You might not know this, but... Rhealla was actually born FIRST. By six minutes, I believe... SHE'S the Heir of Runestone. Not me... Second, she's already Betrothed... Uncle Yorbet arranged it when she was twelve."

Deamon eyes widened as they speed back and forth between his twins.

"What... But... They called you the Lord of Runestone."

"Yes and No; they called me Lord Rhaegar OF Runestone. Which I am... As well the Commander of my sister's Rune knights. They never called me 'Heir of Runestone.' Did they?" he said with a poisonous hiss to his voice. Daemon ground his teeth as his knuckles turned white....

"Uncle Yorbert though you might try to pull something like that... That's why he engaged her so quickly. He wanted to be sure to protect her.... Make sure you didn't sell her off for your benefit after you remembered we both existed...."

Daemon's face started to turn a few more shades red. Rhaegar, in stark contrast stood, arms still folded, pleased and unbothered.

"... And WHO did your damnable uncle dare betroth her too?!!"

"... Prince Aemond Targaryen."


A/N 1:

Daemon: *Apocalyptic rage. *

Rhaegar: He Hehe.... Suffer.

A/N 2: Spelled checked and proofread. Sorry!