John Marshall High School Holds 56th Commencement | News, Sports, Jobs - The Intelligencer
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John Marshall High School Holds 56th Commencement

photo by: Shelley Hanson

John Marshall High School Class of 2024 graduates walk toward their seats to begin commencement on Thursday in Moundsville.

MOUNDSVILLE – John Marshall High School held its 56th annual commencement on Thursday with 237 seniors making up the Class of 2024.

Class President Patricia Ward led the invocation during the ceremony held at Monarch Stadium.

“May our hearts be grateful for this glorious day,” she said.

JM Principal Jason Marling congratulated the students for learning and making it to graduation day.

“This is the beginning of what comes next. … Be lifelong learners. Embrace failure as part of the learning experience and persevere in the face of setbacks,” he said. “Overcoming obstacles is a way to achieve success.”

Commencement addresses were made by the Top 1% – Grace Gatts, Lillian Roman and Amelia Kaste.

Gatts thanked her friends, family and teachers. She encouraged her fellow graduates to enjoy life as it happens.

“Don’t live with regret for not being more present in the moment,” she said.

Roman talked about the lessons she learned her senior year, including how to overcome the disappointment of not getting to play tennis due to an injury.

“Instead of retreating and feeling sorry for myself, I went to all the matches to root for my teammates who had practiced with me for months,” she said. “Even though that was not my plan, I made the best of it by helping coach our younger players.”

Kaste told her fellow graduates that tomorrow was a new day with a clean slate.

“Everyone here has the ability to do incredible things. Congratulations to you all and I hope your future outshines your wildest dreams,” she said.

The diplomas were handed out by board of education members President John Miller, Christie Robison, Brenda Coffield, Lori Kestner and Duane Miller.

Music was provided by the Monarch Choir and JM Chamber Orchestra.


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