The Strangers Chapter 1 Review
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‘The Strangers: Chapter 1’ Review – New Trilogy Kicks Off with a Familiar Start



The Strangers Chapter 1 review

Rebooting and expanding upon Bryan Bertino’s chilling 2008 horror film in a brand new trilogy, all installments already shot as part of one continuous, overarching story, makes for one of the more ambitious horror endeavors as of late. It also means that The Strangers: Chapter 1 is only the opening act of a three-part saga. Considering it’s the entry most committed to recreating the familiar beats of Bertino’s film, Chapter 1 makes for a tricky-to-gauge, overly familiar introduction to this new expansion.  

The Strangers: Chapter 1 introduces happy couple Maya (Madelaine Petsch) and Ryan (Froy Gutierrez) on their way to starting a new life together in the Pacific Northwest. Car troubles leave them stranded in the quirky small town of Venus, Oregon, where they’re forced to stay the night in a cozy but remote cabin in the woods.

Naturally, the deeply in love couple soon find themselves in a desperate bid to survive the night when three masked strangers come knocking.

The Strangers Clip Madelaine Petsch

Madelaine Petsch as Maya in The Strangers. Photo Credit: John Armour

Director Renny Harlin, working from a 289-page screenplay by Alan R. Cohen & Alan Freedland that was broken into three movies, keeps Chapter 1 mostly self-contained to recapture the spirit of the original film. The core remains the same in that it’s reliant on the eerie stalking and escalating violence that builds toward a familiar conclusion, but Harlin mixes it up a bit through details and set pieces that hint toward the larger story around Venus itself. The early introductory scenes establishing both the protagonists and their setting offer the biggest clues toward the subsequent chapters, with the bustling diner giving glimpses of potential allies or foes yet to come- like the silent, lurking Sheriff Rotter (Richard Brake). 

One downside to announcing this as a trilogy is that we already know that the successive chapters will continue Maya’s story, robbing more suspense from a film that liberally leans into its predecessor for scares. The good news is that Madelaine Petsch brings enough layers to Maya to pique curiosity and instill rooting interest to carry into Chapter 2. Maya begins as the gentler, more polite half of the young couple in love, but there’s a defiance that creeps through the more she’s terrorized. On that front, Petsch makes Maya’s visceral fear tangible, visibly quaking and quivering through her abject terror as she attempts to evade her relentless attackers.

The Strangers – Chapter 1. Photo Credit: John Armour

It’s her subtle emotional arc and quiet visual hints toward the bigger picture that tantalize most in an introductory chapter meant to entice younger audiences unfamiliar with the 2008 originator. The jolts will have a harder time landing for fans of Bertino’s film, however, even when Harlin stretches beyond the cabin for stunt-heavy chase sequences or gory bursts of violence. It’s worth noting that Harlin’s tenured experience and cinematographer José David Montero ensure we can grasp every intricate stunt or chase sequence with clarity; there’s no worry of squinting through the dark, hazy woods to make out what’s happening on screen. A more vibrant color palette also lends personality to Venus and its residents.

The Strangers: Chapter 1 exists in a unique place in that it’s the first 90 minutes of what will amount to a roughly 4.5-hour movie yet doesn’t give much away at all about what’s ahead, presenting only part of the whole picture. Chapter 1 does a sufficient job laying the groundwork and delivering horror thrills but with a caveat: the less familiar you are with The Strangers, the better. Harlin and crew get a bit too faithful in their bid to recreate Bertino’s effective scares, even when remixing them, and it dampens what works. The more significant departures from the source material won’t come until later, but look to a mid-credit tease that sets this up.

The Strangers: Chapter 1 doesn’t establish enough of its own identity to make it memorable or set it apart, but it’s just functional enough to raise curiosity for where we’re headed next.

The Strangers: Chapter 1 releases in theaters on May 17, 2024.

2.5 out of 5 skulls

Horror journalist, RT Top Critic, and Critics Choice Association member. Co-Host of the Bloody Disgusting Podcast. Has appeared on PBS series' Monstrum, served on the SXSW Midnighter shorts jury, and moderated horror panels for WonderCon and SeriesFest.


Anxiety and Apocalyptic Road-Trips in ‘I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom’ [Review]



The rise of widely available internet during the late 90s and early 2000s gave up-and-coming authors a brand-new avenue through which they could share their words with the world without the need for publishers. Back then, free-to-read blogs and personal websites weren’t just gathering places for readers, they were also a forum that allowed writers to directly connect with their audience and spin yarns that old timey editors would probably have considered too niche for mainstream publication.

And while not all of these online stories were created equal, with some ending up unfinished and forever trapped in cyberspace, others became so popular that the leap from screen to the printed page was all but inevitable. One of my favorite examples of this is the iconic John Dies at the End, a book series that originally began as a hilarious in-universe blog run by “David Wong” (who we now know as Jason Pargin) before turning into a best-selling franchise complete with an underrated big-screen adaptation directed by Phantasm creator Don Coscarelli.

Throughout the years, Pargin has continued to expand his JDatE universe and has even dipped his toes into other genres while also making online history as a TikTok sensation, Podcast co-host (I’m a huge fan of Bigfeets in particular) and a legendary run as the former editor of comedy website Cracked. That’s why I was stoked to hear that 2024 would see the release of Pargin’s first standalone novel in nearly a decade, as I think the author is at his best when trying new things.

Titled I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom (which is right up there with This Book is Full of Spiders and Zoey Punches the Future in the Dick as far as excellent Jason Pargin book titles go), the upcoming novel is meant to be Jason’s first foray into more “grounded” fiction.

In the book, we follow anxiety-prone Twitch streamer and Lyft driver Abbot as he’s recruited by a mysterious young woman named Ether to help her transport an ominous-looking box across the United States in exchange for a life-changing sum of money. The only catch is that Abbot must leave his cell phone and digital life behind while also keeping the true nature of the trip secret from his friends and family. Unfortunately for the unlikely duo, their little road trip soon snowballs into a nation-wide panic as rumors spread about the potentially nation-destroying contents of the box, with our main characters becoming targeted by homicidal bikers, retired FBI operatives and the most dangerous pursuers of all – paranoid Redditors.

Basically, it’s Bonnie and Clyde for the social media age!

On the surface, Black Box of Doom might seem like a standard (and somewhat literal) mystery box thriller – a narrative structure that I have a great deal of contempt for due to how often it’s been mishandled in popular media over the past decade or so – but Jason goes out of his way to make it clear that the absurd conspiratorial thinking surrounding the box and the duo transporting it are the real story here.

The book may lack the patented combination of dick jokes and cosmic horror that made the JDatE novels so memorable, but genre fans will be pleased to hear that this more grounded thriller still manages to tap into some very real frights, including but not limited to incel uprisings, domestic terrorism and the psychological dangers of being perpetually online.

Jason’s iconic brand of crass humor is still present, with the book featuring laugh-out-loud descriptions of furry porn and extraterrestrial conspiracy theories, but these elements, alongside the violence traditionally associated with Pargin’s work, have been significantly toned down in order to better fit the unexpectedly uplifting themes of this catastrophic road trip. This softer approach may not work for everyone, but I think it complements the story’s virtual chaos rather nicely.

It’s notoriously difficult for storytellers to incorporate modern conveniences like smartphones and online subcultures into their plots without bringing to mind Steve Buscemi’s “How do you do fellow kids?” meme, but Pargin has miraculously captured a snapshot of the current cultural zeitgeist despite no longer being the same spry young man who wrote JDatE. I mean, the book’s vocabulary alone could only have been achieved by someone who actually put in the time and participated in actual internet communities instead of merely researching them from the outside – something that I can appreciate as someone who literally grew up online.

And yet, despite the hilariously accurate Reddit post and Twitch chat simulations, the story still diligently tackles serious themes and even contains a couple of nail-biting moments of tension – with a traffic pile-up involving hot sauce and cottage cheese being particularly memorable. Of course, as a fan of Jason’s more personal work (like his classic articles about the adult consequences of growing up in poverty), the highlight of the experience for me was finding unironic nuggets of both wisdom and genuine vulnerability hidden among Ether’s witty trivia and Abbot’s immature rants.

Unfortunately, the Black Box of Doom can be decidedly heavy-handed in its messaging at times, especially when it comes to Ether. Her character often feels more like an impossibly patient paragon of virtue meant to represent the author’s beliefs rather than a fully-fledged person. While this is somewhat mitigated by her backstory reveal towards the latter half of the experience, it’s a shame that such an engaging story is often bogged down by monologues about the current state of society – especially when some of these lectures could have been summed up as “can’t we all just get along?”.

Thankfully, the book mostly makes up for these naïve moments with some well-placed jokes, frequently reminding readers that this story isn’t meant to be taken seriously. There’s also a very welcome recognition that the issues plaguing modern society are actually much larger and more complex than internet-induced anxiety and cultural warfare, something that can be seen in the novel’s willingness to present us with conflicting opinions without necessarily pointing fingers at who’s really to blame for all the evil in the world.

Plus, as a lifelong internet weirdo, I really dig how the book incorporates the infamous Killdozer story into the narrative without it feeling like a complete parody.

Ultimately, Black Box of Doom is an experiment in empathy, challenging readers to engage with a disparate collection of shifting points of view and offering up a rare glimpse into the collective subconscious of modern-day America. The opinions presented here aren’t necessarily correct or even healthy (with even our main character suffering from incel-adjacent biases), but Pargin does a great job of reminding us that these are all just human beings trying to get by in an insane world.

I may still prefer the otherworldly madness of the JDatE books, as I think Pargin’s juvenile sense of humor pairs wonderfully with both mind-melting terror and fascinating insights into the human condition, but I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom is undeniably one of his best stories yet. Longtime fans might be a little disappointed at how tame this adventure is when compared to the author’s previous yarns, but I think the book still packs one a hell of a punch once you remember that we’re only a couple of news stories away from this satire becoming reality.

I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom comes out September 24, but it’s available now for pre-order wherever you get your books.

4 out of 5 skulls

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