An experienced organist who has performed across Europe will be playing at Bury Parish Church on Friday.

Michael Pain will be showcasing his talent at the town centre church in a lunchtime concert at 12.30pm.

Michael, from Bristol, served as assistant director of music at Canford School in Dorset from 1978 to 1986 before taking the chapel choir on tours of Northern France twice.

For a time, he combined his teaching post with that of sub-organist of Wim-borne Minster.

Between 1986 and 2021, he was organist to Bolton School Boys Division, from where some of his past pupils moved on to organ scholarships at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral and Oxford University.

Michael recently retired as director of music at Bolton Parish Church after 13 years, and during that time he took the choir to sing Evensong at a number of Cathedrals, including Ripon, Lincoln, Lichfield and Peterborough.

He has given a large number of organ recitals, with venues including Colston Hall, Bristol Cathedral, Blackburn Cathedral, Bradford Cathedral, Chester Cathedral, Wimborne Minster, Halifax Minster, St. Anne’s Lytham, Christchurch Priory, and churches in Denmark, including a broadcast for Danish Radio.

Tickets will cost £5 on the door and refreshments will be served from 11.30am.