Shower turns terrifying as Kapit woman finds cobra hanging from water heater

Shower turns terrifying as Kapit woman finds cobra hanging from water heater


The cobra spreads its hood threateningly from a shower caddy laden with toiletries.

KAPIT (May 15): A woman who was about to take a shower here last night was horrified to discover a black cobra dangling from her water heater.

The incident occurred around 9pm in a bathroom on the top floor of a double-storey detached house.

Her frightened screams alerted the other residents of the house, prompting them to rush to the bathroom.

Concerned for their safety, they called the Fire and Rescue Department for help.

A team of firefighters from the Kapit station used snake-catching tongs to swiftly remove the snake from the bathroom.

The reptile was later released into a jungle area nearby.

The homeowner, identified only as Soh, said he earlier spotted the uninvited slithery guest in his compound, where his dogs had tried to bite it.

Soh added he was perplexed by how the reptile could have reached the upper-level bathroom.

He thanked the firefighters for speedily removing the cobra as there were children in the house.