Readers come to Dark Horse for their incredible comics, many of which have ties to other franchises, like Alien, Predator and even Avatar: The Last Airbender. Hellboy is an iconic Dark Horse Comics character, and Dark Horse had the Star Wars comic book rights before Marvel took them back. Beyond their iconic titles, Dark Horse has produced some incredible books since 2015.

From prequel comics like God of War and Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins to original comics like the new Helen of Wyndhorn by Tom King and Bilquis Evely, and Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology, Dark Horse has spoiled its comic readers for almost two decades.

10 Helen Of Wyndhorn Is A Fresh Dark Horse Comic


Tom King, Matheus Lopes & Bilquis Evely

Publication Date

March 2024

Just a few issues in, and Helen of Wyndhorn is already shaping up to be one of Dark Horse's best miniseries––six issues total when completed. Tom King quickly became one of DC Comics' best writers, placing Adam Strange and Mister Miracle in modern masterpieces. Artist Bilquis Evely teamed up with King on Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, and the duo are back together again for Helen of Wyndhorn.

Myth and reality merge in Helen of Wyndhorn as Helen discovers strange secret worlds that once only existed within her late father's stories. Like King and Evely's past works, Helen of Wyndhorn will surely deliver many twists for Dark Horse readers.

9 Dark Horse Unleashes The God of War

Kratos is ready to fight


Chris Roberson, Tony Parker & Dan Jackson

Publication Date

November 2018

How To Play God Of War In Chronological Order
God of War spans eras from Greek and Roman to the Viking Age, but a handful of spinoffs make following the story less straightforward than you think.

Published months after the PS4 2018 Game of the Year, Dark Horse's God of War four-issue miniseries serves as a fantastic prequel to the critically acclaimed game that resurrected the God of War franchise and set Kratos on a new path within Norse mythology.

Dark Horse excels at taking previously established franchises, like God of War, and adding to their lore. God of War and the sequel comic Fallen God are two of the best Dark Horse comics that utilize existing IP. While God of War Ragnarök certainly filled in some Norse and Kratos lore gaps, Dark Horse's God of War is a must-read for any Kratos fan looking for the full story.

8 Blue Book Explores Alien Encounters

blue book 1 cover header


James Tynion IV, Michael Avon Oeming & Klaus Janson

Publication Date

February 2023

From the mind of James Tynion IV, one of DC Comics' superstar writers of the last decade, scripting some of the best Batman books of the last five years comes a very unique Dark Horse comic series. Blue Book takes popular stories of people's encounters with UFOs and aliens and adapts them into horror/sci-fi comics.

Blue Book is chilling and often unsettling. The choice of color––blue, black and white––creates an eerie atmosphere. Like most horror stories, Blue Book is best read at night, enhancing what is easily one of the best sci-fi Dark Horse comics since 2015.

7 Masters Of The Universe: Masterverse Is A He-Man Multiverse

Masters of the Universe: Masterverse has an alternate reality Prince Adam and Teela


Tim Seeley, Eddie Nunez, Sergio Aragonés, Kelley Jones, Rico Renzi & Brennan Wagner

Publication Date

February 2023

10 Facts He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Fans May Not Know About the Classic Series
From 1983-85, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe was a syndicated smash. There are some things even fans of the show don't know.

Since Netflix released the Masters of the Universe animated series, He-Man's popularity has skyrocketed. Eternia, Castle Grayskull and Skeletor are household names, and the Dark Horse comics set within the Masters of the Universe world have only enhanced this classic franchise. Out of the many He-Man-related Dark Horse comics, Masterverse is the greatest.

Dark Horse capitalized on the multiverse mania that has swept DC and Marvel projects for the past decade. Readers learn about versions of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe from different universes. Masterverse is He-Man's version of the Spider-Verse and is incredibly satisfying for longtime He-Man fans.

6 Invisible Kingdom Is Dark Horse's Best Sci-Fi/Mystery

Alien worlds from Invisible Kingdom by Dark Horse Comics


G.Willow Wilson & Christian Ward

Publication Date

March 2019

Invisible Kingdom won the Eisner Award for the best comic series of 2020 and the award for best painter/artist, and readers learn why within the first issue. Fans often discuss Image Comics' Saga as one of the best sci-fi comics, but Invisible Kingdom is incredibly underrated and deserves praise as well.

Invisible Kingdom's world is rich with narrative detail and promise and the artwork is lush with vibrant colors. Invisible Kingdom is sci-fi/mystery comics at their best: beautiful to look at with a gripping story page after page, exploring two rogues who seek the truth behind the government that controls the galaxy.

5 Black Hammer Is Dark Horse Heroes At Their Best


Jeff Lemire & Dean Ormston

Publication Date

July 2016

DC and Marvel Comics may dominate the superhero comic book market. Still, Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston gave them some competition with Black Hammer, easily the best superhero book from Dark Horse. With miniseries, one-shots, and even a crossover series with the Justice League, Black Hammer is a wonderful book, far more than meets the eye.

After saving the world from the Anti-God, the greatest heroes of the Black Hammer universe are trapped in a small town that more firmly belongs in a horror comic than a superhero one. With stunning visuals and engrossing characters, Black Hammer is a must-read for superhero fans who are a little tired of the Justice League or Avengers.

4 Harrow County Scares Dark Horse Readers

split image of Harrow County volume 1 cover and cover artwork


Cullen Bunn & Tyler Crook

Publication Date

May 2015

10 Dark Horse Characters Who Could Beat Superman
While Superman is one of the strongest heroes in the DC universe, he might have some trouble with Dark Horse characters like Hellboy or The Mask.

Dark Horse has something that DC and Marvel sometimes struggle with - variety. While DC and Marvel focus heavily on their superhero books, Dark Horse, Image and other publishers offer many genres for their readers. Harrow County is easily one of the best horror comics Dark Horse has ever published.

Harrow County is a horror anthology series with backup stories called Tales of Harrow County that further build the world. From reincarnated witches who can manipulate the world to goblins and beings who manifest from nightmares, Harrow County is rich with lore and detail in every story.

3 Explore Vox Machina's Critical Role Origins

Vox Machina Origins comic


Matthew Colville, Jody Houser & Olivia Samson

Publication Date

September 2017

Before they were a hit animated series available on Amazon's Prime Video, Vox Machina originally starred in a prequel comic series from Dark Horse that explored their origins before the events of the famous Critical Role show. Meet Grog, Scanlan, Vex, Vax, Pike, Percy, Keyleth and more as they meet for the first time.

Set before the live show events, when Critical Role was simply a Dungeons & Dragons game literally played in Matt Mercer's home, Vox Machina Origins now serves as a prequel to The Legend of Vox Machina animated series.

2 The Mighty Nein Origins Improves What Vox Machina Began

Fjord surrounded by the other Mighty Nein members in Critical Role: Origins comic


Sam Maggs, Jody Houser, Cecil Castellucci, Kevin Burke, Chris "Doc" Wyatt, Matthew Mercer & more

Publication Date

November 2021

Critical Role's 13 Most Powerful Player Characters
Thanks to the skills and magic items at their disposal, Critical Role's iconic player characters like Fjord and Keyleth became immensely powerful.

Following the success of the Vox Machina Origins prequel comic, Dark Horse Comics teamed up with Critical Role once again to bring a collection of miniseries that detailed the origins of Critical Role's second campaign characters, the Mighty Nein. Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins has no home game to base its content on.

This new Dark Horse collection explores events that Critical Role's players only discussed in their backstories. Fjord, Yasha, Nott the Brave, Jester and Caleb star in their stories that explore their youth, presenting some pivotal events that shaped them into the heroes of Exandria they'd one day become. Mighty Nein Origins is a perfect read ahead of the Mighty Nein's own upcoming Prime Video show.

1 Neil Gaiman Tackles The Norse Mythology