MEMBERS of the public are invited to come along to the Falls Library on Tuesday to have the opportunity to experience a virtual reality awareness film about ME and have access to a variety of information and resources.

Hope 4 ME & Fibro NI have teamed up with Libraries NI to bring their powerful Discover ME campaign to Falls Library through a moving VR experience, as part of an ongoing initiative to raise awareness for the medical conditions Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), Fibromyalgia, Long Covid and other Post Viral Syndromes (PVS) can demonstrate overlapping characteristics.

The campaign, designed to deepen public and professional understanding of chronic conditions like ME, will begin on World ME Day where significant landmarks such as Parliament Buildings at Stormont and various council buildings are to be lit up in blue to symbolise solidarity and support for those affected by ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid.

Belfast Lord Mayor Councillor Ryan Murphy said at the launch: “I’d like to commend Discover M.E.’s innovative approach, harnessing some of the best of our innovation talent in Professor Deepa Mann-Kler’s company Neon to create an immersive, hard-hitting campaign. It’s going to increase awareness and understanding of these chronic medical conditions which are unfortunately negatively impacting on so many people’s lives here. 

“Partnerships like these will help to drive medical progress and treatment forward and I encourage people to take the time to discover more about these conditions through the Discover M.E.VR experience at their local library.”

The film will be shown between 2-3pm.