Add calenders for Vatican City and Papel state – Numista

Add calenders for Vatican City and Papel state

1 post • viewed 3 times

Referee for the Vatican and Papal State: @Cobrapel


I noticed this N#2642 Vatican City coin have “an III” for its 1961 issue. That allign with the rule of the Pope, so 1961 is the 3rd year of Johannes XXIII. I chekced a couple of other coins in my collection and most if not all, have the year of the rule of the pope on them. Does this mean a new calender, like they do it, with eras in Japan? One era per emporor, at least in the modern period? 


If so, I'll like it to be created for all the Popes, both for Vatican City (up to, but not including the Euros) and the Papal State. 

The first Pope I found use this form of dating their coins is: Pope Innocent XI (1676-1689), but doesn't seem to have been applyed consistently over all the coins since then.


I think the hard part will be to create and apply/change the calender, since we have all the information already? Maybe a job for Mr. Robot and then users and referee(s) can check them?


I am aware that the Julian/Gregorian calender is often represented on them, for the Vatican especially, in some way, but I'll argue the apostolic calender is the “local” calender, which should take precedent according to guidlines, if these calenders are created.


What do people think? 😁🤓

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