Google Chrome users, here’s why you need to update your browser urgently
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Google Chrome users, here’s why you need to update your browser urgently

Google has released an urgent security update for its Chrome browser. The fix is available for Chrome on Mac, Windows and Linux.

May 11, 2024 / 11:57 AM IST

Google Chrome

To safeguard millions of users, Google has released an urgent security update for its Chrome browser. According to a report by Bleeping Computer, an anonymous source alerted Google about the flaw, which the company acknowledged and fixed. In the release notes of the latest Chrome update, the company said, “Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2024-4671 exists in the wild.” The company further said, “We would also like to thank all security researchers that worked with us during the development cycle to prevent security bugs from ever reaching the stable channel.”

While Google didn’t comment on the nature of the flaw, the report says that it fell under “high-severity category and was related to Chrome’s Visuals component, something that is responsible for rendering and displaying content.

The fix is available for Chrome on Mac, Windows and Linux. Google has said that the update will roll out to users over the next few days.

How to get the latest Chrome update

When Google releases updates for Chromes with security fixes, it happens automatically at the backend. Users can manually check whether their Chrome browser is updated to the latest version or not. Just go to Settings and then the About Chrome tab. Here you will be able to see if Chrome browser is updated to latest version or not. Also, it is advised that users of Micrsoft Edge, Brave, Arc or Opera also update to the latest version as they are Chromium-based browsers.

As mentioned, this is the fifth zero-day vulnerability that has been spotted and fixed by Google in 2024. Zero-day vulnerabilities are flaws that attackers exploit even before Google or other tech companies know about them. These are dangerous because there's no patch to fix them untill they are pointed out by security researchers.

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Moneycontrol News
first published: May 11, 2024 11:57 am

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