Right-Wingers Throw MASSIVE Meltdown Over This Sports Illustrated Cover Story - INBELLA

Right-Wingers Throw MASSIVE Meltdown Over This Sports Illustrated Cover Story

conservatives online are now freaking out about the death of Sports Illustrated randos on Twitter losing their mind and I can only imagine that Ben Shapiro Matt Walsh and Charlie Kirk are getting ready to do a threeh hourong breathless monologue about the fact that Sports Illustrated dared to put Gail King on their cover did you know that Gail King is 69 years old and they put her on the cover how dare they and here it is and she looks great great like what is the problem she’s a 69-year-old woman I hope I look half that good when I’m 69 I imagine that I will not I imagine that the vast majority of people complaining on Twitter about this probably would not bear the sort of photographic scrutiny of this shoot like with as much grace as Gail King did but how dare they and all of them seem to have landed on the same issue with it it’s that sometimes s Sports illustrat is okay when they’re putting young hot people there but now they’re making us see this hey I’m glad you’re here listen in order for the damage report to keep on going we need viewers like you to become a member on YouTube can you click the join button on YouTube today thank you pachy Keenan says you can enjoy Kate Upton’s comeback but you’re gonna have to choke down Gail King age 69 to get it yeah or you can just look at them like you don’t have to choke anything down you’re going to be okay it’s a magazine cover it’s Sports Illustrated it’s going to be fine I think let’s see uh film lad says they make you pay for Kate Upton by forcing you to look at Gail King it’s a mystery why Sports Illustrated is dead well apparently they’re still coming out with new covers so I don’t think it’s actually Ted I don’t know what you think dead is um verbal Riot says well Sports Illustrated won’t have to worry about the male gays anymore because they once put a woman on there that doesn’t give me a boner and I will never get over it sorry I was just doing an impersonation of like 40% of the men on Twitter what is what is wrong with men what is wrong with men why are we so utterly weak is it something in the water is it the fluoride why are we this pathetic Sharon do you have any theories well it’s probably because men don’t get old they are are eternally youthful only women uh get older wrinkled cellul whatever you want to say um they had a visceral reaction as well to Martha Stewart age 81 who was also a h Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model um she took it in stride and was very proud to be on the cover I think Gail looks great I think half of the men or the 40% that you point to on Twitter I’d like to see them in a speedo or something or just a trunks just regular Trunks and I guarantee you you don’t even need a laugh track play in the background okay if you really want to go there and be Petty put put them in a speedo or just something even more modest and I guarantee you will be doubled over with laughter or will be on a diet no OIC required that’s how I feel about it look I want to be fair I think they should at least be able to wear something as covering as Gail King’s outfit you can wear the exact same thing as Gail King if you’re more confident you can wear the one that that Kate Upton was wearing wonderful um and by the way like you can you can think that Kate Upton looks great that’s largely one of the points of Sports Illustrated is hey here’s people in bathing suits or whatever um I just don’t understand like the energy and passion that they put into this like these people freaking out about sorts Illustrated if you had asked them a week ago what year did Sports Illustrated end I bet many of them would guess because they don’t know that it still exists because they didn’t care about it yesterday or last week because why would you it’s Sports Illustrated why would you it’s a magazine who cares about what magazines are doing but they do care as soon as there’s a woman that they don’t think is hot if they can look at this image and not ruin their khakis it’s unacceptable and by the way it’s the crossover the VIN diagram of guys who freak out if it’s not a hottie or whatever with the same guys that are like they’re making everything sexual they’re sexualizing everything now no they demand that things be sexualized okay just only to their very specific sexual desires anything outside of that that might appeal to millions of people that are not them is unacceptable and if you do that you’re being woke or you’re being Dei or CRT doesn’t matter if you’re trying to appeal to a new you know potential fan base or earn money or whatever no you have to do exactly what they want whereas like when Sports Illustrated does this if they don’t intentionally appeal to right-wing chuds by only putting people on the cover that will get them to buy the magazine that it’s wrong I just can you be consistent a little bit like what are corporations allowed to do when it comes to sexualizing things like if a beer commercial does not involve people like young women jumping around with beer flying all over them like they lose their mind and yet simultaneously Disney is sexualizing everything with a chased kiss there’s a little bit of a mixed message Sharon it’s mixed message and I’m not even sure that these men who are active on Twitter even know what they like I don’t they don’t expand their Horizon ever before 1993 there wasn’t even a black woman wasn’t anyone ethnic on the cover of Sports Illustrated until Tyra Banks remember she was you know holding her bikini bottoms and they said hey this is what we’re doing and the world didn’t end and millions and millions of men said oh wow uh look at that they don’t know what they want they only know what they’ve been exposed to and so maybe it’s going to take a couple more um seniors this is she’s a senior this is okay uh on the cover to kind of get the world view to open up for some people you know there’s actually some older men who want a partner in their age range and they’re allowed to buy the magazine as well or look at the pictures online so yeah you know what do we do about this group we’ mess with their beers broken we’re so broken as a people just don’t buy it leave their beer alone do what you were already leave the beer alone do what you already gonna do which is not buy a Sports Illustrated magazine that part and then that’s fine you don’t have to buy it you don’t have to buy the do Seuss thing if these things freak you out you don’t have to buy them okay there are a lot of Christian magazines that do not appeal to me as an atheist you know what I do I don’t buy them I’ve never bought one I’ve maintained that policy for many years I also don’t go and whine constantly about them you don’t have to do that actually what if we put a free well on your doorstep would you take does it make it inside no sometimes they do actually that’s the sort of magazine that is often handed out free um if you want to see Kate Upton looking sexy do you know what you can do you can hop on Google and I think you’ll find them I think you’ll find that you know what I think there’s lots of images if that’s what you want to see [Music] when you click the join button and become a tier 2 member you get access to all of our weekly top 10 lists what are you waiting for

Conservatives absolutely lose their minds over Gayle King being on the cover of Sports Illustrated in social media freak outs. John Iadarola and Sharon Reed break it down on The Damage Report.

Read more here:

Gayle King Ate a Burger Before Her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Shoot – https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/style/gayle-king-sports-illustrated-swimsuit.html

“The “CBS Mornings” anchor Gayle King had just started a live interview with two cover stars of the 2024 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue on Tuesday when she received a bombshell on air: The new swimsuit issue, which marks the publication’s 60th anniversary, has a cover with Ms. King posing in a bathing suit, too.

“It’s not a dummy cover? This is going to be on the newsstands? Oh my God! Oh my God!” a beaming Ms. King cried after the model Kate Upton, her fellow cover star, handed her a copy of the magazine showing Ms. King posing in a colorful printed Evarae one-piece and matching cover-up beneath the Sports Illustrated logo.

Ms. King, 69, whose solo cover portrait was photographed in Cancún, Mexico, in December, explained during the TV segment that she had thought the picture would appear on inside pages.”


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  1. Thinking how many evangelicals or others of similar judgement would protest just the idea of the swimsuit issue and being too revealing. They lost when now it’s about who if doesn’t fit age, race, or gender preference. Of course those that cheat with Playboy models is ok.

  2. Most people watching could look like this because it’s all smoke and mirrors. Put her in natural lights no tape, no wigs and makeup. We are all able to be put into the weak standard of beauty

  3. Right wing "alpha" men seem to have an issue with women overall. It's almost as if they aren't really attracted to women at all.

  4. Hell, im badly disabled so i get called a spastic, the cripple, and so on by my mob so i make it a mission to prove them wrong and it work's, now that 69 y o lady is smashing. Thinking now about getting a sex change if that's not to woke.

  5. The only thing I’m freaking out is the fact that Gail King looks that great in a swimsuit and I look like a pregnant brick in a swim shorts😂😂😂

  6. As with everything else in a free market, voting with our wallets is infinitely louder than voting with our mouths. Beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder.


  8. The majority of men in the United States have small penises and let people know it with their ridiculous "locker room" rhetoric… It's called "Little Dick Syndrome"… It's a real thing… Gayle King looks fantastic!!!

  9. Sooo… Deplorables got in their 1-mile-to-the-gallon gas-guzzling pickup trucks and muscle cars, went to the magazine rack and bought a copy, brought it home, "READ" (ahem!) the issue, and then go online to complain about the cover model? Not smart. Not smart at all.

  10. Sports Illustated swimsuit issue should have the best sports women of the year in swimsuits… and guarantee they will be more than toned..

  11. Is this a surprise? These are the same marble brains that mistook people cheering a NASCAR drvers name for "let's go Brandon". Athletics doesn't require much brain power so….

  12. Same deplorable "men" complaining about Gayle on the cover are the reason Chunky Buttz Magazine is still in publication.

  13. Culture wars. Can we PLEASE stop being surprised? It’s, literally, the only thing the right has. And you don’t understand? I find that a bit disingenuous.

  14. Years ago, over here, sports illustrated had a article about a 4 man rowing team that had no cox and they were very successful so sports called them The Coxless Wonders, now thats humour.

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