Afraid of Dark

Sir Dark vs Swiss Fighter (WatchFighters) 

Third time's the charm. I previously posted Sir Dark's showdowns with Ivan the Bulgarian and Master C, both magnificent must-see matches, but watching this match with Dark tormenting Swiss Fighter busted my nuts in ways they hadn't been busted in years. All three matches were great downloads, but this one changed my life, I think. Now I want Sir Dark to beat me up, too. (In my dreams, perhaps, painlessly.)

It's not his muscles I'm hooked on; it's his aggressive attitude. The guy is merciless. He plays for keeps. His power rests in his drive to control, to push his opponent to the limit, to own the guy, to make him his bitch, even a heavy, barrel-chested guy like Swiss Fighter, aka D.Dan at Wrestlingmale. Watching this match, I keep inserting myself into it.

Part of the revelation for me is that, up to now, I often measured underground wrestlers on their muscles. Sir Dark isn't weak, but he's not brawny either. For me, his attractiveness rests in his drive to master his opponent and a good grasp on wrestling holds - especially, if they control and debase his opponent. (Worth noting, he plays it both ways. Both Ivan the Bulgarian and Master C destroyed Sir Dark - like they turned him into a gelatinous mass. This fight with Swiss Fighter is Dark's revenge.)

Visit WatchFighters here.


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