Freya Aspinall

Freya Aspinall possesses the compelling combination of beauty, brains and a huge heart. We were so enamored and intrigued by the work she is doing to help wildlife through The Aspinall Foundation sending animals back to the wild and protecting them from captivity in zoos. She has lived with animals her whole life…her connection to them is mesmerizing and her passion is real. Scroll on down for our snaps and chat about her three top wishes for the animals, less is more style, interest in the fashion world, bare essentials and being a powerful voice for those who don’t have one.

The Bare Magazine: What was your favorite question asked when you recently appeared on ABC News?

Freya Aspinall: I loved the last question referring to the common myth that some people have that animals are much happier in captivity, that “Isn’t it easier for them?”. The reason why I love this question is because it’s an important one. I ask, “How would you like it, we didn’t like lockdown [during COVID19]!!!” Unlike us, these animals are in permanent lockdown. Put yourself in their shoes, imagine being stuck in the room you’re in right now and never leaving. This is why I’m so passionate and feel I have a duty to be a voice for those who don’t have one.

Bare: Could you list your top three wishes for the animals?

FA: Freedom – In this case, freedom means sending animals back to the wild.

Protection – Protecting them. All of the money that zoos are wasting, millions and billions of dollars, could be protecting a huge amount of wildlife and saving species from extinction. 

Acknowledgement – It’s extremely important that we acknowledge the problems that these animals face by being their voice and work together to try and create change.

Bare: How would you say you have grown personally through spending time with the animals and in the wild?

FA: It matures you in a way, that it centers you and reminds you what is important in life. They teach you values that no human can teach you by the art of communication without saying anything which is very magical. 

Bare: We had a blast running around Brooklyn with you and your chic style. How would you describe your personal style?

FA: There are two separate styles for me, there is the sanctuary Freya where I’m always wearing my dad’s clothes because I don’t want mine to be destroyed! And then, when I’m not with the animals, my vibe is less is more.

Bare: What are you passionate about exploring outside of the work you are doing with the foundation?

FA: The fashion world.

Bare: Can’t help but notice your incredible mane of hair! Is there a hairdresser you go to or products you love to keep it looking gorgeous?

FA: Thank you! The products I use are hair oil and keratins.

Bare: Fill in the blanks:

FA: My favorite snack lately is berries

I’m listening to many songs on repeat. 

When I have down time, I love to watch RHOBH (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills).

One of my favorite designers is so many I can’t choose

When I’m with my circle I feel most confident.

Bare: If you were to project about 10 years into the future, what do you see yourself doing?

FA: Living the best life.

Bare: Please list your top 5 Bare Essentials.







Photos/Makeup: Tina Turnbow

Freya wears her own clothing

Shot at Bare studio Brooklyn

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine