Former Lincolnshire teaching assistant jailed for harassment - BBC News

Former Lincolnshire teaching assistant jailed for harassment

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Simon HildredImage source, Lincolnshire Police
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Hildred targeted his victim after being released from a nine-year prison term in 2019 for sexually abusing two other boys

A former teaching assistant who used two false names to "persistently harass" a former pupil after being released from prison has been jailed.

Simon Hildred, 43, targeted the male victim, now an adult, after being released from a nine-year prison term for sexually abusing two other boys.

Hildred was jailed for 21 months at Lincoln Crown Court.

A restraining order was also made prohibiting Hildred from contacting the victim and his mother.

David Eager, prosecuting, told the court the harassment began in December 2023 when Hildred sent an unsigned Christmas card to the victim's work address.

A second unsigned Valentine's card followed in February 2024, but on that occasion Hildred inserted an email address which the victim contacted out of curiosity.

The court heard Hildred also set up fake Facebook accounts and drove past the family's home.

As the Facebook messages developed, the victim and his mother realised Hildred must be responsible, the court was told.

In an impact statement, the victim described how he was left terrified to look at his phone and did not feel safe in his own home.

Hildred, of Top Farm Avenue, Navenby, admitted three charges of harassment, failing to comply with the sex offenders register by using two false names and breaching his sexual harm prevention order by having a mobile phone.

Passing sentence, Judge James House KC told Hildred it was only the detective work of the victim and his mother "which brought this to an end."

The judge said Hildred had "infiltrated" the family's lives and clearly caused them great distress.

"It is the kind of conduct that eats away at the soul," he added.

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