Hannah Reilly, Lauren Reilly, Tracy Reilly, Claire Briody, James Briody, Sadie Reilly, Lily Briody and Tom Briody.

‘Beautiful and powerful’ DIL walk

Over 1,800 adults, teenagers and children gathered at Con Smith Park in Cavan Town in the early hours of Saturday morning to participate in the Darkness into Light Walk in conjunction with Pieta and Electric Ireland.

The event, which aims to raise vital funds for Pieta's Suicide Prevention services, was made all the more poignant for those gathered as the Northern Lights dissipated across the sky. Organiser Fiona Corby described the walk as “beautiful and powerful” with participants “united” in hope and belief in better days ahead.

“It was an absolutely beautiful walk and, while we were decorating a few hours before, we saw the Northern Lights, which brought a beautiful stillness and calm to proceedings,” she continued.

“This year’s walk was serene and different to other walks we have had in the past. The Northern Lights had a huge impact on people and there was a real sense of unity.”

Pieta provided over 3,000 hours of therapy to 100 clients across Cavan and Monaghan last year. Ms Corby says the importance of the Darkness into Light fundraising effort for vital services cannot be understated. Funds are still coming in following the walk, one of three official ones in the Breffni county, with the total sums raised yet to be finalised.

“During Saturday’s walk the Virginia Gospel Choir and Men's Rugby Club sang along the route and people said afterwards that, when all the elements came together, they had a wonderful experience and got a lot from it,” said Fiona.

“The route was accessible to everyone and some chose the shorter route by Cavan Institute. Afterwards we gathered together, had cups of tea and treats, and chatted with each other.

It was beautiful, powerful and showed a community that is united. It provided all of us with the belief that we are not alone and the light will always shine brighter.