In this conversation, Jason and Brooke discuss Jason’s book ‘Surrendered and Untamed’ and the journey of writing it. They explore the themes of radical faith, surrender, and living untamed. Jason shares his personal experiences and encounters with God that shaped the book.

This podcast discusses the process of writing, radical obedience, discovering and embracing ‘calling,’ a relational approach to surrender, themes of hope, identity, and union, and rethinking favor. Brooke and Jason explore the concept of separation and how it affects our understanding of God and our experiences in the church. Jason also touches on the themes of dismissal, rejection, and the spirit of prostitution within the church.

The conversation concludes with a discussion about tacos and an announcement of a book study on ‘Untamed’.


  • Living surrendered allows us to live untamed
  • Writing style can evolve and become more direct over time.
  • Encounters with God can shape and inspire creative work.
  • Relationship with God is more important than knowledge.
  • Challenges can lead to growth and transformation.
  • Surrender is not just about obedience but about entering into a deep friendship and relationship with God.
  • Hope is not just a mental exercise but a tangible feeling of expectancy and anticipation.
  • Discovering our true identity comes from encountering the Father and seeing ourselves through His eyes.
  • Union with God is the foundation for living an untamed and fulfilled life.
  • Running after promises and dreams is important, but it is even more important to find ourselves in the lap of the Father. The book ‘Untamed’ explores Jason’s journey of rethinking God and the church.
  • Separation is a key theme in the book, affecting our understanding of God and our experiences in the church.
  • The church often operates in transactional ways, leading to dismissal, rejection, and even prostitution of people’s gifts and anointings
  • The concept of favor is redefined in the book, highlighting the unconventional ways God works.
  • A book study on ‘Untamed’ will be held, providing an opportunity to delve deeper into the themes and engage with Jason.

The conversation explores justice and dismantling paradigms, removing accusations, and living in our true identity. It concludes with a discussion on universalism and the long game of love.


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Podcast intro and outro music by Wilde Assembly

Brooke Waters aims to see people live in the complete freedom available in Father God. As Founder of Path to Wholeness, Brooke helps people know they belong, are significant, and there is Hope. She received her BS in Psychology with two majors in Crisis Counseling and Addictions & Recovery, along with 20 years of experience in ministering to those who experienced trauma, abuse, and human trafficking. Brooke is married to Dan’l Waters, and together, they have five children and four grandchildren. She loves road trips and awkward moments.

Jason Clark is a writer, speaker, and lead communicator at A Family Story ministries. His mission is to encourage sons and daughters to grow sure in the love of an always-good heavenly Father. He and his wife, Karen, live in North Carolina with their three children.


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