Ben Shapiro: Ad Revenue Key for Podcast Industry to Remain ‘Platform for All Viewpoints’ - Barrett News Media
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Ben Shapiro: Ad Revenue Key for Podcast Industry to Remain ‘Platform for All Viewpoints’

“I hope that you all consider sponsoring all the sides, not just the ones that you personally agree with, because there are audiences all across the political spectrum.”

Barrett News Media



A photo of Ben Shapiro and The Ben Shapiro Show logo
(Photo: The Daily Wire)

Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing have turned The Daily Wire into a digital media juggernaut, with a strong focus on podcasts. Shapiro believes for that growth to continue the company needs the support of advertisers from a wide variety of backgrounds.

While speaking at the IAB Podcast Upfront last week, Shapiro discussed the growth of podcast space, but also the lack of growth in the current event/political sphere.

He pushed ad buyers to not listen to pushback they might receive on social media for purchasing time on podcasts like The Ben Shapiro Show.

“I understand why companies, including our own, use a lot of these social media as feedback loops to test the temperature of an audience on what was going on. But it’s not real,” Shapiro said, according to Podcast News Daily. “Twitter is a place filled with bots and foolish people, and there is no reason why you should be led around by the nose. That’s not your audience, it actually is not.

“And that’s true in virtually all social media. Your audience are the people who are buying your product. If you see a decline in sales, that’s a reason to cut off advertising. Just because some schmuck calls your office three times from a phone number that you don’t recognize is probably not a great reason to start rethinking your entire advertising strategy.”

Ben Shapiro said that when he and Boreing launched the company in 2015, many advertisers were hesitant to partner with conservative content. And while some may still be weary of the partnership, he argued it is not only good for those companies, but it’s also good for the nation.

“As we navigate this election year, you might not always side with what I say or what The Daily Wire stands for. And that’s okay,” Shapiro said. “I remain bullish that the podcast industry will continue to be a platform for all viewpoints. In order for that to remain the case, I hope that you all consider sponsoring all the sides, not just the ones that you personally agree with. Because there are audiences all across the political spectrum. It’s good for your business, and it’s very good for the country.”

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Media Business

41% of News Radio Leaders Say Burnout is Higher From Staffers in 2024, RTDNA Study Shows

That number grows to 58.5% of major markets.

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Burnout is a feeling many in the news radio industry are feeling in 2024. But a new RTDNA study shows just how prevalent that feeling is.

The new study shows that 41.4% of news directors and general managers say there is more evidence of burnout this year. That number grows to 58.5% of major markets. The figure gets even larger when portioned out to include just the largest newsrooms in the country, with 62.9% of leaders responding similarly with a larger staff.

57.8% of news radio leaders, however, say they’ve countered burnout with a variety of options. Nearly 38% said offering flex-time and encouraging employees to use their paid time off has combated the feelings of reports and digital producers.

The study also examined the radio staff size of news departments in 2023, with major market stations employing an average of 10.9 full-time employees. However, a sharp decline happens in large markets, as the number drops to 3.9, 2.8 for medium markets, and 1.6 for small markets.

The average full-time news radio staff at commercial stations now rests at 2.7 people, while the non-commercial side features 6.7 full-time employees.

Looking ahead to those numbers in 2024, 14.4% of respondents said they planned to increase their newsroom staffs during the calendar year. Only 1.4% said plans were underway to decrease their employee base.

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All State Broadcasters Associations Sign Letter Advocating for Passage of Broadcast VOICES Act

“The Broadcast VOICES Act will help with building a pipeline for a new generation of broadcast station owners that is inclusive of women, people of color and other underrepresented individuals.”

Barrett News Media



A photo of the U.S. Capitol
(Photo: Martin Falbisoner | CC 3.0)

A proposed bill in Congress reinstating a tax certificate for women and people of color looking to invest in radio and television station ownership groups has received a strong show of support from Broadcasters Associations from each state.

In a letter co-signed by all 50 state broadcasters associations, alongside the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico urged Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA), Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to pass the bill.

“Broadcasters provide an invaluable resource to all communities, serving as a local and trusted source for news and information across the country. Our strength is in our ability to cover diverse community experiences and tell stories from an authentic perspective. The tax certificate program will help us build a local media landscape that reflects our communities on the air, both in the control booth and boardroom,” the letter read.

“Additionally, the Broadcast VOICES Act will help with building a pipeline for a new generation of broadcast station owners that is inclusive of women, people of color and other underrepresented individuals. We therefore urge Congress to act swiftly and pass H.R. 8072 and S. 4158 to make sure that all voices are accurately represented in the broadcasting industry.”

According to the state associations, from 1978 to 1995, the Minority Tax Certificate program saw an increase of 550%. However, in 2024, women make up 6% of TV station owners and 7% of radio owners, while people of color make up 3% of TV owners and less than 3% of radio owners.

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NAB: Robert De Niro Won’t Attend Service to America Leadership Awards After Speech Outside Trump Trial

“To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event.”

Barrett News Media



A photo of the NAB Leadership Foundation Celebration of Service to America Awards logo

After announcing that it would bestow Robert De Niro with its Service to America Leadership Award, the NAB Leadership Foundation has said he will not be at the ceremony to receive the honor.

De Niro spoke outside of the New York courthouse where former President Donald Trump is on trial facing charges of falsifying business documents. However, the actor clashed with protestors as he strongly rebuked the former President.

In response, the NAB Leadership Foundation claimed that the awards event is “proudly bipartisan.”

“The Celebration of Service to America Awards is dedicated to honoring the vital local journalism and public service that local radio and television stations provide to their communities,” the NAB said. “This event is proudly bipartisan, uniting those from across the political spectrum to celebrate the impactful work of local broadcasters and our partners.

“While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize. To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event.”

In spite of De Niro’s absence, the Service to America Leadership Award event will be held at The Anthem in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, June 4th.

“We look forward to a night of celebration honoring the exceptional work of broadcasters and our partners who make a difference in their communities every day,” the NAB said. 

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