Effortful Reading: Word Embeddings and Meaning-making Strategies for Analogies - Stanford University
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Effortful Reading: Word Embeddings and Meaning-making Strategies for Analogies

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Event Details:

Join us on May 21st, Tuesday, at 12 pm for a research lunch seminar with Mellon Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow Nichole Nomura. Her presentation is titled "Effortful Reading: Word Embeddings and Meaning-making Strategies for Analogies". She will talk about  how we read word embedding. Her project grows out of a literary-critical desire to interpret, rather than assess, word embeddings. Using the example of analogies between slaves and robots in science fiction literature, she explores the ways word embeddings can push us to more effortful interpretations of comparisons that seem obvious. Lunch will be served. Zoom option available. Please RSVP here.

About the Speaker

Nichole Nomura holds a Ph.D. in English and an M.A. in Education from Stanford University. She is a scholar of English Education and pedagogy, digital humanities, and science fiction, and is currently working on a book on how and why we might read fictional novels as curricula. A member of the Stanford Literary Lab and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, her digital humanities work blends text-mining, critical making, and methods from the social sciences.
