Group of students continue to camp out on UCC quad |
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Group of students continue to camp out on UCC quad

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

12:25 21 May 2024

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A group of students are continuing to camp out on the quad in University College Cork.

The group which is called UCC BDS is demanding that UCC cut all financial ties to companies that are profiting from the occupation of palestine.

It’s been one week since the students began their encampment who say they will continue until there’s a ceasefire on the war between Israel and Hamas.

These students told RedFM News why they’re camping out:

"I thought it was important that we escalate demands"

"It's not a conflit, it's not a war, it's very important that UCC students are here to talk about that"

"There are stil children who are dying in Gaza"

"Teaching young adults and adults about Genocide and history and then expect them not to do anything. It's kind of silly."

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