Hear Rock City: Once In A While,I Drift In Time...


Once In A While,I Drift In Time...

 The Best Of British now with Thunder.
BBC Radio sessions spanning the years
1992 & 2015.
A band that continues to release quality material.
And a shout out to Danny
on his continuing recovery.



  1. Thanks smoker I didn't know about Danny bowes I listen to his radio show on Planet Rock on Sunday mornings and he sounds okay and cheerful on the program so hopefully he's on the mend
    Great band thunder a bit like the Magnum story should have been more popular worldwide

    1. Strongly disagree with you about Magnum. Their early material was good solid honest Hard Rock with a Pomp-Rock edge to distinguish them from the crowd, but their records post 1984-ish unashamedly chased U.S. radio with all the band's original character abandoned along the way. Awful pop-rock masquerading as something else & a disgrace to the well-respected name they'd built up prior to their complete sell-out. Music made to pay the mortgage, completely by-passing the heart.

  2. Thank you Nice Record Rocking Eddie

  3. Could never understand the appeal of this band, they always struck me as a poor man's Bad Company, (who were themselves a poor man's Free).
