The Undertaker Details Struggle In Retirement, Leaving 2024 WWE Royal Rumble

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker has opened up about coming to terms with retiring from the ring, revealing that he struggled to not have the itch to wrestle again, especially in the current era of WWE. "The Deadman's" last hurrah took place at WrestleMania 36 against AJ Styles in a Boneyard Match, where 'Taker was successful in defeating "The Phenomenal One". However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WrestleMania 36 famously was performed without a live audience, leading many fans to wonder if "The Phenom" would ever return for another final match so he can have a proper sendoff in front of a crowd. Speaking on "Busted Open Radio", 'Taker went into detail about his body physically making the decision for him to retire, and explained that attending WWE events today has been difficult, often leading him to leave before any matches begin. 


"I knew my body made the decision for me, in my mind and in my heart, there's nothing I'd rather do than be able to get in the ring and still go. Especially in this era which is so close to, as far as business-wise, the Attitude Era ... I would have to leave sometimes, like I was at the Rumble in Florida this year and when the matches started I left. It was just that hard for me because my mind is telling me, "you should be getting ready, you should be getting ready to go do something" ... when I agreed to do the thing at 'Mania I wasn't thinking like that, I wasn't thinking this is going to be it but once I went out and did it, then I was cool. I was like, you know what, now I'm okay, I'm okay with this." 


Undertaker recently provided more insight on his final match at WrestleMania 36, explaining why he was relieved that his match with Styles would not take place inside of a ring. 

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

