Prince Harry Faces Backlash for 'Insensitive' Remark on Meghan Markle's Family Amid Ongoing Feud

Prince Harry Faces Backlash for 'Insensitive' Remark on Meghan Markle's Family Amid Ongoing Feud
Cover Image Source: GettyImages | Photo by Andrew Esiebo

Prince Harry has found himself at the center of social media scrutiny following his recent visit to Nigeria with his wife Meghan Markle. As mentioned by Mirror, The couple's trip to the Lagos State Government House was widely praised, with Meghan even earning the affectionate moniker of Nigeria's "new princess" after revelations about her ancestry. During their stay, Meghan was honored with the title of Ada Mazi, denoting her as a respected figure within the Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom.

Image Source: Photo by Andrew Esiebo/Getty Images for The Archewell Foundation
Image Source: GettyImages | Photo by Andrew Esiebo


The royal couple's visit culminated in a special ceremony attended by esteemed figures like His Eminence Engr Eberechukwu Oji, Eze Aro of Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom, Igwe Alfred Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha, and the Great Olu Of Warri Kingdom. Amidst the grandeur, Prince Harry addressed the gathered crowd with warmth, referring to them as his "in-laws" in a gesture of familial camaraderie.



"I'll skip the protocol because at this point we're all family. Thank you for welcoming my wife and myself to Nigeria." He said this was the pair's "first visit" but "certainly" it would not be their last.

Harry added: "Thank you for the naming ceremony. I don't know how I got dragged into that as well, but to be able to witness it as well next to my wife, it means a huge amount to both of us but especially her, so thank you for that." Meghan also addressed the crowd and could not hide her emotions as she shared with the audience: "I'm missing my babies." She told the attendees: "It feels appropriate that although of course we are missing our children, I'm missing my babies, it feels very appropriate to be in the motherland and amongst family."



However, Harry's choice of words sparked a lively debate on social media platforms. Some questioned the appropriateness of his term "in-laws" given his lack of personal connection with Meghan's immediate family, notably her father Thomas Markle Sr., and siblings Samantha and Thomas Jr. Critics pointed out the irony of Harry extending familial terms to strangers while reportedly having strained relations with his relatives.



One commentator expressed saying, "he is so desperate to find a family that he's willing to go above and beyond, journey people his in-laws he has in-laws. He has a father-in-law is a mother-in-law, and he has a stepsister and step-brother-in-law. Oh yeah, he disowned everybody." "Harry, traitor to his own family, hasn't even met his actual father-in-law, who has begged to see him, Meghan, and his grandchildren. This is truly appalling.", another one commented. 



Yet, amidst the backlash, there were voices of support for Harry, interpreting his remark as a light-hearted jest rather than a serious declaration. Admirers defended Harry's affectionate gesture towards the Nigerian community, praising the couple's genuine warmth and gratitude during their visit. They celebrated the inclusivity of Harry and Meghan's approach, viewing it as a genuine affection for Nigeria and its people.



One Person added, "OMG. This is like a wedding. So sweet, so endearing, so genuine. A very happy and grateful couple. Archie and Lili will see this one day. They will know they are children of Nigeria too, and feel so happy to be part of this amazing family."



"Harry again being treated better than his own father & brother treat him, who announced to the UK media they would snub him, won't see him, too busy, can't stay in any of our many castles/palaces. The Nigerians have embraced H&M like family.", One more commented. 

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