[Game lore] Metal men - Upcoming first person shooter by greenlaser

[Game lore] Metal men

I swear i saw a group of metal men walking yesterday. Taller than average humans. Were they humans inside a "power armor" or robots? I didnt care, i just ran when i saw them. Thats why i didnt write yesterday, i had to keep a look out for them. I was just around the corner of the wall too near the forest i spent all day getting out of a couple of days ago but i ran east, now i feel like im back where i started when i got out of that damn forest. Dont tell me i have to go back in to get past the wall to get to the west.

I think im gonna camp out near the edge of the forest, at the same shed i hid at before. Feels like home again here. Tomorrow after the sun rises i will go a bit into the forest but not too deep. Just enough to stay out of sight of the metal men with their fancy guns with god knows what kind of ammunition. Sure as hell didnt look like anything ive ever seen. Could as well be one of those sci fi guns i saw in the main gate up north, but for whatever reason the metal men are here instead of at the gate where i think they could have been more useful. Are they protecting the few mutants that would run across the wall south to get past it? Or are they protecting strange guys like me from getting to the west where some form of nature and civilization still strives?

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