Glad to see fireworks get the green light | News, Sports, Jobs - The Alpena News

Glad to see fireworks get the green light

The Alpena Municipal Council has given the final stamp of approval to a planned fireworks show that will wrap up this year’s 150th anniversary of the Alpena County Fair.

We’re glad to see the show get the green light.

The county owns the Alpena County Fairgrounds, and the Alpena County Board of Commissioners earlier signed off on the plan. The Municipal Council had to have a say because the fairgrounds are located in the city.

The city council put some caveats on its OK: The Alpena County Fair Board must provide proof the city is involved with the insurance for the event, that the Fair Board taps the Alpena Police Department for traffic control, and that the Fair Board has a cleanup plan for after the event, News staff writer Steve Schulwitz reported recently.

A sesquicentennial is a really big deal. It’s hard to keep anything going from one year to the next, let alone keeping it going — and going strong, the fair just as entertaining as ever — for a century and a half.

That milestone is something the entire community — Alpena County and beyond — ought to celebrate. The county fair provides numerous benefits, from acting as a tourist draw helping to drive Alpena’s economy to providing a great week full of fun for local residents to providing an avenue for our youth to shine through 4-H and other events.

And fireworks are a great way to celebrate.

We’re thankful to the Fair Board for formulating the plan and to the county Board of Commissioners and the city Municipal Council for signing off.

We can’t wait to have a blast at the fair this summer.


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